Steven Andrews, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 7 of 7

Diamond Ring Recovered!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Mary had put her rings in her pants pocket for safe keeping but when she got home it was missing. She searched her bag and around the house but thought it might have feel out when she took her pants off to go swimming. She was right!!

Gold and Diamond Bracelet Returned!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

I got a call from another metal detectorist that had searched for 4 hours trying to find a lost gold and diamond bracelet. I went out and got in the water and immediately got a hit. I dove down with my weight belt and pinpointer so I could hold the bottom and on my last bit of air I had it in my hand!



Watch Returned!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

I dug this watch out of the surfline and it did not come on. (operator error) When I got home I tried again and it came on and I was able to see a text that was made just seconds before the battery went dead. I texted the number and they knew who the watch belonged to. The rest is history!

It took a while but Finally!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Recover 5/1/2021 – I got a call about a lost diamond ring and after getting all the info I proceeded to the address. It ha actually been lost for 3 weeks which sometimes can be of concern. (someone found it, thrown by lawnmower, etc). Making matters worse it had the potential to be in some really tall prickly vines and grass. After 2 hours of searching I found it. So happy to see the ring back on this girls hand!

This was a hard one!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Recovery 4/5/2021 – I was approached at the beach about a lost earring back. These are super hard to find because they do not give off much of a signal. This one did take a little time but it was all worth it in the end.

He waited for a detectorist!

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

Recovery 4/5/2021 – While detecting on the beach I was approached to help find a lost wedding band. The wife and family had given up all hope but the husband stayed in the location hoping a metal detectorist would come by. It was an easy find since he stayed at the location. Love this hobby!

Class ring lost for over 40 years returned to family

  • from Virginia Beach (Virginia, United States)

I was called by a member of the family that knew a couple gold rings had been lost over a span of 50 years. The house had been sold and the family wanted to try and locate the rings before the house closed. They contacted and 2 of us went out to try and find the rings. The landscape did not look promising with decks and pavers being added in a large area of the backyard. On about my fourth hit I struck paydirt. Out of the ground pops a 1970 class ring! I was glad to be able to return it to the family. You can see the recovery here