metal detector huntington beach Tag | Page 8 of 13 | The Ring Finders

Small Gold Heart Pendant Lost at Huntington State Beach .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)






















I was at Huntington State Beach doing a grid search for a ring that was possibly lost in a massive area, when Lauren and her twin sister, Lexis asked me if I could help them find a small gold heart pendant that was lost in the sand. 

It was beginning to get dark . I took a little break from my other search to give them a half hour and see the location with Lauren’s explanation of how the small pendant was lost. It seems the neckless had become unlatched while the Lauren was playing a game in the sand with her friends. Her twin sister had a matching pendant that were family heirlooms passed down from her mother and grandmother, irreplaceable and very sentimental. We were able to test my detector settings using the matching pendant and even though it was small my detector could get a signal.

I could not find the pendant that evening in a 50’x 50’ area but I knew I would be coming back the next day, so I took a phone number of their father. They thanked me for trying and I think they didn’t believe that I would return the next day.

The next day with nice sunny weather, I used my metal detector set up with a high frequency coil. The area was relatively free of metal trash which made it easy to listen for tones of small metallic targets. After about a half hour I was able to find Lauren’s small gold heart pendant. (Total weight of the pendant was .63 grams)

I sent a photo of the pendant to Jeremy, Lauren’s father and we met the next afternoon so I could personally return the pendant. He took time to thank me, telling me how much these family heirlooms meant to his twin daughters. That is why I love doing this. 

Lost Silver Wedding Ring in Sand at Newport Beach .. Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












I was on the beach detecting about 4 miles away from Newport Beach when Mary called asking if I was available to help her husband to find his wedding band lost in the sand. She texted me the location and I met the family on a crowded portion of the beach a half hour later.

Mary’s husband Dee had been waving his hands in the air when he felt the Silver wedding band fly off his finger. All their attempts to find the ring by dragging their fingers through the sand became frustrating. Then someone on the beach told them about TheRingFinders website. 

They had contacted me in a timely manner and were able to stay in the location till I arrived. These are the kind of searches that I like and can tell them, I will find your ring.

It was a quick find. Most detectors could have found it. The problem would have been that the wrong person found the ring and had no way to find the owner. It was a pleasure to help Mary and Dee. Their visit to the beach was not upset by the loss of a sentimental keepsake.

Lost Ring Next To Highway .. Laguna Hills, CA .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




















I reeived a call Sunday afternoon from Melissa she had a unusual situation where a family heirloom ring may have been lost on the side of a toll road. She generally explained to me that her husband’s brother had lost a gold ring that had belonged to his deceased father. It had happened a couple weeks ago, possibly on the side of the Orange County 73 toll road. Her question was, would I be willing to try searching the area?

We agreed to meet Monday with her brother in law, Josh. He took,a few minutes to tell me the what happen the evening of the loss before we drove onto the toll road. Two weeks before he had pulled to the side of the highway where he suffered a seizure. He was able to get out of his car, confused and disorientated, Josh remembered walking alongside the guard rail a couple blocks toward the next exit. He said, he had fallen a couple times. The next thing he remembered was was struggling with ambulance attendants as he had another attack. Later at the hospital is where Josh realized the ring was missing.

It is always a long shot when a person doesn’t feel the ring come off and so many possibilities of where the could have come off. I agreed to give it a try, at least to eliminate the area. I wasn’t quite sure how to legally proceed with the search. Pedestrians are not permitted on this particular toll road. When they searched the area they had called the highway patrol to get permission to search. The highway patrol sent a patrol car to ok the search location. 

It was too cold and windy Monday and I needed at least two hours to cover the large area. Tuesday after traffic slowed down I was able to park safely off the side of the road. 

Walking up to where Josh had parked his car, I started my grid search on the safe side of the guard rail. It was a 3 foot wide dirt path with marble size rocks. One side had asphalt and the other side was thick brush. I wanted to eliminate this 100 yards first but in my mind the best possibility would be where the struggle with the abundance personnel happened.

There was a lot of tin foil and pieces of aluminum trash, but 50 yards from the start of my search I got a pull tab or gold signal. Looking down I spotted the unique gold ring lying in the hard packed dirt amongst the rocks.

It was amazing, considering all the places that it could have been lost. I was also concerned that the highway patrol would not give a second permission to search because of liability laws.

I was able to send a photo of the ring to Melissa, who was totally responsible for making this happen. She talked me into giving a try, saying it was their last chance. Two hours later I met Melissa’s husband, Justin to return the ring.

He told me how his dad had worn this ring for as long as he could remember and that it meant so much to the whole family.

This was not an easy search but worth every minute of preparation and I’m so glad I didn’t refuse to try something that seemed impossible. I can’t get tired of seeing miracles.

Lost Diamond Wedding Rings .. Santa Monica Beach .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Michelle was visiting from Boston. Saturday she went to Santa Monica Beach near the pier with her mother and sister to take advantage of our weather. After most the afternoon on the beach they went up to the pier for dinner and a few drinks. That was when Michelle realized her two ring wedding set was missing. The last time she saw them was when she set them on the edge of her towel to apply sunscreen.

They walked a couple blocks back to the spot just before sunset but after 2 hours could not find the two white gold diamond rings. 

By the time they got online to locate me, it was after 10pm. Michelle said they would stay to meet me at 11pm. We met on the beach in an area between the first two lifeguard towers south of the pier. The next day was Sunday and there would be other people with detectors on that beach. 

It was dark, cold, and they were tired. Also a few extra adult beverages while waiting may have contributed to the confusion getting me in the exact location. I assured them that I could search the whole area but it would take a couple hours. It had been a long day for them so they decided to go back to their hotel. Basically they had given up hope that the rings could be found.

Later while working a methodical grid search, two other guys with metal detectors were working the same location at midnight. They were wondering through the general area and didn’t know what I knew, but I still worried that they might find the rings first and claim them as a treasure. Soon they wandered off down the beach. Shortly after 12:30am the magic moment came, when I scooped up a metallic signal that turned out to be Michelle’s beautiful diamond engagement ring. Three feet away was her diamond wedding ring. 

I texted a photo of the rings to her and immediately she returned a call with excitement in her voice that is hard to explain. I met with her the next morning to return the rings. Part of doing this, is being able to hand the ring back to the rightful owner and seeing how grateful they are to have something so very sentimental to them back after thinking it was lost forever. 

Ring Lost Off Fourth Floor Balcony .. West Los Angeles, CA. .. Found After Four Months

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Georgina lives West Los Angeles. Her apartment is on the fourth floor. Four months ago she walked out on her balcony where she picked up a small hand full of leaves. She tossed the leaves off the balcony and her very special Cartier gold ring came off her finger at that same moment. She could hear the ring hit some cement or the rod iron fence separating the neighbors property. Her fear was that the ring may have gone over the fence.

After arriving Georgina told me she had another person with a metal detector search for the ring with no success. It was only about 15 or 20 feet from the balcony to the neighbor’s property. The landscaping below her apartment had two levels of plants. The top level was only 3 feet wide and was covered with leaves. The lower level was 6 feet wide with thick 3 foot high plants. I had two detectors with small coils but it was impossible to use them in the lower planter.

I had to bring out the hand held pinpointer to probe into the thick vegetation. Meantime I could see Georgina was starting to lose confidence that the ring could be found with such a small detector. She could hear the pinpointer sound every time it located a piece of metallic trash. After about 20 minutes of checking every metal signal. I reached down, with plants over my head, to remove what I thought was a piece of tinfoil.  It turned out to be Georgina’s very special ring. It had been waiting there to be found for more than four months.

Georgina was so happy that her ring had been found that she could barely speak. This ring was a gift from her husband many years ago, when she had received a promotion at her job. We went back into the lobby of the apartments where I received hugs from several of the workers and I was able to visit and tell ring recovery stories. Every search is a challenge and an adventure. This is all possible because of all the new technology, especially the internet and

Lost Engagement Ring in Grass .. San Pedro, CA. ..Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Jaime had been throwing a ball to her dog in the backyard when her Rose Gold engagement ring and off her finger. The backyard had not been maintained well. The grass was deeper than six inches in places. There was also pieces of cinder blocks and a stack of old wood fencing.

Jaime and Mathew had spent the whole day searching through an area approximately 12’x 25’. Totally frustrated Jamie went to the internet, finding my contact information on We talked on the phone and Jaime thought we could set up an appointment for the next day. I convinced her that we had enough time to search before dark as it seemed like a small search area.

It’s always a mystery as to what type of challenges await me, until I get to the location. I don’t like to discriminate trash signals while doing my first grid search. If there is bothersome trash, I will adjust my detector settings to give me nonferrous metal ID readings only. After over an hour in this small area, littered with small pieces of ferrous metallic trash, I had to get out a second detector (Minelab CTX 3030). This was my fourth grid over the same area. I was running out options.Then, a depth reading of 3”, a great low tone signal with the numbers that match gold. The beautiful rose gold ring was hiding in the grass right next to a stack of wood.

Jaime and Mathew were ecstatic and amazed that the ring was found. We were all starting to give up, but one thing I do know “ I always find it in the last place I look” Not funny but true.

I love having the experience, equipment and time to help people like Jaime and Mathew.

Diamond Engagement Ring Lost in West Hollywood, CA. … Found next Day.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


















Ted called me, telling me that his wife, Shima had lost her diamond engagement ring either in the house or outside where she had walked yesterday afternoon.

I asked if I could talk to her to get her description of when she had last seen it and if she had done anything that might have caused the ring to fall off her finger. She had been in the house most of the time doing a few household chores. The walk they took that afternoon was only two blocks then they spent an hour at the neighborhood cocktail lounge. Both Shima and her husband,Ted had searched the outside area that night and the first thing in the morning.

It sounded like there was a possibility that we might have a few places that I could search the grass curb strip and decorated rock landscape ground cover along the sidewalk. After that we could look the house over to see if the ring was hiding inside the house. The main thing was to eliminate the outside areas first, so they could concentrate searching the inside of the house.

Shima and Ted walked with me as I swung my metal detector over possible places the ring could be hiding along the walkway. Nearing the end, I could see Shima start to give up hope. While walking back to the house I double checked the search area. A couple of the people walking along the sidewalk asked us what we were looking for. Then I saw Shima showing one of the gardeners a photo of her ring to one of the workers. She broke out in a joyful smile and yelled, “ They Found it”.

Freddy the guy working on the irrigation system had found the ring earlier that morning lying on the edge of the street near the gutter. He had put it in their truck thinking it was probably a fake ring.

This has happen several other times, where someone sees me detecting and has been honest enough to ask and return the lost item. Swinging a metal detector does create attention and this time it helped to find the person who found the ring. You never know, how it works? One reason I like to say, “I Will Try Anywhere”

Lost Ring in a Grassy Park .. Whittier, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Casey had been watching several children at Sorensen Park in Whittier, CA. While sitting on the lawn she took her white gold promise ring putting it on her backpack so she could apply sunscreen. She got distracted when one of the children she was supervising started to wander off. The ring fell off the backpack into to deep grass.

She didn’t realize the ring was missing for about an hour. Her attempts to locate her most special sentimental ring were unsuccessful.

Returning home that evening she told David, her fiancé. He was able to direct her to TheRingFinders website.

Somewhere about 10am she called me telling me she could meet me at the park around noon. It’s not always easy to have people meet you a the location. Timing is important when items are lost in a public place.

Casey was able to get me within a 50ft. square area. I began my grid search and within a half hour I got a nice low tone in my headphones. Kneeling down with my pinpointer I received a surface signal. The ring was not visible until I pushed away some of the clover grass.

She was several feet away pacing back and forth hoping to spot the ring herself, which does happen on these type of searches. Sometimes it’s just a matter of the position of the sun that helps to see a lost ring.

When, I called her over to look at something she had no idea that I had found the ring. It was special for me to see the look on her face when she saw the ring that she felt was lost forever.

This call was referred to me my another member of TheRingFinders, we always try to work with each other to handle these calls in the best possible way. Finding and Returning sentimental keepsakes is our priority.

Lost Wedding Ring in Sand at Laguna Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)















Shaun lost his platinum wedding ring in the sand at Laguna Beach, CA. He had been on the dry sand when he brushed some sand off and his ring went flying into the sand. After 3 hours of trying to find it he gave up. Returning home he found my contact information online. Shaun called me at 7pm asking me if I could help him the next morning. I told him it was not wise to wait. He agreed to meet me a half hour later and before 8pm I was able to locate his platinum wedding band.

It wasn’t an easy search, because there was several deep metal signals that interfered with my search. We were lucky to pull out the platinum ring signal which read 12-04 on my CTX detector.

Shaun and his wife Elaine were totally surprised and grateful to have their ring back where it belongs. Everybody slept well that night. We were all back home by 9 pm.


Wedding Ring Lost in Sand at a Local City Park

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Nick called me early in the morning, asking my help finding his wedding band that he lost the last night. He was doing his daily workout after work. After he finishes his two mile run, he stops by a local park that has some workout bars that he uses to do some upper arm exercises.

While working out on the bars his wedding band slipped off his finger into deep sand. Nick went back to his house to get tools to sift trough the sand with no success finding his ring.

The next day Nick found my contact information on
He would be working till late that night, making it impossible to meet me at the site of the loss.

No problem for me as it was a neighborhood tot lot that would be find if he texted me the address. These public parks get hit hard by other people with metal detectors, especially sandy tot lot play areas.

I went to the park but could not locate the area Nick had described. I could not contact him but he did call me to check on my progress and he had sent me the wrong directions. A half hour later I was at the right park and within a few minutes I found Nick’s wedding ring.
I called him setting up a place we could meet to personally give him his wedding band back after he got off work. He was definitely grateful, thanking me several times.

Its always nice to return the ring directly to the owner, I know I’ll never get tired of doing this.