How To Find A Gold Wedding Ring in Priest Lake.
The newlyweds Ryan and Sarah were enjoying a perfect summers day at the lake. After taking a few gorgeous photographs, Ryan took a dip in the cold water of Priest lake. Taking a brief swim Ryan exited the water missing his newly received gold wedding ring. With shock and disbelief Ryan got back in the water for another swim to try and recover his ring. Borrowing a set of goggles from a nearby boater and wadding around in the four feet of water, Ryan didn’t find his ring. Let’s just say the boat ride back was quiet. After arriving to his camping trailer and sharing his news with fellow campers his mother said find a man with a metal detector. Promptly Ryan did what he was told. After reading Ryan’s text we spoke on the phone and made plans for the next morning. I headed to Priest lake early in the morning. After meeting Ryan and his wife we set sail on a pontoon boat. I jumped in the 60 degree water and was directed to the drop zone by Ryan and the other sailors on board. I was using my Equinox 800 and a guide line to keep a true search heading. In the first 30ft circle I made, I found a bullet and a crude weight. Expanding that search zone and focusing in on the northern part of my circle I made half moon shape paths. At the conclusion of that search I was very cold but not wanting to quit. So I reeled in my guide line and asked for advice on one more zone to search. I backed up away from my weight, guide line in hand and asked the crew members to tell me when to stop. They all agreed and Ryan said stop . I headed to the south for my first pass and as I made three steps I saw a perfect round object sitting in the sand. I gave the boat a huge smile and dove down to retrieve Ryan’s wedding ring. With pictures and champagne the boat crew and I celebrated . Within one week of getting his ring, Ryan had thought he had lost it forever. Within a day, he got it back. The thought of his ring being gone forever, erased by another ring finders smile.

The newly weds showing off their rings