The Ring Finders Blog | Page 966 of 974

Lost… Diamond Engagement Ring & Wedding Band/White Rock

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Today I had a search for a lady who lost both of her wedding rings at White Rock Beach. After talking with Ali on the phone I knew the chances of finding her rings were slim due to the fact that it was likely lost on the short grass where she and her family were sitting, making the rings easy to spot.
She had taken them off to put suntan lotion on her kids and put them on the towel she was sitting on, after a while it was time to go and she got up and her son picked up the towel and they left for home.

After around a half hour she realized what had happen and raced back to where they had been sitting to look for her rings…No luck, they were no where to be found. Franticly searching for her rings strangers stopped and helped her look but no one found them.

When I arrived the next day and met Ali and her sister they showed me the spot, I searched the grass and then the small bush area but no luck.

I brought a towel and a couple of rings of no value but ones I would use to do a test with and placed the rings on the towel and asked Ali to pick up the towel like her son would have done. This showed us that the rings didn’t travel far at all and ended up on the grass close to the towel. This would have been very easy for someone to spot.

I believe there are good people in this world still and the person who found the rings is looking for the owner… If you found the rings here is Ali’s contact number… 604-870-8825

I hope your rings find you Ali.

Metal Detecting…Trout Lake/ Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

When I’m off work I enjoy searching some lakes around my home town to kill some time.

I search during the night so not to disturb sun tanners during the day. Also Its been sooooo hot here its hard to sleep, so a night hunt is refreshing!

Found these two silver rings today at Trout Lake in Vancouver, if any of the two belong to you please contact me and I’ll be happy to return it to you!

You must know the inscription on the inside of the rings to claim it…

I love my job!

Lost something? Call ASAP! 778-838-Find(3463)

Metal Detecting for a lost gold wedding band on Crescent Beach/South Surrey

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call while I was at work, this young man told me the story about how his wife’s wedding band fell off her finger and into the ocean where they were standing. He said that they searched for 3 hours in knee deep water but had no luck in finding the ring.

The night before I was out searching for a young man’s wedding band at 12 AM and I was a little tired as I just switched to nights for work that day.

I listened to his story and I needed to check the tide chart on my Iphone to see when the next low tide was so I told him I’d call him back.

The next low tide was at 7:59 AM…I would be working to 4:30 AM that morning so I had to decide if I could make it out there…I figured I could drive out there after work and get a few hours of sleep then meet him and find his wife’s wedding band and get a few more hours sleep to wait out the morning rush hour, then go home and get a few more hours of sleep then go to work.

I called him back and we were to meet at 7AM that morning for the search. I drove out to the Crescent Beach area and slept in my car for a bit then at 7AM I met Mohumad.

Mohumad explained what happened that day and that he was sure of the area the ring was lost in, which helps a lot when your searching for something so small. He drove and I followed him to the beach, when we got there the tide was out and Mohumad showed me where he thought the ring would be.

He walked to the top of the beach where there was a big patch of seaweed and walked out towards the water and stopped and said this is the area here!

I started my search and within 20 seconds or so I found the ring! It helps so much when a person doesn’t panic and makes a mental note of the area the ring was lost in because it gives me a great chance to find the ring the next day. I had a similar search at a beach years back and it took me close to 3 hours to locate the lost ring.This was because the person didn’t make a note of the area but just pointed and said out there some where…Thanks Mohumad, it was great meeting you and I’m glad your wife has her ring back!

I love my job!

Lost something? Call ASAP…778-838-Find(3463)

Please watch the video below…

Metal detecting for a lost gold wedding band at Crescent Beach/South Surrey

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Metal Detecting for…Midnight Gold/Spanish Banks/Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I’m at work and I get a call from a young man at around 7 pm who was looking to rent a metal detector to find his wedding band at the beach.

We talked for a while and I told him that I didn’t rent out my detectors but I could give him a number to call. That being said if he waited till the next day there could be a chance that the beach machine that cleans the beach could scoop it up and it would be gone forever…

I explained to him that I was working and that I couldn’t get out there to find the ring until around midnight, I told him I’d be happy to come out and find it for him.

The first question was how much do you charge? I don’t charge I replied, I work on a reward bases… only if found… ”I just can’t put a price on someone’s jewellery that has an emotional and sentimental value”

He agreed to meet at the beach at midnight and he gave me the location, after work I headed home to grab my detectors and off to the beach I went.

It was a little before midnight and I met Andrew who was holding a flashlight by the volleyball court where he lost his ring, for a few minutes we discussed the possibilities of where the ring could of come off. He showed me an area he marked off and told me there was close to 20 people helping him search for the ring for over a half hour, but no luck.

I started my grid search of the area and after searching the side of the court that he thought it was in and after 10 minutes I had no ring… I told him its a game of inches and not to worry. I started my second part of my grid search and within 5 minutes a total of 15 I had my first solid signal, I told him that this looks good, I took out a scoop of sand and put my light in the scoop…There was his white gold wedding band!

I got a big smile and I could tell he was very happy, I was thrilled to find it for him…It made my day!…Or night…Midnight Gold!

I love my job!

Lost something? Call ASAP…778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the video below…Midnight Gold

Metal Detecting for…Midnight Gold…Spanish Banks, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Metal Detecting 3rd Beach in Vancouver in 4 feet of water for a lost wedding band…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I receive a call at around 3pm on Saturday in regards to a lost gold wedding band at 3rd beach in Vancouver. The man tells me that he was at the beach swimming at low tide in about 4 feet of water when he felt the ring come off his finger.

The great thing is he made a mental note of the area using the lifeguard chair on the beach and trees in front of him in the far distance. This is amazing because it gives me a good chance to get close to the area the ring was lost in and this is very important because if you ever look at the ocean and say…Hey I lost my ring some where out there, can you find it? It’s like looking for a needle in haystack!

I had no chance that day to search as the tide was coming in and by the time I got there it would have been to deep. I checked the tide schedule and it was a higher low tide the next day by 1 foot and even high the next few days… We met on the Sunday at low tide and he showed me the area he thought it would be in…The ocean wasn’t that warm!

I started my grid search which is very difficult in the water and close to 30 minutes and cold body we went to the shoreline to talk about the location.

He asked me if the ring would have moved very much in the past 24 hours and I said not much at all as the gold ring is heavy and like all gold it works its way down into the sand. I took my ring off and dropped it at the shoreline and we watched as the waves never moved the ring, it slowly became covered by sand and disappeared.

I knew we had to find the ring today because if we didn’t the tide would have been to deep for the next week or so to search for it.

He walked back out to chest deep water and looked around and lined himself up with the lifeguard chair and said to me “it has to be around here” I walked up towards him swinging my loop under water and when I got to him I turned to the right about one yard and got a great signal! I knew it was his ring, I scooped up the sand and without looking I held the scoop up to him and his smile said it all!

Note to anyone who ever looses a ring in the water…If its chest deep of water…#1 Line yourself up with something on the beach…Log, big rock, exct. #2 slowly walk towards the log and count your steps or yards. When I get there we count the steps and this gives me a fantastic chance to get into the specific area that I need to find your ring!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video…2nd one down

The Ring of Love! Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I just finished my search at 3rd beach where I found a wedding band for a gentleman and my phone rings. It’s a British fellow who lost his ring at Spanish Banks Beach. We talked for a minute and I headed out there to help him find his ring.
We met at the beach and he shows me the area he thought the ring was lost then tells me that he and his girlfriend got each other rings and put them on each others fingers as a promise to get married when they get back home to Europe.

I can tell how much the ring meant to him and how much he loved his girlfriend. I started my search around the volleyball court and I found 2 toonies and a few pull tabs. I ask the people playing volleyball if I could search the one area that Graham was playing in the day before, and they said sure…(Thanks for that!)

I waited till the game was over and began my search. Nothing! I asked Graham if he was sure that the court was in the exact position as the day before and he said it was, just then one of the players told us that the court was moved to the left by almost half the width.

This was great news because it gave us hope that we could still find the ring…minutes later it was found! The excitement on your face truly made me believe that this was the Ring of Love!

I’m so happy I could help you out and I wish your lady a lifetime of happiness!

I love my job!

Lost something and need it Found? Call me ASAP 778-838-Find(3463)

Watch the YouTube video below…

Metal detecting Spanish Banks Beach in Vancouver for the ring of Love!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Metal detecting 3rd Beach in four feet of water for a lost gold wedding band

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)