Received a call form an officer yesterday who had used the Ringfinders in the past to find a ring in Michigan for a relative. He quickly explained that I was not in any trouble. (That’s a relief). He explained that they could use some help in locating some bullet casings for a suspected shooting in a local park. He asked me if this something a ringfinder could do. I said ABSOLUTELY!! He asked me how much it would cost. I said that was up to them. I’m a big believer in helping the Police if they need me.
I met the officer and his partner at the park. They said if I found any casings they would put up some tape to protect the area. I believe they were just following up on some complaint and were unsure if there was any shooting.
I brought extra metal detectors and they brought a detector form the police station. Neither officers knew how to use their machine, so I gave them some tips. They brought a bag of bullet casings. They had casings from a 22 all the way up to a 45, since we didn’t know what we were looking for. So we tested the machines on all of the bullet casings to get a range of what we were looking for.
I was using my XP Deus. I notched out the numbers that were not in the range of the casings. Since it was a surface find, I turned down my audio to 1 so that I could tell by the sound if it was close to the surface. I new from the tests that 9mm would fall in the 60’s. I was hunting in 12 kHz.
Based on the witnesses, the officers estimated where the event happened. I found my first casing in 5 minutes.
Up came the tape! They taped a large area but I continued to hunt in the area of my first find. Total casings found 8. They were scattered along an area within 10 feet of the sidewalk. Apparently there was a gunfight.
It was my pleasure to help these officers.