Brian Rudolph, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 22 of 22

Lost Wedding Band and Engagement Ring in Owings Maryland Forest…Found

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Dominic’s Wife Abbey’s:

14 Karat White Gold Engagement Ring Encircled with Diamonds

14 Karat White Gold Wedding Band Encircled with Diamonds

(Both were soldered together to form one ring)


This next story that I’m about to share will definitely go down in “metal detecting search history” as one of the most entertaining and unusual search and recovery accounts ever told. I may not get another one like this, or at least for a very very long time. So this story brings so much pleasure to me to share this one with you!


The ironic thing about this amazing story is that 5 days earlier I was doing a search in Boyce, Virginia for a woman who lost two missing rings.  Unfortunately, neither one were recovered. We believe they were picked up by someone shortly after the rings fell to the ground. Without giving Dominic’s story away, I’ll just say this: While I was doing this search for the woman in Boyce, I actually asked God at the Virginia search site if He would help me find her rings in a particular area that I have always wanted to find a ring that had gone missing! I have made that same request to God several other times in the last few months while I have been on searches. Well, it didn’t happen in Boyce, but it sure did happen at Dominic’s and Abbey’s estate in Owings, Maryland! Never would I have believed that God would have given me the desires of my heart so quickly after I prayed these prayers! What a great God He is! And of course, most importantly, I was able to help Dominic recover his wife’s precious 14 karat white gold, diamond covered engagement ring and diamond covered wedding band (they were soldered together)!

I got a phone call from Dominic who contacted me from the The Ring Finders directory. I immediately asked him if a particular scenario had taken place before he shared what happened to the ring, and he did in fact confirm my suspicions. For the sake of privacy, I will just tell you what happened without going into too much detail about why the ring went missing. Regardless, the video tells all and Dominic felt comfortable enough sharing on social media this amazing search and recovery story!

Three days before I got his phone call, Dominic and his wife Abbey were in the backyard of their three and a half acre estate. One thing led to another and Dominic happened to launch his wife’s 14 karat white gold, diamond covered engagement ring and diamond covered wedding band (they were soldered together). We aren’t talking about a few trees! It’s a ridiculous forest back there! Dominic immediately went looking for the ring after it took off into the woods, but he couldn’t find it anywhere in the very dense forest which dips downward into a swampy, muddy creek area at the bottom of the hill. He ordered a metal detector on Amazon after the first day of looking, and even that proved to be another failed attempt.

His account on the phone was identical to his account when I reached his property later that night at around 9:45 p.m. (3 days after the ring was lost in the woods). He was absolutely convinced of what he remembered happening. He was between two sheds that were at the place where the tree line began. He even had sticks on the ground marking exactly where he was when he threw the ring. When it went flying, he specifically remembered it going right between two trees and then straight through the forest and presumably down the hill. The strength in which he exerted gave Dominic confidence that the ring could have absolutely hit the bottom of the hill into the swampy creek. As I shared above, he bought a metal detector on Amazon and searched for an additional 10 hours but to no avail! He was done. He had given up looking, detecting and using words that I cannot describe on social media! It was time that he called a professional; someone who could lend a hand to this strange “ring gone missing” mystery.

When Dominic called me, I told him that after the search was over, he needed to send his metal detector back to Amazon for a refund! The ring would have to be somewhere on his property even though he spent three days searching with no luck, because nobody would be trespassing on that private property area that Dominic and his wife Ashley owns. The ring was somewhere out there. It was just a matter of where and how much time it would take for me to find it!

As I shared, I got out to the property at around 9:45 p.m. and immediately started pulling my gear out of the car. I love night searches. In fact, it can be a great advantage to search for missing items in total darkness with the help, of course, of my headlight. I was hoping I would see a shiny brilliant diamond ring glistening through the leaves that were scattered everywhere in the forest! Dominic took me to the “scene of the crime” and he reviewed with me the story from beginning to end as to where the ring was before it was tossed and where he believed it ended up.

I did not mention to him at the time that I was thinking how strange it was that he searched for so many hours with the metal detector and he still couldn’t come up with the precious keepsake. Even with a bad detector, this was dense woods we were talking about here. Not some overly populated residential or commercial area. Any detector will pick up the metal signals and there should not have been so many that it would cause him frustration by looking at all the metal on the surface of the leaves or just below some of the leaves. And in fact that is what he said. There wasn’t too much metal as you go down the hill. There was quite a bit of scrap metal and small pieces of aluminum towards the top of the hill where the woods begin, because the previous owner threw scrap metal into the forest at the edge of the lawn.

The other side of the coin is, that metal detectorists like me are sent out because even with a little bit of metal out there, people are convinced to metal detect only in certain areas and not to look “outside of the box” in areas that you would never think to look at.

I started out into the woods with Dominic after he took me from the top of the hill all the way down to where the muddy creek was located. That’s where I started metal detecting in every area down at the bottom. I was wearing my very tall waterproof boots (they looked like fireman boots), and the mud was so thick that when I tried to pick my boot up out of the mire, my foot would come right up out of the boot! It was almost as bad as quicksand!

Dominic showed me where he even cut down trees at the bottom of the hill across from the creek area. This guy was totally determined to find that ring! But even with all his cutting down small trees and tall bushes, his efforts were still not enough to find what he was looking for!

My next focus was to metal detect all over the leaf covered hillside. There was metal here and there but nothing that came up as a precious piece of jewelry like his wife’s engagement ring / wedding band! I searched farther over to the left and farther over to the right and made my way up to the top where the tree line began and then headed back down to the left and right areas once more. My new found friend got out his metal detector that he bought from Amazon a few days before and started searching, as well. If we were in a different location, I would have encouraged the owner of the lost property to refrain from using their detector if it was a cheap device as most homeowners purchase to find lost property. But, in this case, it was an advantage for us to have more searchers because there was only so many pieces of metal out there in the woods. We were looking for a surface find which may have only gone below the surface of the leaf beds. And there were tons of leaves! So, it was quite possible that Dominic could find the missing ring if he looked in areas where he had not searched prior to this evening.

Without reviewing the video (which I have not done yet at the time that I am typing this account), I can only estimate that we spent around 1 hour and 45 minutes of search time and we still came up with nothing. I believe on the video I began to talk with Dominic (and even to myself) about the next strategy that I believed we needed to implement since we were coming up with nothing. I was confident that I had done an excellent search grid all over the property starting from where the tree line began, heading down to the bottom of the hill and working towards the left and right sides that were even out of the range of where Dominic recalled launching the ring.

It was at this point in the search that I told Dominic that we needed to start searching the trees! We came up with absolutely nothing on the ground and I was pretty convinced that unless he chucked the ring way off beyond a 45 degree angle to the left or to the right of the area that he claimed to have seen the ring fly, Ashley’s precious property had to have landed upwards and not on the ground. I started thinking to myself how cool it would be if my theory was correct. I began to dream about finding it on a branch or in a nest of leaves somewhere in a tree above, just as I had daydreamed about it the other day in Boyce, Virginia and in those previous searches many months prior, where I thought it would be so cool to actually find a ring in a tree!

The odds of finding a ring in a tree are almost impossible. But not so in this case. Dominic told me that he had placed his wife’s engagement ring on a cord where he tied it around his neck for safekeeping while Abbey went away for a short while. The ring was to hold thoughts of her dear to his heart while she was on her trip. In reviewing the video account, at the time of the search, I was given an initial impression that the engagement / wedding band got separated from the cord before it was launched. But that apparently was not the case. The ring remained on the cord the whole time. So, at this point, when I got more clarification, I started reacessing the “crime scene” and I was more skeptical that the ring could have landed so far from the launch site. I had always questioned whether or not the ring could have really landed so far from the top of the hill, but now I really wondered, knowing that the ring was still tied to the cord. Dominic was convinced of what he saw and justified his account based on what he remembered and he verified that he used extreme force in the actual moment of release. In addition to that, he also used a test ring on a cord to see how far the ring could possibly travel. Excellent strategy on Dominic’s part! So I kept with the search in the areas where he swore the ring had traveled until the time that I realized we needed to start searching upwards.

I could tell that he wasn’t too fond of my theory even though he himself did some cutting town of some small trees and long branches the other day. But I was so grateful that he agreed to get on board with my vision and he started to assist in any way possible. I first wanted to use our metal detectors and just reach as high as we could to see if the ring landed on branches that were close enough to us without us having to climb or cut limbs down. We exhausted all of those possibilities and then within minutes of completing our metal detecting search in the reachable tree branches,  he had come back from his garage with this amazing Silky brand tree cutter and pruner and he began to cut down small trees where I instructed him to do so. Some of these trees were towering maybe 20 feet or so in the air, though nothing was too tall or thick to attack at that point. Once the trees fell, I took my metal detector and swung the coil over all of the fresh branches and leaves to see if metal would be revealed. But unfortunately, nothing turned up.

At some point, we exhausted even that idea of cutting the small trees and branches to possibly expose the lost ring. But, I was still convinced that the ring was not on the ground, but that somehow the ring got lost in the trees. This would mean that Dominic’s recollection of seeing the ring fly straight through a set of trees and down the hill into the darkness was inaccurate. This is not uncommon. People swear by their stories but then they come to find out that they were completely wrong based on the actual reveal of the lost items. Because of their emotional state or sometimes what one may had been drinking or smoking, the mind can absolutely play tricks on you! In this case, drinking and smoking were not involved at the time of the disappearance.

Dominic decided to continue metal detecting down the hill and to go back to his theory that the ring had landed down in the leaves or in the swampy creek. I stayed up at the top of the hill right where the tree line began and I still felt it was important to look up and start scanning the branches and leaves hanging from the trees farther up in the air. Most of these trees were at a 45 degree angle or farther away from the place that Dominic launched the “missile”. Obviously, my search was completely off the course that Dominic swore by.

I was determined to find this ring no matter what it took, and at this point Dominic was fine with me staying out into the early hours of the morning if I had to keep searching. Finally, after many scans with my eyes focusing in the trees, slowly panning from the left to the right and then back to the left again, my eyes focused in on a brilliant little ball of light coming from around 15 feet in the air! As I began to look carefully at this reflective object, I noticed that it was swinging from a camouflage colored cord! I found it! I found the beautiful 14 karat white gold diamond engagement ring / wedding band which was covered with diamonds around the setting! I could not believe it! I was so beyond excited that it took everything in me to keep whispering into the GoPro and to not shout down to Dominic and share the amazing news! All I could do was stare up into the trees and smile back at what was wrapped around a branch or two with leaves everywhere around it! It looked like a snake that had wrapped itself around the branches and leaves! As I continued to be mesmerized by the shear beauty of the ring, it was almost as if it was smiling back at me, knowing that she was about to return to her proper love keeper!

Apparently, according to the location of the find, Dominic had not recalled correctly what had happened to the ring. This is very common as I shared above. When he fired it, his right hand, he released it with a motion that sent it on a 45-degree trajectory to his left and far up into a tree that caught the ring cord just as the tree line began! It did not even travel more than 15 feet into the woods! But it did go farther up and not farther down the hill!

I bet the video will not do justice to convey the stunning appearance and pure brilliance of the diamonds sparkling in every which way as my head light shined directly on the ring!

I wasted no time. I got my point-and-shoot camera out to take still photos and take some video with it, as well. I was not going to lose this opportunity to document such an incredible search and recovery which I may never get a chance to experience quite like this ever again! I was only disappointed that I couldn’t get the best pictures because of how high up the ring was and it kept getting blurry when I tried to focus in on it due to using all artificial lighting from my headlight and camera flash.

Once I finished, it was time to share the great news with Dominic who was getting extremely tired and was about to hang it up for the night.

As soon as Dominic got to the top of the hill, I brought him back to the very place where we began talking about the ring launch where he placed the sticks to mark where he threw the ring. I asked him to recount how he threw the ring and where he saw it go between the trees.

Then, I surprised him with my next statement by telling him, “That’s not what happened at all”. He responded with this extremely perplexed look on his face trying to process why I would make such a statement. And then I revealed the news that I had found the ring! Dominic was so shocked and so happy all at the same time! I have to tell you that I was so full of elation at that very moment of giving him the rundown as to where the ring ended up! I was given such a gift to come out and actually retrieve a ring in a tree! I don’t care what the reader thinks regarding the existence of God, because I knew He existed prior to this scenario and I was absolutely convinced that I was given the desire of my heart to be involved with such a search where I would discover a ring in a tree, just as I had asked God to give me such a search just several days before this one, and again, over the past many months prior! What are the odds of that?! At one in the morning, I called Chris Turner, the founder and CEO of The Ring finders in British Columbia, Canada, and he said that he had never experienced something like this in a search in the many decades that he has been doing this. Although, he said he did find a ring stuck in a tall hedge tree (the ones that grow really tall that provide privacy between homes). 


Dominic could not believe it! He was dumbfounded and yet so relieved all at the same time! He was kind enough to give me some more time in taking some additional  pictures and video. While he kept his Maglite shining up there in the trees, I shined my headlamp on the ring, as well, to get the best images I could with the limitations of artificial light shining on such a brilliance and sparkling piece of beauty!

Dominic eventually did the honors of cutting the branch down, which the ring cord had tied itself around for the past couple of days! He did the procedure with his extremely tall tree cutter that he used earlier in the evening. The ring was now safely back into the hands of the one who had picked out that gorgeous prize many years ago and who presented it to his beloved bride-to-be over years ago!

I won’t forget how excited the two of us were out there at the foot of the woods just high-fiving each other and hugging knowing that we found the mysterious lost ring! This had explained why all of his metal detecting and all of my time searching ended up with no results! Dominic even said that he would have never looked where I ended up spotting it. My thoughts are that he probably would have seen it one day, but no one will ever know just how much time would have gone by if he wasn’t totally focused and looking up at that very spot in the tree and not tuned in towards the common areas to search on the ground.

The two of us gathered up our gear around midnight and headed back to his garage with the biggest smiles on our faces and on our hearts! This could not have been a more successful and more exciting conclusion to my search that night! After I took some additional  photos under Dominic’s carport, the two of us shook hands, gave a gentleman’s hug and wished each other well as I got into my vehicle and headed back home (about an hour and fifteen minutes away) traveling into the night.

What a fantastic recovery! I know I will never forget this night ever! I think I thanked  Dominic just as much as he thanked me because I got such a thrill out of this search-and-recovery! Like I said before, I don’t care what any of you think, I really believe that God truly gave me the desire of my heart with being a part of this kind of search because I only started doing searches for people starting last year and I just started daydreaming about being a part of such a story just in the last few months leading right up to several days ago! This is something that could have never happened or if it would happen, who knows how many years or decades might have gone by before witnessing this kind of search! But no, When the Bible says,

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you, as well.” – Matthew 6:33

I really believe God did give me a gift to be a part of finding Abbey’s gorgeous ring and to forever hold a story that will be cherished for many years to come, all because I have been seeking Him first in my life! I consider this a little “extra love gift” from above! It has no Heavenly value, but just a little expression from Him that says, ‘You wanted it, ok, here, have fun with it, and know I am in your life even in the smaller, less important things of life.”


Thanks Dominic for contacting me to help you on your search for the missing ring! Also, I personally want to thank Chris Turner for creating such an amazing directory –  The Ring Finders, in order for people to connect with metal detectorists around the world to experience such stories as I have just shared with you all!















Lost 2 Carat Diamond Platinum Engagement Ring In Snow…Found In Centreville, VA

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)
Bridget beaming now that her diamond and setting was recovered from the snow!

Bridget Beyond Excited to Get Her Ring Back!

Bridget’s 2 Carat Diamond Platinum Engagement Ring


On the morning of the 30th of January, I received a phone call from a woman who was extremely stressed out about her beautiful 2 carat diamond platinum engagement ring that went missing the day before somewhere between home and work.

Miracle in Centreville!

Diamond and Setting Separated in Snowstorm but Ring Finder Brian Rudolph Miraculously Found the “Ice” in the “Ice”!

​Bridget and her husband reside in Centreville, Virginia which is located 30 minutes from Washington D.C.. The night before, they frantically searched for the missing ring at their home and when they couldn’t find it anywhere inside and outside of the house, they resolved to go to Bridget’s work to search throughout her office, in the waste paper baskets, in and around the company kitchen area, and outside in the parking lot where her car was parked that afternoon. They tried everything, but they couldn’t find the ring anywhere. That’s when they finally resolved to look online for a professional metal detectorist and they found me in a directory of metal detectorists known as The Ring Finders. We can find what most people just cannot recover.

​I was so happy to talk with Bridget and to try to help her find her abs

Centreville VA ring found below surface in the snow

Ring Finally Brought Above the Snow!

olutely gorgeous diamond ring that meant the world to her. The first thing I did was to spend a whole lot of time on the phone talking with her about all of the different possibilities of where the ring may have ended up.

Centreville, VA ring lost in snow but found by Brian Rudolph!

Brian and Bridget Celebrate the Gorgeous Engagement Ring Found!

​She was extremely detailed about each scenario and it really helped me to paint an accurate picture as to all of the main areas that we needed to search first. The ring could have been lost outside of her home from the car area over to the house or it could have been lost inside of her work or outside in the parking lot. But she really believed that she was wearing it while driving home the day before because she felt that she would have recognized the ring missing on her hand as she was holding on to the steering wheel. A very important clue!

Centreville, VA ring found in snow. 2 carat diamond found without metal detecting!

Bridget’s Lost 2 Carat Diamond Engagement Ring Back In Her Hands!

I arrived in Centreville, Virginia in the early afternoon and met Bridget outside of her home. She was trying to stay positive in the midst of many doubts within her that she might never see her engagement ring ever again. It’s because she and her husband Jim checked everywhere and nothing turned up. I reassured her that there was no compromise here and that it was not a matter of “if” we would find the ring, but “when”we would find it.  She felt reassured about it and I told her that I would try my very best to find the ring and return it to her.

 I got my gear on and started the hunt. I purposely started away from the house where people might get curious as to what I was searching for. Most people were still at work and so searching in the open areas first would allow me to get the exposed areas eliminated before people got back to the neighborhood. I didn’t want to alert any of the neighbors that something important was lost, just in case they might want to search themselves. There was a high probability that the ring was lost near the steps of the house, perhaps buried in the bushes. You see, she remembers reaching for her phone from within her jacket pocket when she was outside shoveling the steps leading to her house door. It was possible that the ring had fallen off at that point and then maybe she shoveled the ring along with the snow, off into the bushes.

I did check the bushes but to no avail. I also checked Bridget’s car with her approval because there are times when the item is lost somewhere in a vehicle even after the owner looks over and over again. It was definitely not in the Audi. I checked the parking lot and the surrounding sidewalk areas and lawn areas near the walkways but nothing turned up. The next order of business was to check the grassy areas on either side of the sidewalk leading up to Bridget’s house. This took a considerable amount of time because there was still a sizable amount of snow on the ground from a previous snow fall.

Amazing Discover! Brian Rudolph finds Centreville's resident's 2 carat engagement ring in snow. The diamond was not in setting but Brian Rudolph of The Ring Returner and The Ring Finders found both the diamond and the setting!

Bridget’s Amazing 2 Carat Engagement Ring Found in Two Parts in Snow!

When I could not find the ring, even though I checked plenty of possible signals, I took a break from detecting and spent a little bit of time researching my database of previous finds and the signal numbers that were seen with similar rings that were lost before.

I was then back at it,  looking intently with my metal detector to locate Bridget’s beloved diamond ring. It wasn’t too long after I returned to detecting the front and side lawn areas of their house that I got the signal I was looking for! The numbers on the machine lined up perfectly with what I was studying earlier on my database. The target was at a shallow depth and I was confident more than ever that I had what I was looking for! I quickly searched the area where I detected and there it was, just below the surface in the snow! I found the ring! I was beyond elated! Because the ring could have been anywhere according to Bridget, we scored a huge home run! I went to the car and got my camera and returned at once to take some pictures before telling Bridget the great news. This is when things got a little dicey. My search was not over!

​I was so excited when I found the ring that I didn’t think to dust it off to review the condition of the jewel. You see, it was just lying under the snow and nobody had walked over it since yesterday afternoon. So I didn’t think that there was any need to do a thorough review of it before returning to the car to retrieve my camera. But when I dusted it off to get some better pictures of the diamond ring, there was one big problem! There was no diamond in the setting! I was blown away by this discovery because there was still plenty of snow and ice on the ground and it would have been nearly impossible to find a 2 carat “piece of precious ice” in the midst of all of that cold, white ice outside! My heart was so discouraged. The ring setting was mangled on one side and it was most likely accidentally damaged when the owner was shoveling the front steps.

Centreville VA lost ring found in snow by Brian Rudolph

Bridget Smiles Again After 2 Carat Engagement Ring is Found

 The only thing I could do at that point was to carefully sift through the snow where the ring was, with the hope that the diamond was resting close by to the setting. This assumption meant that the diamond would have just come out of the setting when it landed in that place. And to my very happy surprise, that is exactly what happened! I found the diamond! I found it just inches away from the setting! I couldn’t believe it! I traced an imaginary circle with a 6 inch diameter around where I found the setting and sure enough this huge, gorgeous, priceless rock appeared in the midst of all of the snow and ice on the ground! It gave off the most amazing display of fireworks and sparkles! I found it! I really found it! The setting and the diamond were now both recovered and were both ready to be returned back to the worried owner who was inside the house doing work, hoping that she would get a knock at the door with a solid report.
I couldn’t wait to share the great news with Bridget! I knocked on the door and as soon as she opened it I told her that I found the ring! She was so beyond happy! I did tell her that there was good news and also some bad news and to grab a sandwich baggie from the kitchen. She met me outside and I showed her where the ring had rested near a tree in the front of the property and I explained what happened to the setting. She couldn’t believe that I found the diamond in the snow! It could have landed anywhere if the diamond came apart from the setting at any other place in time other than when it landed beside the tree where I found it!

 Bridget was so relieved and grateful for what I was able to do to return the ring to her. I went inside and we took some pictures and video conferenced her husband Jim who was very happy at the conclusion of my search! Then, we said our goodbyes and I headed off to my next appointment.

Bridget of Centreville VA reunited with her diamond and setting once again!

Bridget’s Diamond & Setting Reunited on Her Finger Again!

Bridget and Jim’s smile and their feelings of elation, knowing that the ring was back in their hands just made my day! My job is just the most fun one could ever have! Bringing smiles to people’s faces can’t get any better than this!
Bridget had a birthday just a couple of weeks later. While she and her husband were celebrating at a five star resort, they sent me a photo of Bridget’s incredibly huge diamond that was now resting back in its proper ring setting, together once more on Bridget’s finger!

I can’t fully express just how special it felt to be a part of that reunion!


Check out my YouTube Channel at THE RING RETURNER to view the video of this ring recovery and more! Like and Subscribe if you enjoy it!















Lost Engagement Ring in Arlington, VA…Found in Snow After 6 Days Makes Engaged Couple Happy Again!

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Meg’s 1 Carat Diamond 14 Karat White Gold Engagement Ring


Just a few days before I met Meg and Kenny, our Maryland, Washington D.C., and Virginia area had a significant snow storm. As in the case with this engaged couple, another ring goes missing as a result of newly fallen snow.


I received a call on the 17th of January from Meg, a resident of Arlington, Virginia who shared that she and her fiancé were out on their deck, as the snow began to fall so beautifully the night of the huge snow storm. It was very cold outside and when Meg pulled off her glove, her engagement ring went flying over the deck railing and into the snow. She and her fiancé searched for hours upon hours but they could not find the ring anywhere. It was as if it completely disappeared into thin air. When they could not find it that night and into the next day, they rented a metal detector and searched for Meg’s gorgeous 1 carat diamond engagement ring for the next couple of days (the two are getting married this October 11th!). Even though they gave it all of their efforts, their plan led them no closer to where the ring had gone missing.

Brian Rudolph, The Ring Finders, finds Engagement Ring in the Snow, Arlington VA

Fiance’ Meg’s Beautiful Engagement Ring Found in the Snow

They finally gave up on the third day and by the fourth day they looked online to see if they could find a professional metal detectorist who could help them find the bride-to-be’s beloved engagement ring. The one they contacted happened to be in a state far away from them. However, since the gentleman and I are both members of the same national directory of metal detectorists called The Ring Finders, he referred the couple to me as I do searches for people in the Arlington, Virginia area, so it worked out well for me to come out that evening to recover their ring.


Meg’s Beautiful Engagement Ring Back on Display

I will not forget that night because it was freezing cold out. It was somewhere in the low twenties fahrenheit. After finishing up with a client in Washington DC, I traveled in the snow, across the Potomac River and met the couple at their Arlington, Virginia home. All three of us reviewed all possibilities of what may have happened to the ring. The very fact that they could not find it for so many days started to make them wonder what could have possibly become of their ring. I started to question if somebody picked it up along the narrow path behind their deck. They didn’t believe that scenario was possible.

I spent a good amount of time asking the couple many questions as to what they believed may have happened to the ring. They recounted where they stood and how the ring flew forward, most likely over the side of the deck railing.

As I have learned over time, there can be so many different theories that play in the minds of those who lost their possession, and sometimes none of those scenarios line up with what really happened to the lost item. We would surely discover at some point what held true in this case.

Fiance' Meg of Arlington, VA So Happy to Have Her Engagement Ring Back!

Fiance’ Meg So Happy to Have Her Engagement Ring Back!

After getting all of the information I could possibly gain, I headed out into the night, first searching on their deck with my headlamp, my harsh weather attire and metal detecting equipment, in search of the lost engagement ring. Kenny and I moved the furniture from one side to the other and I detected over the ice and snow that had built up on the deck; at least what actual snow was left on the deck. You see, earlier that week, Kenny and Meg took a huge flower planter of hot water and poured the water all over the deck to melt the snow and ice in order to hopefully expose the ring. But it didn’t work. They also collected snow and poured it out into the bathtub and melted it and covered the drain hole so that if the ring was in the snow, it would not go down the drain. I was so hoping that when they melted it in the bathtub that the ring didn’t accidentally go down the pipes but they assured me that they were extremely careful.

Arlington VA, Celebrating the Return of Meg's Ring

Brian and Kenny Celebrating the Return of Meg’s Ring

I must have been outside in the frigid cold for nearly two and a half hours searching from the deck area to down on the ground below and on the path behind the deck area, but there was no ring to be found. There were also a lot of underground cables and wires that the detector was picking up every which place. This was probably very frustrating for Kenny and Meg when they tried to use the rented detector, because there were too many distracting signals. Also, there were so many pull tabs and pieces of aluminum foil scattered about that it had to make their lives miserable trying to discriminate between treasure and trash. This is why most metal detectorists do not recommend people renting a metal detector or buying a metal detector for the purpose of searching out an area, because more times than not, their searches end up empty-handed, as well as their pockets!

After a few hours, I called it a night and promised them that I would work out my schedule to return the next day to attempt a second search. I’m a stubborn man and I will not be beat by any important piece of metal gone missing! Especially precious pieces of gold, silver and platinum!

Kenny and Meg So Happy to Reunite With Meg's Engagement Ring! Arlington, VA

Fiance’ Kenny and Meg So Excited to Have Back Meg’s Engagement Ring!

So the next day I returned and searched for hours. I must have gone over the same areas a dozen times but nothing turned up. I searched the deck again, I searched the path, under the deck on my hands and knees, searching along the fence line and over on the adjacent neighbor’s property just on the other side of the fence in case the ring flew over the fence and down the hill. I was getting a few good signals but no ring surfaced. I dug in the snow all over the area and nothing was turning up. Kenny would come out to check on me from time to time and I told him that the ring had to be here if he is was confident that it did not fall into the hands of someone walking on the path. He was pretty certain nobody had walked back there since the time of the ring’s disappearance. Therefore, my last idea was to return to the deck for another search, but this time I would try something new. I knew that it was unlikely that the ring ended up in the location that I would check, but it was my last idea for the time being.

I decided to move all of the furniture to one side again and then begin to gather up all of the snow and ice that I had already checked along with snow and ice that had accumulated under the aluminum siding of the house that came down to where the deck joined the back of the house. I used my knife to sweep the “runaway” ice and snow out from those crevices and shoveled it all into the master pile in the center of the deck. It would mean that only a little bit of snow and ice that was not accounted for originally would be detected, so I wasn’t very confident that it would make a difference, but I would try nonetheless.


Fiance' Kenny Calls Meg to Share the Great News! Arlington VA lost ring found in the snow by Brian Rudolph

Fiance’ Kenny Calls Meg to Share the Great News!

Meg was at work and Kenny was inside when I took my detector and did a few swings over the master pile of newly gathered snow and ice and to my surprise a new signal and number that correlates with a white gold type of metal illuminated on the screen of my machine! My heart raced and I hoped so much that these numbers and tones were telling me that I had gathered up into the pile the gorgeous 1 carat diamond engagement ring that I had been looking for for so many hours! I got down on my knees and began to search the place that the detector was leading me to, and yes, there it was! The missing engagement ring was finally found! Apparently, it had ricocheted off of the decks railing and bounced onto the deck floor and landed under the aluminum siding of the house where the deck meets the siding. No metal detector would have been able to differentiate between the siding and the ring because the ring was stuffed underneath the siding on the deck, and the detector would have just picked up the siding before it could reach the signal pertaining to the ring! My knife apparently pushed the lovely piece of jewelry out from underneath its hiding place and into the main pile to be checked and that’s when I found it!

I was so relieved to have found the ring because I really only had one last option before having to start all over again and hope to somehow stumble over the spot that I must have constantly missed, even though I didn’t think I missed anything at any place during all of the hours the night before and that day.

Brian Rudolph of The Ring Retturner and The Ring Finders Celebrates Ring Return With Meg and Kenny

Brian Rudolph Celebrates Ring Return With Meg and Kenny

The best part of the recovery was doing a fake-out with Kenny when I asked him to come to the back door to ask him more questions about the disappearance of the ring. His face was just indescribable when he saw the amazing ring that he once had in his hand on the day that he proposed to Meg in Seattle, Washington. He gave me the best hug and we rejoiced together that I finally discovered the hiding place of that stubborn, but most fantastic looking gem!

Kenny then contacted his wife and you could hear how emotional Meg had gotten on the other end of the phone when she heard the wonderful news!

I love what I do for people because it’s so rewarding to see the smiles and hear the sounds of relief when something so precious and so reflective of certain moments in time is recovered and returned to the finger, wrist, neck or ear of the owner who lost it!

I was just so happy and relieved for this lovely couple. I did not want to get stumped over this missing ring. It just was not going to happen. I packed my things up and agreed to stop by later so I could take a photo with the two of them and we could all watch the video of the moment that I found the ring and see Kenny’s memorable reaction when the ring was revealed in my hand and he went bananas! That was a blast!

I left their property feeling so good about the end result! I pictured their upcoming October 11th, 2019 wedding to be a day when Meg’s beloved engagement ring would be joined up with a lovely wedding band that Kenny will be placing on his bride’s finger during that unforgettable autumn day to come! Congrats to Kenny and Meg for the ring returned to them and their wedding that will soon arrive!

Fiance' Meg and Kenny Proudly Display Engagement Ring Once Gone Missing!

Fiance’ Meg and Kenny Proudly Display Engagement Ring Once Gone Missing!


Thank you for reading my beloved story of this happy engaged couple who were so relieved that their ring was returned to Meg for the BIG DAY!


Check out my video channel at THE RING RETURNER to view the video of this ring recovery! Like and Subscribe if you enjoy it!













Lost Gold Texas A&M Aggie Class Ring in Laurel, Maryland…Found in Snow by Ring Finder!

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Rohit’s A & M 14 Karat Gold University Ring

The Eastern coast had an entertaining snowstorm the week of Sunday January 13th. Our area got around 11 to 13 inches of snowfall. For our area of Maryland, D.C. and Virginia that’s pretty significant! I got a call the day after the storm from a nice young man named Rohit, living in the Laurel, Maryland area. He sent me a text and left a voicemail message around 11am sounding quite distressed about what had happened to his ring. He said in the text, “Hi Brian, my name is Rohit and I lost my univelost ring in snow, Laurel MD gold university ring, Brian - The Ring Returner finds ring in snowUniversity Ring Found by Brian Rudolph, lost ring in snow, lost and foundrsity ring in the snow, yesterday night in Laurel. I found you through The Ring Finders service on Google. Do you think you can help me find it today?”

I immediately called Rohit and scheduled to meet him near the location of where he lost the ring. It turned out that he was taking a walk in the snow with a friend around a community lake late at night during the snowstorm. Rohit recalled to me that he remembered making his way up a snowy hill when he slipped and he believed his Texas A&M University ring slipped off his finger at that point. He searched for a good long while with his friend in desperation of recovering his very special gold ring that he obtained upon graduating with a doctorate degree at Texas A&M University. Unfortunately, to no avail, and Rohit was empty handed that night. He said he barely could sleep as he thought about the possibility of not retrieving his priceless reward for all his hard work over the past many years.

As I shared, the snow fell heavily the night before and we had quite a bit on the ground and on the roads. But I managed to get over to his Laurel, Maryland housing development and met him over on the other side of the lake where he lost the ring. Rohit walked me between some houses overlooking the lake and over to the hill where he believed that the ring was lost. After asking him a long list of questions, I agreed

lost A & M ring found in Laurel MD, metal detecting in snow

Rohit so happy to have his ring back! Thumbs up!

Best metal detector, Brian Rudolph, how to find a lost ring in snow, How to metal detect, lost ring in snow, metal detector rental Laurel, metal detecting for gold, theringfinders, Where to buy a metal detector

that it was best to start the search in the vicinity of where he was most certain that he lost the ring. I started at the top of the hill and then worked my way down. I was so hoping that there wasn’t too much traffic of people walking the same path after the snowfall. There were quite a few boot tracks left in the snow from the night before and in the morning.

Within no time, as I neared the bottom of the hill, my detector picked up a signal that matched what a heavy University gold ring would match up to. I didn’t even need to dig in the snow because just as I bent down to have a look at what my detector was picking up, I saw a glimpse of gold coming through the ice! It was Rohit’s beloved ring! I was so happy that I found it for him! It probably took less than 10 minutes of searching! As he was holding some of my photography equipment, I requested that he come down the hill and take a look at what I discovered. I know Rohit was getting excited as he took each step towards where I was standing. And just as he reached the place where I was standing, a huge smile came on his face

how to metal detect in snow, lost ring in snow, university ring found by Brian Rudolphbecause he was looking directly at what I had discovered

lost ring found in Laurel, MD, happy smile returned to ring owner after university ring goes missing

Thumbs up for Rohit as he wears his A & M ring, Laurel, MD

moments earlier! It was just the best scene to see him reunited with his university ring!

I was so happy for him and I was overjoyed at being able to return such a priceless possession back to the hand that had worn it so proudly

The Ring Returners, The Ring Finders, find my ring, how to find a ring in the snow, Laurel, Lost & Found Rings, Lost ring Laurel MD, lost university ring, metal detector rental

before this incident occurred.

Rohit kept thanking me and I told him it was my pleasure to assist him in recovering the ring.

I am confident that if Rohit had waited much longer to call me and if I was not able to get out when I did to try to find the ring, someone else would have discovered his ring because as the photos reveal, it was a large shiny gold ring for any eye to easily behold! Enough boots had walked over it so that some of the gold was already peeking through the snow and ice.

Once we got back to my car I invited him to take a seat on the passenger side so I could drive him back to his place. I had no idea that he was going to walk around the entire lake to meet me earlier! Now, he was returning back home with his ring which was returned to his finger! He gave me a big bear hug

Rohit Stands at the Place Where Ring Finder – Brian Rudolph Recovered His Ring

of thanks as we said our goodbyes and then I was off to Virginia to another appointment.

Another smiley face made for one happy Texas A & M University graduate! Rohit said, “I’m going to sleep a lot better tonight!”



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