Lost Texas A&M Class Ring Lost on a Ranch in Weimer, Texas during a giant Mesquite apocalypse, found by Houston Metal Detecting Services.
I was contacted by Tyler who said he was looking for help to find his Class of 2022 Texas A&M class ring lost back in December on a family ranch in Weimer, Texas.
Tyler said he had been working on the ranch pulling up old fence posts and decided to take off his prized position, his ring. Tyler said he didn’t want to damage the ring and thought he had placed it safely on the front seat. Tyler said after getting in and out of the truck several times as he moved down the fence line, it must have fallen out of the truck.
Tyler said after weeks of searching, renting metal detectors, and walking every square inch of the fence line several times, he was unable to find that ring.
Tyler said after a little internet research he tumbled up Houston Meal Detecting Service, a member of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting service in Houston, Texas.
Tyler said he place the call, and plans were later made to meet up with Tyler and his family at the ranch in Weimer, Texas.
We arrived a few days later, and Tyler pointed out an area the size of a football field, we laid out some grid lanes and prepared to start the search. It was at that moment, we thought we were reliving Alfred Hitchcock’s Day of the Birds, but to our surprise, as we made a run for cover, they were good old Texas Sized Mesquite’s, that literal pull-a-pint of blood with every stab.
We bathed ourselves in Deep Wood’s Off, which just seemed to piss off those damn bloodsuckers. The search area was relatively clean, and two possible targets were marked for re-examination at the conclusion of the search grid. Well, one of those turned out to be Tyler’s ring buried for inches into the ground. We assume that either the ranch tractor or another vehicle on the ranch ran over the ring following a few rain sessions since December. Tyler could not believe we were able to find his ring, which he thought he would never see again.

Houston Metal Detecting Services
MEMBERS of The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service
Lost Something Important? We can HELP!
The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate your lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or another important personal item.
We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own backyard.
If you lost your RING or another precious item
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