lost jewelry recovery newport beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Sharp Stakes in Santa Monica Back Yard…Found.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Michael called to see if I could help him find some buried stakes in his back yard. He had recently purchased his home, and was in the back yard with his girlfriend when she stepped on an old rusted stake that had been cut off just under the surface, rather than dug out, and it cut her foot up pretty bad. I let him know I could do the search, and we arranged a day for it.

I got to Michael’s house, and he lead me to where the first stake was found. It was partially dug up, and I reached to feel it, realizing it was as sharp as a razor. It was an old rusted fence stake that must have been hammered at least three feet into the ground. I realized that instead of digging them out the previous owner figured it would be much easier to just grind them off. Michael did not know if there were any more, but desperately wanted to know for the safety of anyone coming into his yard. After the search was complete, I had found 6 more dangerously sharp stakes to be removed. Needless to say, Michael was very relieved to know he could free his yard of these harmful objects.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Gold and Diamond Ring Lost in Sand at Venice Beach…Found and Happily Returned.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)

Steve’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service For You if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you, please CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW!  310-953-5268

Jacqueline contacted me after losing her diamond ring at the beach. I asked if she was still near the spot of the loss, and she told me she stayed there. I told her I would leave right away to go and conduct a search for her, knowing that the sooner the search after a loss, the better the chance of a successful recovery.

When I got to the beach, it did not take long to find Jacqueline, and she took me to the area she believed the ring was lost in. I could see where she had been searching, so I had a good spot to begin my search. I started my search, and within a couple of minutes I was able to hand her back her ring. As you can see by those smiles, there was much joy in the sand that evening.

Don’t let the County beach cleaning machines take your lost valuable, call as soon as possible! I will work hard, using the most up to date metal detectors, to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search, Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Northridge, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, Zuma Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, Southern California, and Ventura County.


Help Finding Platinum Ring Manhatten Beach, CA. ..Lost and Found by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Don’t waste your time renting or buying a cheap metal detector. If you don’t have any experience operating one, it could be very frustrating. Let me come to you with the best equipment available and experience for recovering all types of sentimental keepsakes. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Mobile metal detecting service .. 949-500-2136

*** Brad and his young daughter had spent the day at Manhatten Beach, one of the Los Angeles county beaches. At sunset they were walking off the beach when he felt his platinum wedding ring slip off his finger disappearing in the soft sand.

It was cold and getting dark, so Brad decided not to waste time searching the dry sand. He went to the internet for professional help. He contacted me and I told him I could leave right now to meet him at the location.

He was able to stay at the location, which makes it easier to have a successful recovery. We met and within a few minutes the platinum ring was in my sand scoop. Not all recoveries are this easy but many people give up trying to find their ring because they think it’s impossible to find a ring in sand. Especially late at the end of the day. I’m grateful that I’m free most anytime of day to help people find their sentimental keepsakes.

Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

Locate Water Shutoff Valve for Anahiem, CA. Motel … Using Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you need help finding anything lost where a metal detector could be used, I’m available to help you now.. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Jordan is a manager of a motel near Disneyland in Anahiem, CA. They have city inspections that have to be met to keep their business license updated. There is a fire hydrant shut off valve that has been covered by the while doing repairs in the parking lot. He asked for help to find this valve, so they didn’t have to tear up the new  asphalt. 

I was able to bring my equipment and mark the location of the valve. I do have several types of detectors that can be used on either ferrous or non ferrous metals. This was a simple type search that saved the management from a lot of extra work and expense.

Email … stan@metaldetectorman.com

Call or text anytime 24/7 … 949-500-2136

Wedding Ring Lost in the Sand hours after Marriage .. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Mobile metal detecting service available to help you find your lost keepsake.. Call or Text .. Stan the Metal Detector man.. 949-500-2136

*** Hours after his marriage, Noah lost his gold wedding ring in the sand at Newport Beach, CA. He was able to contact me the next morning asking if I could help him. I was able to meet him on the beach soon after the call. 

He was frustrated and embarrassed after spending hours on his honeymoon night crawling around in the sand trying to locate the ring. I tried to comfort him by telling him it’s common for people to lose new rings that haven’t been sized. 

Nevertheless our possibilities were good to be able to find the ring because he called me promptly and was there to get me in the general area. Fifteen minutes later we had his special gold wedding ring recovered from the sand. Noah was now a happy newlywed and will remember this for a while.

If you need help finding any metal item important to you, don’t wait call for information now. Timing is important, I will answer your call personally… Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136 ..   Member of TheRingFinders 

Lost Gold Cross Pendant 1000 Steps Beach in the City of Laguna Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Jorge called Stan the Metal Detector Man member of TheRingFinders.. He needed help to find a very sentimental gold pendant lost in the sand.. if you need help call or text Stan ..949-500-2136


*** Jorge lost a gold cross pendant in the sand at 1000 Steps Beach which is in the city of Laguna Beach. Someone on the beach suggested that he contact me using TheRingfinders website. He called me telling me what happened. 

I told him, I could be at the location in less than an hour. Our chances were good if he stayed there to get me in the general area of the loss.Traffic was not bad which was a good thing. 

After descending a couple hundred steps, I met Jorge at the volleyball court. He showed me where his neckless had broken. After a few swings of my detector I got a faint signal. Put the sand scoop to retrieve the signal. BOOM! There was Jorge’s very sentimental gold cross, that had been given to him many years before by his mother.

It was a quick recovery and I was happy to be able to help him. It was a bit tough to climb those 222 steps to the top of the cliff.

If you’ve lost something important to you call a metal detecting specialist.. Stan the Metal Detector Man ready to help you now.. 949-500-2136 … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE 

Lost Three Pieces of Jewelry in the Surf at a Orange County Beach, CA. Recovered with Metal Detector.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)









I can help you if you lost a ring or any jewelry in a place where a metal detector can be used.. Call or text ..Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

… Margret was kneeling in the surf near the Balboa Pier when a rouge wave hit her. After recovering from that wave she realized her gold chain with two pendants and a small gold ring were missing. These had been given to her by her father and very sentimental to her.

John, a family friend reached out to call me for help. We met on the beach as the tide was rising a half hour after the loss. Normally our best chance for a recovery is the next low tide. I like to meet as soon as possible to get the best shot at the location before the people leave the beach.

I did pull out my detector to search the incoming tide because there is always a chance the waves may push the items up the sandy slope. After a half hour working to waist deep water I was able to find the small gold ring. Margret was happy to have this ring as it was inscribed. I was able to tell her the lightweight pendants may be difficult to find as the backwash of the waves on this steep sloping beach can take it out of range for my equipment. 

I returned for the next two low tides and could not find the two pendants. Actually Margret told me the ring was the most important of the three pieces of jewelry. She had thought it was so small that a metal detector couldn’t find it. 

Sorry for the poor photos, I don’t carry a cellphone when I’m searching the surf. I stopped carrying my cellphone after dropping it in the surf while doing a search. ( I couldn’t recover my phone even though I realized it was missing a minute after dropping it) It happen a couple years ago  and it was an expensive search for me.

Irreplaceable Gold Pendant Found and Returned at 1000 Steps, Laguna Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












If You need help call or text .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

**  Roman had been surfing at 1000 Steps Beach in Laguna Beach, CA.. He had taken his gold chain and pendant off before surfing. When he returned to his towel on the beach, he went to put his necklace on. The chain slipped from his fingers and the pendant dropped in the sand. 

Unable to find the small gold pendant, Roman called me for help. When I arrived he told me this was a gift from his parents that they purchased in Italy. It was very important to him and irreplaceable. 

We had a small search area which helped to make it a quick recovery. It was a pleasure to help Roman find this very sentimental keepsake.. On to the next !

I am available to take a call now.. If you need to find out how this service works call me now.. I will try anywhere… Stan .. 949-500-2136

Lost Gold Wedding Band Found for Family after they Returned with a Metal Detector Expert..Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













IF you need the help of a metal detector expert Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Now  949-500-2136

*** Kyle and His wife live in Costa Mesa. They brought their children to Marina Park in Newport Beach Bay for the afternoon. It’s a popular family beach with no waves and lots of things for younger kids to keep busy playing on swings, etc.

They spent three or four hours there, returning home five mile away. That’s when Kyle realized his ring was missing. He had not been in the water but he had a strong feeling his wedding band had to be at Marina Park which is mostly beach sand. 

He called me saying he knew he can’t find his ring without a metal detector. He could meet me after I finished a my errand. I told him the area he lost the ring was on my way home and I would give him my ETA when I was leaving for the location he believe his ring was hiding. 

Kyle met me while it was still light outside. He showed me a 40’x50’ ft area he had been most the day. I asked him where he might think it would be. He pointed to where he had remembered putting on sunscreen. A few swings of my detector coil ..” Boom” Kyle’s ring in my sand scoop.

His wife went crazy happy celebrating the find. Kyle gave me the big man hug , then his wife did the same. Very emotional and I could tell how important this symbol of their love was to the both of them..

I can answer any questions you have about how to find your lost sentimental item .. I Will Try Anywhere … 949-500-2136

Wedding Ring Lost in sand while throwing football at Balboa Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)









Newport Beach Ring Finder Stan Ross .. Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call or Text Now .. 949-500-2136

… Kristy and Ron spent the afternoon at Balboa Beach watching their son play flag football on the beach. After the game Ron’s son passed the football to him. Of course Ron passed it back to his son. At the same moment Ron’s wedding ring went flying into the sand disappearing immediately.

They spent quite awhile trying to find the ring with no success. They gave up as they had to drive home before dark. They were a few miles from the beach when Kristy found my contact information and called me. When I heard that they actually knew when and where the ring was lost, I told them it should be a short search if they could meet me . 

I told them I was 15 minutes from the location. They decided to turn around to meet me at the beach. After we met it took longer to walk across 150 yards of sand than it did to locate his wedding ring. They were very grateful to have their original wedding band back. It was a ring he has worn for decades.

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man