lost iPhone Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost iPhone while walking dog in deep snow in Vaughan, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Danielle took her dog for a walk after a big snow storm  in the field of a local school.

She was playing around with her dog and taking photos during the walk. Five minutes later she realized her newly replaced iPhone was not in her jacket pocket!

Danielle rented a metal detector and tried for three days with no luck.

We met the next morning after the storm passed, grid searched the main area she last took photos and in 15 minutes located her iPhone!

Thankfully, after warming the iPhone up slowly and plugging it in it was working perfectly!


Covell’s Beach, Barnstable, MA: IPhone found and returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

August 27, 2022

No phone call for this find and return. I was just finishing up an enjoyable evening of metal detecting and heading across the sandy beach when I found the best find of the evening, an IPhone.

The IPhone had a Find My Phone application on it. Unfortunately, I had no idea of how to use the app. I saw the battery was charged and the phone appeared to be functioning properly, but it was “locked” and I did not have the password to “unlock” it. Whatever I did, the phone started ringing. Again, I pressed the displayed prompts and I was connected to Krista.

The phone was Krista’s daughter’s and it had fallen off the beach chair as they were leaving the beach. At home Jenna went to retrieve the phone from the car’s trunk but could not find it. That is when the “Find My Phone” app was activated. If you are reading this blog and have a cell phone, I would suggest you learn about the app if you do not already know about it. As I personally have an Android phone and I have the splash screen instruct anyone that may have found the phone to call my home number. Now I will look into the Find My Phone app and see if there is one for the Android.

Back to the return: After a quick chat Krista said if I waited at the beach, she would be there to pick up the phone in about 15 minutes. I just had to wait as I know how important a cell phone with all the photos and information one needs is very important to them. Besides I also needed some information and photos to complete this blog. The time passed, Krista and Jenna arrived on time and the rest is filled with smiles, Thank Yous, and above all a promise for a personal note for my scrap book of Happy Memories.

Lost iPhone X surprise – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

It’s funny, sometimes you don’t even know you need the RingFinders but… the RingFinders find you.  😃 I was deep in the middle of trying to find Allan and Ami’s wedding band when I came across a great signal worth digging. When I pulled it up I saw that it was an iPhone in a lifeproof case and there was some sort of card holder on the back. I put it in my pack and finished finding Allan’s ring. When my wife and I left, I pulled out the cards to see if there was an id but there were only names on credit cards. My wife went into Facebook detective mode and looked at a few profiles. One girl looked promising but she was living in CA.  However, we saw on a public picture that she had recently done a Spartan run and that was the image on her phone case. 👍. I thought it appropriate to reach out via FB messenger. Victoria quickly replied back and said, “Omg!!! Did you find my phone with my cards?!”. To which I replied, “Haha , yes i did“. Too cool. Well the Rest is boring but to sum it up, I sent an iPhone X and some credit cards to California and Victoria was absolutely thrilled to get them. I think she was most shocked that I found it in deep water, buried 6-7 inches in the sand right where she lost it well over a week before.  I love being able to help people out with my hobby!  😃 Congrats Victoria!!!


IPhone Lost and Found in Sand .. Newpot Dunes Resort .. Newport Beach, CA. ..

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

I received a call at 7am from Katlin apologizing for the early call. It is important to me to get a call as soon as possible, even a half hour can make a difference between a successful or unsuccessful search for losses on So.Calif. beaches.
The caller ID showed the the phone number was a Massachusetts number. Katlin was calling from her friends phone because she lost her iPhone the night before in the sand. I held my breath hoping it wasn’t a location across town. When I asked her where the phone was lost, she told me Newport Dunes Resort. Perfect, I live within 2 blocks from where she knew it had dropped in some soft sand.
Smart phones hold a lot of personal information but this loss so important because it had Katlin’s credit card and her photo ID. She would need all these for her flight home the next day. We met on the beach a half hour later. The security guard asked what we were doing and sarcastically said good luck. She put me right in the general area. Ten minutes later Katlin had her iPhone with all her important cards. I made it a point to show the security guard that we did have good luck.
It was a pleasure to help Katlin find her phone and to hear how she didn’t know our service existed until she googled lost iPhone in the sand.