huntington beach metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Heirloom Diamond Engagement Ring Found after Lost in Surf at Huntington Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











If you need help call me ASAP .. Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you now… 949-500-2136

** Melody had been at Huntington State Beach in Southern California. She had walked down the the surf line to get her feet wet with no intention to go any deeper in the water. As she stood there, she made a slight jester with her hands and her engagement ring flew off her finger into 6 inches of water. The ring disappeared immediately into the wet sand and water as the wave washed down the slope.

Her friend tried to recover the ring for several hours as the tide was coming in. The beach closes at 10 pm which stopped their search that night. Early the next morning Melody went to a sporting goods store to purchase a metal detector. Her parents were going to drive her from San Bernardino, CA. back to Huntington Beach to continue the search. She was devastated because this engagement ring was irreplaceable as the diamond was actually her fiancés’ late grandmother’s. 

As they were driving Melody found my information on line. She called and I agreed to meet them at the location. Sometimes these can be a quick recovery. That was not the case this time. She list it a a very high tide in shallower water. We were there at the next lowest tide. Two hours searching a double grid pattern and going way outside the area where they thought the loss occurred no success. I even told her that I had done all I could do for this search . After I finish the last 20’x40’ grid, I would return tomorrow, hoping the next high tide might put the ring within detecting range.

Not five minutes later I got a great signal, which turned out to be Melody’s ring. It was way down the slope and in an area that I thought I had gridded thoroughly. Just a reminder that we are looking for the “ needle in the haystack “ .. Also a reminder that it is possible to miss a target even in a known area of the loss.  

Always awesome to help someone like Melody find her very special ring. So far it never gets old.

Wedding ring lost and recovered in Huntington Beach

Call Surf City Ring Finder 714-944-0555

Juliet called me and said she lost her wedding ring 3 days earlier. She sent me a dropped pin on google maps where she lost the ring.
Amazingly she was pretty accurate with the coordinates, I found her ring about twenty feet from the pin drop.

We arranged for her to pick up the ring at my place as she didn’t feel comfortable sending it in the mail.

Sentimental Gold Cartier Watch .. Fisherman’s Cove, Laguna Beach, CA. .. Found after 3 Days

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

For Kim, Christmas morning started out with a family get together at her boy friends home. Then the day changed with news of the passing of a close personal friend in England. It was a totally unexpected as he was healthy and only 53 years old. She struggled through the afternoon and evening. Returning to her home to get a watch that was gifted to her by her deceased friend.  Later she walked a couple blocks that night to sit on the beach for some deep thoughts and a long cry. After a couple hours she went  home to get some sleep after a very emotional day.

The next day Kim realized the watch was no where to be found. She and everyone in the household searched the house and every inch of the two blocks from the house to the beach. She said it was such a cruel blow that such a precious memento should get lost on the day she found out it’s giver had died.
Her son had a radio shack metal detector that they attempted to use forbsesrching the beach sand. That’s when one of the neighbors told her to contact TheRingFinders.
It was already three days sense the loss and it could have been easily found  by a stranger if lost on the street or sidewalk. I assured her that I could find it if it was buried in the sand. We had to try even though there were many other places it could be.
Fisherman’s Cove is beautiful and has a small beach. As I started my grid some of the neighbors came to see what was going on. As they were talking about what had happened, I carefully scooped and pitched the sand in a pile. We all looked down and there was the White gold Cartier watch. It had been about 4 inches under the sand hiding from anybody that may have claimed it as a finders keeper’s treasure. It had survived a couple high tides that didn’t damage the mechanism.
Then the tears and cheers of happiness flowed. So many people came up to me afterward telling me how important this was to Kim.
Besides giving me a nice gratuity, I was invited to a very a awesome New Years Eve party. When, I walked in the door they announced, “TheRingFinder is here”.
When I bought my first metal detector in 1971, I would have never thought that my new hobby would take me to such a rewarding life.