help finding lost items Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Omaha Ne…Found!

  • from Omaha (Nebraska, United States)

I received a text from a gentleman who said he lost his wedding band, a nice 14k white gold band in his driveway while he was snow blowing. He tried to find it with a rented detector but had no luck, he was out of options when he look me up and decided he needed professional help. I said yes I can be there on valentines day to see if i can find it. His story is he put his ring in his pocket for safe keeping but also had a baby monitor in the same pocket well as he pulled out the monitor the ring came with it. He then blew the ring into the yard. I look the yard over and saw were he had went back and forth many times so I thought this might prove difficult and set in to searching. But thanks to my 30 some years of experience I had the ring within 10 minutes. The wind today was blowing a crazy 25 miles per hour and very cold but I felt his pain and was not going to give up. He was very happy to see that I had found it and stated he was very indebted to me for finding it. im just glad to have been a part of a valentine day rescue!!!

Lost Ring Omaha Nebraska…Found!

  • from Omaha (Nebraska, United States)

I received an afternoon call from a gal named Jennifer. She was tossing away some trash in the dumpster behind her work when she felt her ring fly off her hand. She thought it went into the dumpster but after jumping in and looking frantically, it was not there. She then tried looking through a large snow pile and could not find it. She called me pleading for help. I agreed to meet her at the dumpster and look for her ring. I knew that detecting would be difficult due to the deep snow and the metal dumpster. and it was 9 degrees outside. So I shoveled all the snow out onto the parking lot and broke it all up to make it flat and manageable. I turned the detector on and received a low quiet tone and knew it was the ring neatly stuck inside a chunk of snow. It took longer to shovel the snow than to find the ring. I was very happy to call her and say I have something for you. She was very happy and could not believe I had found it. The smile on her face tells it all.

lost Ring Hanson Lakes Nebraska…Found

  • from Omaha (Nebraska, United States)

Found a Wedding band for a Gentleman who wanted to show his wife that his Ring couldn’t come off cause it was tight and he said see honey its! oops.

Lost Ring Pawnee Lake Nebraska…Found!

  • from Omaha (Nebraska, United States)