Curtis Cox, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 15 of 15

Lost Class Ring Carlsbad Ca

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)

Lost CLass Ring Carlsbad state beach ,Found and returned by the San Diego Ringfinders.



Over the years I have invested in Many Metal detectors But I recently decided to purchase the first detector I ever owned wich I broke along time ago,The Garrett Gold Stinger. When I received this in the mail I went straight to the beach to Re-learn & Test this machine in excitement ..I was only swinging this antique machine for maybe 5-10 minutes when I got a strong Gold Target and took 2 scoops in the sand then out comes a Class Ring:) Cool! It’s alive and working like I remember:)

Fortunately for the owner this is a rare find to have a Full Name inscribed in the ring,so I then called John Hughes also a member of TheRingfinders and he was able to locate her on Facebook leaving a message “We found a ring and it maybe yours!?

Days go by and she finally called us saying she’s lives in Utah,but was on vacation in Carlsbad California recently and was not sure that we had her ring??Hours go by as she was unpacking from the trip she couldn’t find it….Then she Text us later  “oh my God,That is my Ring I didn’t even know I had lost it!”  Thank you,thank you.

The next morning I drove to the post office,mailed it Back to Utah and She was Re-united with her Lost Class Ring.

Another Honest Find and return and a beautiful smile added to my day:)

Need Help? Call or text me at 760 889 2751

Curtis Cox   SanDiego Ringfinders


San Diego Metal Detector found Lost Wedding Ring in CA

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)

July 13th  10:00 p.m

I was out Searching For a long lost class ring in Oceanside when My phone blows up From John Hughes and a couple who Lost a Men’s Platinum Ring in the sand.I emediatley Responded.First thing In the morning I met Ted the owner who knew the rough area he had lost it and he saidimage image

This is his 2nd time losing it,the first time he lost it in Newport Beach out in the ocean and a metal detector By the name of Stan Ross from found it nearly a week later! I told him he was a lucky guy to to meet a Legend like Stan.

This looked like a very easy search,In the dry sand, 35’x15′ foot area away from the water and crowds but One major concern I had to explain before I began my search…This beach I know well and often see many local Hobbie detectorist at night/midnight/am and because This ring was lost 3 days ago who knows if it is still in the sand?

So I began searching Using my Garrett V.L.F detector for nearly 15 minutes I have not even heard one piece of metal,trash,coin WOW this beach Has been cleaned.So I move further towards the trail and get my first signal a

(Solid scratchy Foil sound) wich I like to hear and I always dig trashy pull tab -aluminum sounds.. Why? …I take 1 scoop and There’s teds Platinum ring :).

Meanwhile Ted was enjoying the scenic view taking pictures of the Ocean and the nice sunny morning when I walked up with his ring…  We both smile and laughed I Told him He got lucky again !

I Must say, Thanks to The “Mistro” Stan Ross and John Hughes “King Neptune” for the opportunity to Help others.

Need Help?? Call me A.S.A.P!

760 889 2751  Curtis Cox



Lost Ring Found at South ponto beach

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Posted Publicly Online.


This morning Me and John Hughes My Ringfinder Partner and friend  had Noticed an add On C.L By a lady whom had lost her Ring.We sent an email that we could help find it along with a link to TheRingfinders web page and Our Famous Fox 5 News Return, hoping she call us soon…. We then drove to S ponto beach to wait.image

At 5:01 am I saw an Unknown Metal detector guy in the dark with a head lamp obviously searching for Her ring? “NO” he says!

Me and John Geared up Headed 50′ South of  To began our search Gridding ….Hoping the owner would call Us,,Time is ticking on this now we gotta find it soon…

1hr later Just towards the end of our long vigorous search and that last hope in an area  where The unknown detectorist had already dug around I get a signal,… an unmistakable Crystal clear BEEP….2 scoops in the wet sand and her ring is now in my Hand:)

John  made contact with the owner via email earlier and we were waiting for her call So I emailed her again saying    “I believe I found Your Ring” please call me!

Soon then after I left the beach clean of all Trash ……I get a phone call From Tristian The owner who is Very thrilled I found it.. I Immediately met her nearby and She was Reunited with her Lost Platinum Diamond Ring :).

The smiles we get are worth every Pennie and My Metal detector is a gift that Gives Back!

We are on call …Please call/Text/email Me or John Hughes we are well trusted and referred by the life guards in San Diego!


Call or text me A.S.A.P for FAST response!

Curtis Cox 760 889 2751






San Diego Metal Detector found lost Gold Rings

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)


Gold Wedding Ring set Found in the ocean and Reunited 6 days Later to the happy owner in San Diego Solana Beach CALL NOW; 760 889 2751

This first started out after We had a  Ringfinders Meeting at a neighboring beach,I noticed an add online about a Women who lost a Ring at Solana beach and she was hoping an honest person found it. My Good buddy John Hughes from The Ringfinders emailed Her right away and days later she Contacted Us.

Many variables and some doubts concerning This situation because these rings could of been what detectorist call “eyeball Find”  Not buried in the sand and Easily to see & pick up after it was lost! ? Staying optimistic as always I met John at solana beach the first low tide after talking to Lisa From Utah who also had hope it could still be buried in the  Wet sand. 13 minutes into the hunt,Some person tells John A metal detectorist was there 2 days ago…Dang..It could be GONE 4 EVER ??? John was long gone after that point but No matter, Process of elimination,I kept on swinging..Then..Mmmmm BeeeP.. Crystal clear ring sound On my P.I metal detector and there was the 1st ring white gold band 2″ deep …35 feet later I hit the mother load:) Lisa’s Big diamond ring was 6″ deep in wet sand and now in my scoop!

We then contacted Lisa and her Father and Met At lunch time,she put her rings back on after 6 days of  being consumed by the ocean and the Positive energy of giving back was electrifying! I hope this story Will help you or others Who have lost their Precious/Sentimental  Metals.

My Investment In metal Detectors is a Gift that keeps on Giving. 😉

Fox News Lost Engagement Ring in Encinitas, California…Found Buried in Sand

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)





Engagement ring found buried in the sand by two professional Ringfinders.

Encinitas ca, Monday 5/16/15  I received a  text From John Hughes  My Good friend from TheRingfinders and said he needed help on a search and the large diamond ring had a very small and thin platinum band with very little metal also the couple rented metal detector two days ago when the wind blew there seat and umbrella fell many feet over with the Ring in the cup holder.

I’m thinking to myself.. (Wow)..I just helped and returned with John Hughes a Diamond ring this morning  to a happy couple and Sentimental story to tell that day..Then I texted John (on my way 15 min E.T.A) see you there. When I arrived I had noticed the husband with a rented metal detector Griding and swinging like a pro.However 3 different  detector machines had scanned the small beach and short area where it was lost so walking down the long steep trail path I was observing and losing a little hope but Knew I had My Garrett infinium L.S. Pulse induction machine wich is very sensitive to deep and small gold in the most roughest & mineralized conditions.


I began cross griding a 30’x30′ area for 15 minutes when John turns his machine off said keep going that away and he walked over to Scott With his soon to be Wife Mrs. Ozuna.

15 seconds later I get a faint high/low  ring sound in the gold range,scooped..and OMG no way! I instantly was laughing in Joy Looking at the 3 of them hysterically like I won the lottery and Made a miracle actually happen.They ran over and after hugs,Tears and relief we could all hear the local and friendly crowd above beacons beach cheering as the sun was setting.The Most amazing day for us ALL.Thank you You all out there Who got to share this wonderful Moment on the news channel.

Lost Ring At Carlsbad, Tamarack Beach…Found!

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)



TheRingFinders Metal Detector Service helped find a lost gold ring buried at Tamarack Carlsbad beach.:OPEN NOW CALL 760 889 2751

11:30p.m A lost diamond ring was posted on Craigslist by a women who lost it earlier the same day.I emailed her right away and directed her to visit TheRingFinders web page ASAP

First thing in the morning she called to meet her there.

When I pulled into the parking lot I saw 2 people with metal detectors searching the area she posted online.I could also tell they had very little to No experience by there machines and there swing.So I politely asked if they had found a ring?

They said No and one of there buddies was there at midnight searching…Keep in mind they never actually contacted the person who lost the ring.So the newbies continued searching when Robin the owner walked up and we talked for a few minutes to narrow the search down to exactly where she lost it. That’s when John Hughes my Ringfinder team mate arrived just in time.Meanwhile..The other detectorist were tired,unsuccessful and on there way leaving.The owner had shown me a picture she took when she lost it with houses in the background and I asked her, show it to john..John Yells..we are 100ft off..Curtis go grid over there!! 5 min later I get a ring sound on my PI machine,kick the sand,And looked at robin with the biggest smile,dropped my metal detector laughing:) she said Oh my God picked up her ring and gave me a hug.We were both Excited and in relief I had found it!