San Diego metal detector rental Tag | The Ring Finders

San Diego metal detector is the Metal detecting equipment rental alternative

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)



Metal Detector service located in San Diego here to help you find your lost precious jewelry & More! Call. Curtis Cox @ 760-889-2751   Don’t buy or try metal detector rentals ,,Hire a professional!

Chris & his wife were enjoying the evening at Oceanside beach in San Diego recently when his Platinum wedding band disappeared into the dry sand. After hand searching till nearly midnight they found my contact info on YELP and left me a text message for HELP.  I responded immediately in the morning and met them shortly there after.

This was an easy search being they knew exactly where in front of the lifeguard tower once the ring slipped off his hand,,It only took a few minutes & A few pieces of trash before I made his wedding ring magically appear out from the dry sand. They were very relieved,, Off to a good morning it was now!

San Diego Metal Detector to the rescue. “Who ya gonna call?”  Curtis Cox 760-889-2751

Rose Gold Wedding Rind Set Lost in Sand .. Pacific Beach, CA. ..Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Barbara called me about 6:30pm.. Telling me how she lost her wedding rings earlier that afternoon in the sand at Pacific Beach located in the SanDiego area. She took them off putting them on a towel while applying sunscreen.. Barbara was upset with herself but I assured her this was so common she shouldn’t be so hard on herself. I was also able to convince her that metal detectors work very well to recover rings lost in the sand. Our chances were good to find her rings as it had only been a few hours sense the loss.
Timing is important and getting close to the general area they were lost would have a lot to do with recovering the rings. She said that they could meet me after they got home from dinner commitment about 10 pm. Perfect for me because I could return a ring to a lady that lives in San Diego, saving her a trip to Newport Beach.
Barbara and Dan met me and I followed them to the north end of Pacific Beach. We walked a few blocks to some landmarks they had remembered. Barbara pointed to an broken pair of sunglasses and a rock they had placed each side of where they were sitting. Dan was interested in how the detector worked so I took a few moments to explain what it was telling me as a dug a few pieces of trash. Then I got two solid gold tones with nice ID numbers that matched. I scooped one ring and marked a spot for Barbara to find it with her fingers. I told her to grab with her fingers not drag her fingers through the sand. She got it and we took pictures. Returned to our cars to head home. I asked them to tell their friends and post on their social media about I’m one of 400 members located all over the country.


Lost ring Cardiff reef beach

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)



It Was a hot Summer day in Sunny California.I had just got home after a 4hr hunt searching for some lost yellow coins when I received a message from Morgan who was at the beach with family and friends,he asked if I could help find a Ring that was lost by a younger daughter I said Yes,I can be there in 30min.I sailed off & picked up My buddy John for back up because sometimes our searches can take many hours/days/months especially with the timing,sunsetting and tide coming up many variables can take place….

Upon arrival We met Morgan and the very nice family enjoying a day at Cardiff beach,they showed us the small area in the dry sand where she lost it.They tell us its a gold ring that was passed down from her mother.Wow.

I was well Equipped with an A.P.I.  Advanced pulse Induction Machine that sends 720 pulses per second has 96 frequencies and loves Gold…So I began my search,dragged my sand scoop once and found her ring ..immediately!

The smiles 🙂 🙂 were lighting up and her Family heirloom ring was back on her finger just like that! What an awesome Day for everyone. If only every search and recovery for us was that easy!

Thanks to the San Diego lifeguards for referring TheRingFinders and all the P.R John Hughes & T.R.F has done for the community.

We are here to help! Call A.S.A.P !

Curtis Cox  760 889 2751



Lost Class Ring Carlsbad Ca

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)

Lost CLass Ring Carlsbad state beach ,Found and returned by the San Diego Ringfinders.



Over the years I have invested in Many Metal detectors But I recently decided to purchase the first detector I ever owned wich I broke along time ago,The Garrett Gold Stinger. When I received this in the mail I went straight to the beach to Re-learn & Test this machine in excitement ..I was only swinging this antique machine for maybe 5-10 minutes when I got a strong Gold Target and took 2 scoops in the sand then out comes a Class Ring:) Cool! It’s alive and working like I remember:)

Fortunately for the owner this is a rare find to have a Full Name inscribed in the ring,so I then called John Hughes also a member of TheRingfinders and he was able to locate her on Facebook leaving a message “We found a ring and it maybe yours!?

Days go by and she finally called us saying she’s lives in Utah,but was on vacation in Carlsbad California recently and was not sure that we had her ring??Hours go by as she was unpacking from the trip she couldn’t find it….Then she Text us later  “oh my God,That is my Ring I didn’t even know I had lost it!”  Thank you,thank you.

The next morning I drove to the post office,mailed it Back to Utah and She was Re-united with her Lost Class Ring.

Another Honest Find and return and a beautiful smile added to my day:)

Need Help? Call or text me at 760 889 2751

Curtis Cox   SanDiego Ringfinders


Lost Ring .. Moonlight Beach, Encinitas, CA. .. Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday  March 16, 2014

It was just before sunset and I was detecting at Pacific Beach, CA.  Actually I was talking to a couple guys that were also detecting the same beach, when I received a call from Dalya. She sounded desperate as she had lost her ring in the sand and had spent quite sometime trying to find a way to get some help trying to locate her ring. After asking her a few questions I told her I could meet her and Kile at Moonlight Beach within 45 minutes. It was only about 18 miles, but I had to walk back to my car and I wasn’t sure about the traffic.

When I arrived at the Moonlight Beach I met Dalya and Kile. They told me that they had put their cell phone, keys and her ring in Kile’s shoe.  When Kile came back to put on his shoes he removed the larger items not realizing the ring was in the shoe. He shook the sand out of his shoe and the ring.  They located me on line when they tried to see if they could rent a metal detector. It was beginning to get dark as we walked about a couple blocks to the general area. Kile said he had dumped the sand out of the shoe near the rocks pointing to a location of about 30 feet next to the rocks. I was told that the ring was silver which helps to identify the sound I will hear. My machine has a screen that will show me a number of 12-46 for a silver item. This all helps when there is a lot of trash in the search area. I made three passes along the rocks out towards the cleaner sand. Kile had thought the ring may be close to the rocks and I knew that would be a difficult search. I was 10 feet out from the rocks when I got that silver tone and a 12-46 reading on my screen. I scooped into the sand telling them, this is your ring. Held the scoop up to Dalya asking her to pick the ring out of the sand. I was awesome to see how happy she was to have her ring in her hand. You can see the smiles on the photo I was able to take of them.

Dalya told me that the ring was a gift to her from her mother when they had visited Jeusalem, Israel. I’m still amazed that we can make all this happen using the new technology that did not exist several years ago, Cell phones, Ditial Cameras, Internet, Moble maps, GPS and Modern Metal Metectors. I used a MInelab CTX 3030 metal detector to make this find.
