Cardiff reef lost ring Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring Cardiff reef beach

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)



It Was a hot Summer day in Sunny California.I had just got home after a 4hr hunt searching for some lost yellow coins when I received a message from Morgan who was at the beach with family and friends,he asked if I could help find a Ring that was lost by a younger daughter I said Yes,I can be there in 30min.I sailed off & picked up My buddy John for back up because sometimes our searches can take many hours/days/months especially with the timing,sunsetting and tide coming up many variables can take place….

Upon arrival We met Morgan and the very nice family enjoying a day at Cardiff beach,they showed us the small area in the dry sand where she lost it.They tell us its a gold ring that was passed down from her mother.Wow.

I was well Equipped with an A.P.I.  Advanced pulse Induction Machine that sends 720 pulses per second has 96 frequencies and loves Gold…So I began my search,dragged my sand scoop once and found her ring ..immediately!

The smiles 🙂 🙂 were lighting up and her Family heirloom ring was back on her finger just like that! What an awesome Day for everyone. If only every search and recovery for us was that easy!

Thanks to the San Diego lifeguards for referring TheRingFinders and all the P.R John Hughes & T.R.F has done for the community.

We are here to help! Call A.S.A.P !

Curtis Cox  760 889 2751