lost & found rings Vancouver Tag | The Ring Finders

How to find a Lost Ring at Jericho Beach…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  Anytime 24/7   778-838-3463

I’m having a good sleep and the phone started vibrating at 4:15 AM I checked it and saw a local number, I knew this would be a 911 call for a Lost Ring. The young man asked if I was the guy who finds lost rings, I said yes. He apologize for calling so early and explained that he’s been on the beach for four hours looking for his lost ring. He went on to tell me that he was throwing a stick and the ring came off, he could not find it with the help of his wife and others on the beach at around 11 PM. He took his wife back home and came back to the beach and started searching with a flashlight. Around 3:30 AM he went home and got onto the Internet and found TheRingFinders. After discussing the search for a few minutes a got dressed and jumped in my car and headed straight out to Jericho Beach in Vancouver. Normally this drive would take me over 45 minutes due to traffic but this morning it only took 30 minutes.

We met at the beach and the young man took me to the area where he remembered sitting, however, he would be off by about 20 yards. After close to an hour and 30 minutes a lot of nails, pull tabs, and bottle caps, I finally stumbled onto his ring, he was one happy camper!!! The reason it took so long was because he felt it was in a different area which made me focus harder in that area knowing when I did not find it there I had to expand my grid search because most people can’t put you in the exact spot even though they think it is. The young man didn’t want to be on my video and didn’t want to picture for the book of smiles, that is his choice and I have to honor that, so you’ll see a picture of me with my tired smile and the small platinum ring I found for this young man.


After this recovery, I headed out to search for a water main that was buried under 1 foot of earth, that search took me one minute to find.












Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinders.com

I love my job!


Watch the video of the search below…




Lost and Found Rings, Third Beach, Stanley Park…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  Anytime 24/7   778-838-3463

Murphy’s Law, who is this Murphy? I’m in the ferry lineup to go see my grandson very early in the morning on Saturday when I get a phone call from a young lady who needs my help finding her lost rings that she lost at the beach the day before. Unfortunately, there is no way of turning back to help her so I told her that as soon as I get back Sunday evening I would go straight to the beach to search for her rings.

I know three days is a long time for people not to find the rings as there’s a lot of new detectorist’s out there now, that being said, it is a game of inches and I know the approximate area of the rings, so my chances are most likely better.

The young lady, Yoshi, told me that she couldn’t meet up that evening because she had to work, she sent me pictures and told me the exact location where she was sitting. I was totally fine with that as I know the beach pretty well.

When I arrived at the park I could not use their paid parking as it was closed, because of COVID-19. I drove further down the road and did find a spot and had to walk about 15 minutes to the beach. I figured it was a good thing because less people would’ve hunted that beach because of the inconvenience of parking.

I got to the beach just before dark went to the location she had sent pictures of and started my grade within minutes I found her two beautiful rings that were just inches in the sand, and lost for three days. I was so excited they were still there and more excited to send Yoshi a picture of her rings. We set up a time to meet the next morning.










I know I always say this but… I Love my Job!


Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com I love my job!

Watch the video of the search below…


How to find a lost ring, Vancouver Park…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  778-838-3463


Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from a young lady who said she lost her ring at a local park in Vancouver. She asked if I could come and help look for it, I asked her to make sure to check the area really well before I came out. Sometimes people can find their own ring just by looking in the area they believe it was lost in, after a half-hour I got the phone call to come out and help.

Paula was at the park with friends and family celebrating her nephews birthday, I asked her to text me when the party was coming to an end, she said around 6:30 pm. I arrived at 6:15 and was greeted by Paula, we discussed the possibilities of where the ring could be. I started a grid search in the most likely area I believed the ring could be in,  after one hour and 45 minutes I shifted my search into a bushy area that was very hard to swing my detector, I knew I had to use my pinpointer in this area.

Paula asked me if it was OK that they went home to celebrate her girlfriend’s birthday, I told her absolutely, as I knew I had another 45 minutes of searching left before it goes dark. Shortly after they left the area I found the ring and was able to call Paula back before they drove away.

Surprising someone with a ring that they lost is the funniest part of my job! I love the smiles and happiness it brings to a stranger! This ring was her father’s wedding ring that he gave her before she moved to Vancouver from Brazil. One can only imagine how sentimental that ring is to her and how important it was to find.










Thank you for reading my blog, please tell your friends about TheRingFinder.com I love my job!

Watch the video of the search below…


Lost & Found Rings Vancouver, BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Lost your ring? Call Chris Turner metal detecting specialist in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. 778-838-3463  I’ll find what you thought was lost forever. Call ASAP! A trusted service since 1995.

I woke up to an email today from a young lady who said she lost her grandmother’s ring that was gifted to her from her mother. I saw the email came in around 11:30 PM last night, I emailed her back at 6 AM asking if she could call me as soon as she got up. I know it’s very important to act quickly due to the fact it was lost as a local park.

I received a call from the young lady at 8:07 AM and we arrange to meet at the park after she did a search herself for the ring. Twenty minutes later she phoned me back to ask for my help, Beverley and I loaded the car with our detectors and headed out to the park in Vancouver about 40 minutes away. When we got there we met Chloe and she showed us the areas she believe the ring may have come off her finger, even though she found it to be quite odd as the ring fit tightly. We asked Chloe to take the cones and put out a grid for us to search in.

Beverley and I started at the far end of our grid and work towards each other, within a couple of minutes I got a nice loud signal so I bent down with my pin pointer and saw her gorgeous ring. Because of the coronavirus I have to figure out a way to surprise people on my video now because we are not allowed to get close to someone, it’s hard to get the true reactions of the find. I will work on this and make it better as time goes on, so thanks for your patience.










Chloe Beverley and myself were very happy to see the ring back where it belongs, her grandmother doesn’t even have to know that her granddaughter lost it. The best part of what we do is seeing the smiles it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old everyone’s ring has a beautiful story attached to it and we are so happy to be able to continue that story for Chloe.

”TheRingFinders.com Challenge” Sharing is Caring, please tell your friends to tell their friends on social media about TheRingFinders.com with your help, imagine the Smiles we can find.


Watch video of the search…



Lost Gold Wedding Band Spanish Banks, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I was at work when I received a call from a young lady who told me that her husband lost his gold wedding band in the sand just in front of their pop up tent. She said that they had looked for the ring but it was impossible to find with all the sand.

Strangely I was getting off work early that day and I was only 15 minutes away from there location. I headed over to the beach and found parking and met the young couple, he showed me what he was doing and where he felt the ring was lost.

I turned on my detector and the 3rd target about 1 minute the young man had his gold wedding band back on his hand! I love the stories attached to the rings I find and I’m just as happy to find it as they are to get it back!










I love my job! If you lost your ring call me ASAP 778=838=3463Watch video of search below…

please share TheRingFinders.com with your friends and maybe we can help someone you know.