Gold Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned on Siesta Key Beach, Sarasota, Florida
This is return #95 for Jay and Karen Ganz on their quest to return 100 during their detecting career. The letter below shows you why it is so meaningful to them.
Dear Karen and Jay,
On October 4th, 2015 I lost my wedding ring in the Gulf of Mexico, specifically Siesta Key Beach. I was there to act as best man for my friend’s wedding, so losing my wedding band was particularly disturbing; if I couldn’t keep track of my own wedding band, how was I supposed to be responsible for holding on to my friend’s, right?
My wife and I had known each other throughout high school. After high school was over, I left to join the Marines. During my time in the service we had both started to realize that there was something more than a friendship between us, and we started a relationship separated by thousands of miles. I had made the decision that, if we could get through my second tour in Iraq, I would ask her to marry me. Well obviously that’s exactly what happened, and when she said yes, we didn’t waste any time picking out wedding bands. I was home on leave at the time and we figured it would be one less thing to worry about later.
We went to a local jewelry store and, while she knew exactly what she wanted (and found it in moments), I hadn’t really given much thought to a wedding band. I knew I would be wearing it for the rest of my life (at least in theory) and so I ended up mulling over a few different ones. Finally, my wife pointed to one in particular and asked what I thought. It was hefty and for some reason I just liked the way it looked and felt. The jeweler pulled it out and it fit perfectly. No need to order a different size, just box it up and check one very important thing off the list of “to dos.” We got married on June 27, 2009, and watching my wife slip that ring onto my finger is still one of my favorite memories.
Fast-forward to the summer of 2015. I had completed my Bachelor’s degree and my Law School education. I was preparing to take the bar exam in Ohio and, in order to help cope with the stress, I had gotten back to a regimented diet and exercise plan. For me, when a stressful event is coming up, it usually helps for me to make sure I’m working out and eating right. So naturally, I started to shed a few pounds. The only downside to this is that my wedding band started fitting a little more loosely. By the time October rolled around, I had actually started curling my ring finger to make sure my band didn’t slip off. Until I went swimming in the ocean, that is. Playing in the waves with a couple of friends, a wave pulled the ring right off my finger. I instantly dove under to try and grab it, but I couldn’t see and the waves were strong enough to be very disorienting.
I stormed back to the condo we were all staying at, absolutely beside myself. My wife took a piece of plastic wrap and fashioned it into a make shift ring; slipping it onto my hand the same way she had six and a half years earlier. At that moment, I was reminded that stuff is just stuff. That I could lose a hundred rings and it wouldn’t change the way my wife and I feel about each other.
We returned home to Ohio and discussed getting a replacement. That would of course have to wait until I was finally able to start working as an attorney. My wife suggested posting to a internet lost and found. “Who knows, it’s not like we have something to lose, right?” Well, I couldn’t disagree with that logic, so she went ahead and made the post. Within 24 hours we were contacted by Karen. It turns out, finding my ring wasn’t as much of a long shot as I had thought.
Within a few days I received a text from my newlywed friend, who was still in Florida, currently living the dream of a great honeymoon with a bride of his own. What he sent me was a picture of my ring. I was floored. It had been almost a week since I had lost it, but sure enough that was my wedding band.
My mind raced, and June 27, 2009 came flooding back into my mind’s eye: her dress; her smile; her laugh; her beauty. So many words echoed in my ears: “my friend;” “my love;” “my wife.”
Stuff is just stuff. But that doesn’t mean it can’t have sentimental value. Getting my ring back wasn’t just getting back a piece of gold. It was getting back the ring my wife placed on my hand the day we said “I do.” It was also a reminder of how amazing people can be. Total strangers, with no expectation of reimbursement, had gone out of their way to return something to me. I can’t say thank you enough, and one day I hope to be able to do the same for another. Thank you.

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Tampa Bay Area
Lost Something Important? We can HELP!
The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in the Tampa area can help locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.
We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item “Don’t Wait-Call Now!”
Don’t Wait…..Call now!