Gold Wedding Band Lost a Second Time...FOUND AGAIN by Christina McCree in Huntsville, Alabama!

Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee…call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7…610-504-6135

On Saturday morning (February 24th, 2024), I received a call from Susan stating her husband, George, had done it again!  George lost his gold wedding band a second time while working in the mulch beds.  George is now my second repeat client.  He had lost his ring in March 2023 doing the same thing and had used my metal detecting service to find it.  Susan told George that she thought they could find it, but George said no, we’re calling Christina, lol.  Thanks for trusting my service!  I was free the rest of the day, so I got ready, grabbed my gear, and headed out to meet George at his home in Huntsville, Alabama.

I met George about an hour and a half after Susan’s call.  He showed me the area he had been working in that morning.  He said he didn’t think it was cold enough for his ring to slip off, but then said he guessed he was wrong.  The area was pretty small, and George knew he had the ring on when he started.  I had my notes from the last time I found George’s ring.  It was a 25 on the Nox 900, so I knew exactly what I was looking for.  I got out my Minelab Equinox 900 and started my search.  About 2 minutes in, I had a shallow 25 beeping on my metal detector.  I told George, “I think we have it!”  I bent down, moved a piece of shrubbery, and there was George’s gold wedding band!  Thank you, Lord God!!!

George was so thankful to have it back!  I told him that I enjoy seeing him, but hopefully there won’t be a third time under these circumstances, lol.  We took some photos, and I was on my way home.  This actually might’ve been my quickest recovery.  I think it was under 2 minutes.  It definitely makes up for the longer, tougher searches.  Looking forward to the next adventure…

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