# How to find a lost gold ring with a metal detector Tag | The Ring Finders

Wedding Band Lost While Sledding – Found! by metal detector specialist Brian Carpenter in Irwin, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery/metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I got a call from Don on my way home from Digstock in NC. He lost his wedding ring in his backyard a few months ago and wanted to see if I could come out and look for it. He had looked, even with a metal detector, and did not have any luck. After getting home and checking my schedule I went out the next day.

When I arrived I met Don’s wife and she showed me where to look. Pretty standard, big hill for sledding with a few small trees and a little area of brush. I started to look and before too long Don came back from work. After about a half hour I found his ring in a mossy area a short distance from where he thought he might have lost it. I gave it to his wife to give to him when he came out of the house. He was happy it was found and I took him to the back to show him where. There had been some pretty good sounds in the backyard and Don told me it was an old golf course. He gave me permission to look around which I was very appreciative. On top of finding his ring I added a bit more clad to the collection, nothing good but it was a beautiful day and a new place to look. As always it was nice to meet another kind and generous client and be able to return their ring to them.

Lost wedding ring found in Charlottesville, Virginia.

  • from Charlottesville (Virginia, United States)

Lost your ring, jewelry, cell phone, keys… Don’t wait until it’s too late. Text or email ASAP 24/7 Mark at 434-987-0568.

I received a text message from Peter last night asking for help finding his wedding ring. He lost it while clearing brush from a steep leaf covered hillside behind his home in Charlottesville, Virginia.

I met Peter this morning at 8 AM and listened as he described where he was and what he was doing when he noticed his ring had come off. He was pretty sure that he had noticed right away when the ring was missing, so this really helped narrow the search area.

Starting at the bottom of the hill, I did a careful grid search working my way to the top in the most likely area. There were many metal targets, but nothing that sounded like a ring. Then I selected a second search area, and within a couple minutes got that beautiful sound that I had been hoping for. At the base of a small tree a few inches down in the leaves was the wedding ring.

This was my first recovery with The Ring Finders, and I was so happy to be able to return this ring to Peter and his wife.

Lost Gold Wedding Band – Found! By Metal Detector Specialist Brian Carpenter in Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery/metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I was contacted by Tim who had lost his gold wedding ring. He was not sure but he thought it flew off his hand in the backyard when he was throwing hay. Tim has some dogs and the backyard was getting a bit muddy so he was trying to keep the yard from turning into a mud pit. He normally uses his right hand but after having shoulder surgery he was forced to use his left. It was after he was working in the yard he noticed his ring was missing. When Tim called he was a little frustrated as he had went to a local tool rental and rented a metal detector but all it did was beep! I told Tim that was normal and I would check to see when I could come out.

I checked my scheduled and the weather and decided that I could make it the next day. I took off and let Tim know I was coming. Of course the weather had looked great but when I pulled in it started to rain. Tim showed me the yard, pretty standard with a steep incline on both sides. He was guessing it was on the flat part where he had spread most of the hay. I got to work and much to my surprise the ground sounded pretty good and I was able to use my large coil. I cleared the first part with no luck and went down to the steep incline on the right side. After a few passes I ran into the ring, I don’t know if I saw it or heard it first but there it was. I picked it up and it was a beautiful ring and big! I walked up the hill and told Tim it was pretty ugly down there just before I handed him his ring. He could not believe I had found it and gave me a big hug. Tim then told me when I did not find it on the flat his heart had sunk and he thought it was gone. Funny thing is that thought had never crossed my mind yet as I has a lot more area to cover. I was glad to have found it and we thanked St. Anthony as we had both asked for some divine intervention. Tim and I talked for quite a while afterwards and his wife was also kind enough to thank me as well. Tim explained to me he reached out to his jeweler and the replacement cost for the ring was double or maybe even more. More importantly he told me the diamonds in the ring were extra special as they were from both his and his wife’s families and even if he had to have the ring replaced he did not anymore special diamonds to put into it. Thankfully he did not have to worry about that. It was awesome to meet another kind and extremely generous client and reunite him with his special wedding ring.

Gold Signet Ring Lost In The Portland, Maine Snow. Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Monday evening, February 17th, 2025, I received the following voicemail transcription.

“Hey how you doing. My name is Ethan M***. I got your number off of Facebook, for the finding thing you do. I am just calling to see if I can get your help I just lost my ring in the snow and can you call me back at 910-***-****, thank you…”

I immediately called Ethan back and he explained that he was shoveling his driveway, when he slipped on a patch of ice and fell to the ground, hard. As he was falling, he could feel his ring coming off, he thinks. Everything happened so fast and he was bracing himself for impact, but he thinks he felt the ring coming off.
Thankfully, he was not injured, in the fall. Once he had composed himself he searched for his ring, in the driveway and immediate area, without any luck. The snow was deep, on each side of the driveway and mostly hard packed snow and ice, in the driveway itself. After not locating the ring, Ethan went inside and called me for help. He told me that the ring was not his wedding ring, but a very special Signet Ring, that was a gift from his wife and is extremely sentimental.
As fate would have it, I had a Physical Therapy appointment at Orthopedic Associates, in Portland, Maine at 8:30am, the next morning and it was only 10-15 minutes, from where Ethan lived, in Portland Maine . I told Ethan that I could arrive at his home at 7:00am, before he left for work and he could go over the events, just prior, to losing his Signet ring. I would be able to search for an hour, before I had to leave for my PT appointment. If I wasn’t able to cover the entire area and find the ring , prior to leaving, I would return immediately after my PT session had ended.
I arrived at Ethan’s home at 6:50am and was promptly met by Ethan. He showed me where he was, in the driveway, when he slipped and fell, on the ice. Ethan also told me that he thought the ring would have flown off directly in front or behind him, into the snow.
I decided to start out near the street, searching the driveway and snow along the driveway, including the area in front of Ethan, where he thought the ring may be. Absolutely nothing.
I then turned around and went down the other side of the driveway, searching both the driveway and snowbank, along the driveway. No Signet ring was found. Once I had ended up back at the street , I searched the snowbanks at the end of the driveway and still no ring. At this point, Ethan needed to leave for work. If I found the ring, I could give it to his wife, who was inside, getting ready for work.
After Ethan left, I kept expanding the search area. I got up in the deep snow of the lawn, in front of the house and still no signals. I then went to the other side of the driveway and searched that lawn and into a thick bush, as best I could. Still no ring. I then researched the entire area and still nothing. Thankfully it is a small area and it wasn’t taking me long to cover the areas Ethan thought the ring was in.
I then decided to search the walkway leading up to their front door. Still no ring. As I was heading back towards the driveway, I decided to search as close to the parked car as I could but couldn’t get very close to it, because all the metal kept setting my detector off. I decided to just swing the coil very slowly, and as close to the vehicle as possible. I was still getting some targets but it was always the car setting the detector off. As I tried one last time, I did get a separate signal, aside from the car. It was definitely a non ferrous target but the conductivity reading on the VDI screen was 55. A much higher reading than I would expect for gold. Gold is considered a low conductor and the reading is usually in the 03 to low 30’s. Since it was such a good sounding target and definitely non ferrous, I just had to check it out. I took my pinpointer, scraped the snow down and then I saw the outline of a Gold Ring. I had found Ethan’s Signet Ring. It had taken me approximately 50 minutes and with the temperature at -2 degrees, with the wind chill, I was ready to leave. My feet and fingers were freezing and the warmth of the car was calling me.

I knocked on the front door and Ethan’s wife answered. I showed her the Signet Ring and she was so pleased. She told me Ethan had been very distressed all night, wanting to find his gifted ring very badly. I told his wife I would send some photos of the ring to Ryan, at work, so he could stop worrying.
I sent two photos of the ring and the following message, to Ethan, at work.

“How does it feel to have your ring back”?
Ethan replied
“You are a life saver!!!!”
I told him that his wife was now in possession of his very special ring and asked if he could have a picture taken, with him holding the ring. He quickly agreed and said he would send it to me, when he returned home, this evening. It is always such a great feeling and pleasure to be able to help people like Ethan out in their time of need. I love putting another smile, in my “Book of Smiles”.

Ethan later, in the evening , sent me the following text message .
“Thank you for all of your help, definitely a weight off the shoulders”. How can I not feel good, after a text like this.

It was also a great feeling to get into a warm vehicle. I’ve had enough of the cold and snow. Bring on the spring 🌻🌸❤️

2nd time was the charm! Gold ring lost in the snow – found in Indiana, PA by metal detecting specialist Brian Carpenter

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery/metal detecting specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I was contacted by Justin who lost his ring while walking his dog in the cold and snow. Justin lived locally but we were having a tough time getting together. Because it was an apartment complex I wanted to get over there and search as soon as possible to try and make sure I/we were the ones who found it. I got held up and by the time I was able to get to Justin’s place he had returned to work so I talked with his girlfriend who pointed to two general locations where he walks the dog. I searched both places a small patch of grass on the corner and a larger patch on the backside of the complex. I looked for a long time with no luck and decided to give up as it was cold and snowy. I told Justin I did not have any luck but I would come back over since it was so close.

It took a week and a half or so before Justin and I could meet back up. Actually I was on my way to his place when he got called back into work. Luckily I was able to get there before he had to go. Justin took me back and showed me a more specific area to search which was not part of my initial search. Prior to going over I had strapped on my small coil to look for the ring as the areas I had searched before were pretty small. However this time, the area Justin pointed out was a lot bigger. I was kicking myself for not bringing my larger coil but because I was so close and had been there before I did not pack it. The thought went through my mind that I should go back to the house for it but I decided to go for it with my small coil and come back out again with the large one if I needed to. It was about 15 – 20 mins of searching the field I located the ring laying on the top of the grass where the snow had melted.

Justin was at work so I sent him a text and he was very happy. We arranged a time for me to meet up with him after work and return the ring. It was a pleasure to meet and help out another kind and generous client. I was also reminded that it is always best to talk to the person who had the loss when possible (I might have found it my first time out) and to take all my equipment no matter how close.

As a side note – the young lady who I had looked for her ring in Plum, PA sent me a text that the ring had been recovered after all the snow melted. I also had another potential customer in West Mifflin, PA text me that he found his ring. Unfortunately I had not been able to make it out as quickly as we would have liked for the search. It is great that all of these rings have been recovered either by myself or the owners and I thank them for updating me. This mean that all the rings that I have been called about for 2025 have been recovered to date – awesome!


  • from Santa Monica (California, United States)

I got a call from Jan this past week, she told me she had lost her home in the Altadena fire, and I had helped her friend Mark find jewelry, and coins after he lost his  house, to the same fire. She told that she had lost all of her worldly possessions in the fire, but desperately, wanted to find her mother’s wedding ring. I went to meet her, and followed her to her one room home which she rented inside a house owned by a friend, I moved some debris out of the way, and found her mother’s engagement ring within an hour  Even though the diamond had fallen out , she was so happy to have it back, she was just as excited when I found a key, that belonged to a very old China cabinet that was stored at her daughters house. she was very happy when I was able to find a button from  her late brothers military uniform. I did recover other jewelry as well, Jen told me that she finally had some closer after the terrible fire.

Two Lost Gold Rings – Found by metal detectorist Brian Carpenter in Avonmore, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

The recent “Polar Votex” or just plain COLD weather prompted a series of service calls in just one day which is very unusual. One of the calls was from Vicki who called me and stated that she had lost her ring in the snow when she put it down to run a metal detector over it. They were trying to find an engagement ring that had been lost by another family member earlier in the day when cleaning off her car.  I was just wrapping up another search with disappointingly – no luck. With the cold and darkness Vicki thought it might be good for me to come out another day. I told her I would swing by hoping to have at least one quick recovery as I was going to pass within about 5 miles of the place they were lost on my way home from the current search.

On my way I was thinking how hard can it be to find the ring that was put in the snow, they should pretty much know where it was. I figured I would have a quick recovery of Vicki’s ring and then maybe with some additional luck find the other. I arrived at the search location and found that area in which the ring had been located was pretty much bare. Prior to searching the internet for additional help they tried to sift through all the snow with a garden soil screen and used a heater to melt the snow. All of the snow from where the second ring was lost had been put into garbage cans and dumped alongside the house.

I started to look without much success, first over the original area and then where the new snow was dumped. I did have a really sweet sound but there was nothing there or so I thought. I was not having much luck and after having been in and out of the cold for several hours and with the darkness I decided I would need to come back. As I was getting ready to pack my gear I decided I should pull my car up and check the street again in case the plow came by before I came back out. I walked down and back and on my way back got a good hit. I dug into the packed snow and found the first ring that had been lost.

I got back in the car to head home with the promise of coming back out to look for the other ring. Glad to have found one although it was not the one I thought I would have located first. As I started home I couldn’t help but notice the car thermometer read -3.

The next day I contacted Vicki and told her I did not think I was going to be able to come out, however a couple of things changed and I was able to go back down. I was pretty confident that in the daylight I should be able to find the second ring. Well I was right…within about five minutes I located the ring. Remember the sweet sound I mentioned from the night before. I wanted to remove it from the ground so I would not keep hearing it. I had to dig down about a 1/8 -1/4 of an inch under the ground and there in the mud was Vicki’s ring. The ring must have gotten tramped into the ground during the moving and melting of the snow, but I had been expecting to find it on top of the ground.

I was glad to have found both rings – one that had a history of 48 years and the other that had one of just 34 days. It was great to meet another group of kind and generous people and find the first rings of 2025!


  • from Leesburg (Virginia, United States)

Call Ray for lost items 571.258.7217


I received a call a family member who referred a friend to me for a lost 14K engagement ring while playing with their children on the front lawn in a  leaf pile. The husband and wife had been searching since the day before, on their hands and knees for hours trying to locate the ring, with no success. I arrived the next morning, Nathan and his children were already outside to great me as I pulled into the driveway.

I immediately saw the large are of leaves on the right side of the house, and after Nathan gave me the run down I got started.  I started a quick grid around the leaf pile and by the time Nathan had reached the door to go inside I yelled ” I found it!!”. Nathan was stunned and so excited! Fast and furious recovery!!



God Bless and Keep on Hunting!


Lost Wedding Ring – Found by metal detector specialist in Connellsville, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I received a call from Andy who stated that his wife’s wedding ring had been lost in the area of his driveway. We talked for a bit and exchanged a few texts and I arranged to go out the next morning.

Andy met me at his home and stated that he thought the ring was in or around a bush next to the driveway. He thought he saw the ring fall into that area but he and a neighbor who had a metal detector were unable to find it. I immediately went to work feeling pretty confident that the ring would be somewhere close but probably not in the bush if the neighbor did not find it. I soon figured out why the other person had a tough time as the ground was super loud with all sorts of sounds. I checked around the bush and then expanded my search but came up empty. I then commandeered a trash can and started to clean up the leaves along the side of the driveway but again…nothing. I then went back into the area of the bush and with my detector and pin pointer and started to pull out some small nails and a few other targets. I kept getting a hit at the base of the bush and but I could not locate the source. I kept going removing lot of leaves and some mulch…the target was there but ever elusive. All of a sudden – I found the ring!! It was located at the base of the bush which was coiled around like a spring and had gotten covered up, maybe from the previous searches.

I called Andy who came back to retrieve the ring. I told him it was in the bush where he thought but it was really tough find. Andy was very thankful and immediately took the ring inside for when his wife arrived home. As always it was a pleasure to meet another kind and generous client like Andy and return his wife’s wedding ring.

A vote of confidence on election day – Lost Gold Heirloom Ring Found, Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

I was contacted by Lynn who informed me her husband had lost his gold wedding ring while working in the front yard of the house. This is common during this time of year as many of my calls are for items lost doing end of the season cleanup. We made arrangements for me to come out the next day as I probably would have ran out of daylight by the time I arrived.

I arrived the next day and was greeted by Lynn and shortly after her husband Hal. Hal explained that he saw the ring come off his finger and heard it clink on something before it disappeared. They had been removing leaves one by one from the area where it was lost being careful not to throw the ring into the leaf bags.

I looked around and they had done a very good job of cleaning up the immediate area. I was thinking the ring was further back hidden in the bushes. I began to search and came up empty. There was an azalea bush in a metal cage to keep the deer away and it sounded just like the ring I was looking for. I informed Hal that we might have to take the cage down for me to find it. He asked if I would check the leaf bags before we did that in the off chance it was there before we removed the cage. I started to check the bags using my pinpointer…and inside the first bag I got a hit. We dumped the bag only to find out it was not the ring. I checked the other bag and went back up to the front yard in the area by the bushes. I asked Hal if we could take the cage down and started to look one more time prior to doing so. All of sudden I got a nice sound and on the exterior of the garden bed next to the brick edging was the ring! I was confident that I was going to find it but thought for sure it was going to be in the bushes. It was a relief to find it and before we took the cage off. Hal was extremely thankful and appreciative!

In talking to Hal he informed me that the ring was a family heirloom and had belonged to his grandfather who was a war hero that fought in both WWI and WWII. The ring was immensely important to him as an heirloom and wedding band and I was glad I was able to locate it. I spent the next little while speaking with Hal and Lynn about all sorts of things and could have probably spent the entire afternoon talking and not even realized it. It was great to meet such kind and generous people and return the very special ring to Hal.