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West Dennis, MA Lost Ring – Like Father, Like Daughter – Found & Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 7, 2024

Some losses are remarkable in one way or another. I thought a text from Pam that this call might be as much of a challenge as finding her husband’s ring almost 4 years ago. It took Leighton and myself several hours of detecting before it was recovered from the depths of sand that had covered it.

Well no such luck today. Kate the daughter of Pam and Keith had lost her Cape Cod Fish ring. The ring was the highlight of the return. Kate had been out where she could not touch the bottom. She was carefully making her way toward the shore, aware of the rings that were on her fingers and felt the Fish swim away with a smile on its face and a wink in its eye.

It was almost dark when I arrived at the beach and it was low tide, perfect. I went straight out keeping the telephone poles and a cottage in line of the search pattern. On the fifth pass knew I had found the ring that had given up swimming for a nap in the sand. Nothing exciting, no drama, no sharks, no football to blame for taking the ring off Kate’s finger. Just a quick loss of a ring, a call to TheRingFinders, a five minute search and before the sun set photos had been taken along with almost nothing except that Kate is keeping the family’s tradition of loosing a ring at the same beach every 4 years. Yes, sometimes the easy is a nice change compared to a search that drags on for days. At least this evening had plenty of smiles and laughs at days end.

Wellfleet, MA Long Pond 2nd Ring Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 1, 2024

It has been one of those feast or famine years. Hardly any calls for lost items in the first 5 months and now it is almost non-stop. Two days ago a lost wedding band at Long Pond and today another at Long Pond. Jennifer lost her wedding band just feet away from my last call to the pond. Both days I was so fortunate to get to the beach only to find the area that a ring was lost at was just about void of beach-goers. I did not have to ask anyone to move before I found each ring. This hardly happens this time of the year.

Jennifer had texted me just before leaving for her home out of state. She sent me a photo of the area her ring was lost at. At the beach many well-wishers held off asking me questions until I found Jennifer’s ring. Then everyone was interested in my service and a few stories of other returns I had made.

Back at the car, texting with Jennifer, an arrangement was made for me to return the ring to Kate (right picture), a friend that was still in the area and she will return the ring to Jennifer.

West Yarmouth, MA Beach Holds Wedding Band Overnight Before Found & Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 3, 2024

With the upcoming 4th of July holiday and an opportunity to spend a few days in Vacation Land, Lou was not one to pass up such a combination. With great weather for enjoying one of the Capes many beaches it was a good time not to be passed up. In the pleasant water and with family and friends Lou was not paying any particular attention to the area he was in at the moment his wedding band slipped from his thinning finger. He searched looking at the shells and other creatures on the ocean’s floor, but did not find the ring.

Here is where friends and TheRingFinders work together. Pete was contacted, but could not help but did pass the info onto Leighton who also could not help due to his work schedule. So Leighton passed the info onto me. Hey, I am retired and live for the opportunity to help others. I contacted Lou and set up a sunrise meeting time. Three hours of searching and the tide was coming in and the wind getting stronger. I called it a morning. With all the good intentions of returning for the evening tide. That did not happen as the seas got rougher. So it was another early morning search on the calendar.

Friday morning came with water calm enough to search in. About 2 ½ hours later I was heading out to meet for another morning’s commitment. I was haphazardly searching closer to the shore line, on the way out for the morning, and about 5 feet beyond the area Lou had me searching in. A faint target I had just heard was one that I was not going to pass up on. It was a solid tone and a perfect dot on my detector’s ID screen. I am glad I did not pass it up as it was Lou’s ring.

I texted Lou and set up a 1pm meeting to return his ring. Another successful adventure and the pictures tell it all.


Dennis Port, Cape Cod, MA Lost Engagement/Wedding Found & Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 4, 2024

Finding a beach with a parking space is a difficult thing to do on the 4th of July. Shannon and the group she was with finally found an opening in Dennis Port. The beach had a great new set of stairs that replace the set that was torn off the cliff in a winter storm. The group found an open area at the far end of the beach which had a very narrow dry sand area to sit on. Settling down, it was time for a bit of sun protection to be applied to her daughter. Off came the engagement/wedding ring that was given to Alanna for safe keeping. It was sitting safely on Alanna’s leg until a quick movement sent the ring into the sand.

Several minutes of frantic searching failed to give up the rings location. One in the group did a Google search for “Ring Finder Cape Cod” and was rewarded with a link to my listing. A short conversation and fifteen minutes later I was at the beach where there were no parking spaces except for one Reserved slot. I explained the situation to the parking attendant and was granted permission to park in the open space as I said I should be 15 minutes at the max.

I grabbed my gear and headed to the new stairway that I had never used. All metal and long steps – perfect for the beach-goers. Within 3 minutes I was searching and within 45 seconds I had a large signal. I commented “It sounds like a tin can in size but has the correct tone”. Sure enough it was the ring glistening in the bottom of the scoop. In the next 5 seconds it left the scoop and was back on Shannon’s finger. Boy, that is how I would love to have all my searches progress. Hugs, hand shakes, thank yous, went on for several minutes. Especially from Alanna who was more distraught and upset for letting the entrusted ring slip into the sand. I think it will take awhile for her to overcome the incident but, I know she will with the support from the fabulous group that was celebrating the 4th.

Yes, I do love my hobby when they end like this one did.


Chatham, Ma Hearing Aid Lost in the Sand – Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 3, 2024

Elaine would very seldom wear her hearing aids, especially to the beach. But on the beautiful July day she did. By what ever force happened, it pull the hearing aid off her ear before falling into the sand. Several family members looked for all they were worth with no success.

A search for help ended with the call to my phone. Within the hour I was all set up ready for the search. Yes, July 3rd and a packed beach conjured up a nightmare of how I was going to search the beach. Too my surprise family relative were “holding” the area open with a game of beach paddle pong. The area was all mine.

Well, an hearing aid is about the hardest item to find with a metal detector. Thinking ahead I had a bag to put one of my own hearing aids into so I could “tune” my detector for the best possible search mode for a hearing aid on a sandy beach. Still, with all the very small bits of metal on a public beach it was a challenge. About 15 minutes and at the very end of the “possible” area it was lost in a very faint, repeatable signal. One scoop and there it was, even to my amazement.

The family ensured me it would be returned to Elaine when they left the beach. She called me later on to personally Thank me.


South Yarmouth, MA Gold Charm Went Down the Drain

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 2, 2024

While Brenda was untangling her grandson’s necklace her star fish charm slipped off and right down into the sink’s drain. What was she to do? Brenda knew enough not to run any water. Hey, if water went down, maybe she could suck it up with a vacuum cleaner. Good try, but all she got was a bit of water. Next, call a plumber, but she was not absolutely positive that the charm she referred to as “Henry” was indeed in the P-trap. Maybe a magnet, help from the hardware store…yes. On her way to the hardware store she passed by J&E Metal Detectors. She stopped in and found out gold is non-magnetic and a detector could not be swung in the area. Eleanor’s suggestion was to call me. She did and within a hour we had a plan.

First I had to ensure “Henry” was in the P-trap, that was stainless steel and had no drain plug. My answer was to use a stroboscope. I remembered another member of TheRingFinders had used one in search of a ring lost in a car. IT WORKED in this situation also, Henry was indeed in the P-trap. I loosened one pipe nut by hand but the second one required much finesse with a 16 inch channel lock wrench.

Once the nuts were undone, the P-trap slid out and so did the star fish which was then slid onto its chain. Two things remained: first putting the sink back into working order. Second: pictures and a Thank You. My reward and best part of the day was seeing the smile on Brenda’s face while holding “Henry” against her chest. Just another reason for me to keep on offering my talents to those in need.


Wellfleet, MA Long Pond Ring Lost, Found and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

June 27, 2024

It has been one of those months for me. And I just had to add these few words to a successful search and return of Mike’s wedding band. His story will follow.

Not all of a RingFinders’ search ends in a story for the Book of Smiles. Some have a reason why. Here are a few recent reasons why I have been unsuccessful in my searches. Lost ring was found elsewhere. I.e. under the man’s bed, in the trash can by the sink, on the fireplace mantle or another places a metal detector just could not have been used to locate the ring. Someone else has found the ring by “eyeballing” it before I began a search. In three cases the rings have been returned. One last possibility is that I just was not given the correct area to search or just did not cover the one square inch that the lost ring was in. One endeavor that has helped me in the past is the reviewing of photos to see if the ring or other object was indeed in the area I was to search, or narrow down the area. In one call the ring had not been on the person’s hand for two days. End of search. The hardest part of being a RingFinder is having to tell a person that I did not find the ring, but I can tell them were the ring is not located.

Now, I had been out on two such searches were I did not find either of the lost item and when I got home, Mike’s message was on my answering machine. Ah, another lost ring in the sand, or maybe in the water upto knee deep. OK, I was on my way and would get to the beach after the parking fee was required. There was a parking space right in front of the area to be searched and it was my luck that the beach goers were packing up which meant I would not have to ask anyone to move for a few minutes while I detected over the area. It took me about ten minutes to cover the area, retrieve a nickle, a pull tab and then the ring.

Now…That is how all of a RingFinder’s searches should be!

I called Mike, sent a picture for confirmation that I had indeed found his ring. It was, a return date was set and I promised I would keep his ring safe until I would personally return it to him. Mike also mentioned he had made a report at the local police station. So on my way out of town, I stopped at the police station and added the found and reuturn information to the report Mike had made. I also thanked the dispatcher for passing on the information about TheRingFinders, something some town officials can not do for legal reasons.

Found Ring Returned: Hyannis, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

October 4, 2022

Hurricane Ian had been making its way northward keeping the Hyannis sky dark and misty. But a daily walk through the woods Avery and Bigelow made their way peacefully until an exposed root tripped up Avery. In the incident a ring left Avery’s finger an landed in the overgrowth along the pathway. The ring was Avery’s mother’s and is only one of very few pieces of jewelry that Avery wears.

Looking for help via a rental business that rented a detector. A call to J&E Enterprise was answered and Avery was given a phone number and was told Rick is the one that could help. Unfortunately, I was at a doctor’s appointment and did not return the call for a couple of hours. In that time Avery had rented a detector and was back in the woods searching for the lost ring. Rentals usually do not come with detailed operation notes. Most detectors take several hours of practice before one can become proficient in its use. Even locating an object on the surface can be a daunting task.

When I returned the call, Avery was in the woods and said she would welcome any help I may give. About a half hour later I was involved in the search. The area was littered with very old and rusty cans, and other debris. Many trash signals and not one that was worth digging or keeping. After two hours we left the woods as the sun had set, it was time to give up for the evening.

The next morning, I replace my mid-sized detector coil with a small 4-inch coil that would allow better separation of the pieces of trash. Another hour past and I was re-searching over the original area Avery had heard a signal the night before. I was able to determine several distinct targets, all were too deep to be the ring but might be masking a small ring. Therefore, I started to remove each target one by one and had a total of 4 shotgun cases and a long rifle casing. But no ring. As another aid, I tossed a similar ring with a visible string attached to see just how far a ring might travel and then restarted searching from that point.

Oddly enough, I was very close to the area the four shotgun shells were dug. Ah, another signal this time about two inches away, with a detector indicating a surface target. I reached down, moved a few leaves and there the ring was laying, but not for long. I picked it up, turned off the detector and headed back to the car before the rain intensified. A call to Avery and we made a meeting point. Twenty minutes later her ring had been placed on the pinkie finger and there was a wonderful smile on Avery’s face, not to say the one on my face was any less wonderful.

It is always amazing how an object is lost and in the case of a lost ring in the woods that a person can travel miles, search a vast area full of trash, put a 4-inch coil over a 1-inch ring, hear a signal among all others, then make a conscious decision to stop detecting and do a visual search to ultimately find the ring. Knowing one’s equipment, persistence and determination and yes, luck all helped in making the loss into A Happy Ending.

Lost Your Ring, Jewelry Or Need Your Property Irons/Markers/Pins Located In Southeast Michigan?

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

No need to rent a metal detector and trying to figure out how use it, Call/Text Jonathan Hamill 313-683-3082 ASAP to schedule a search.

Did you or someone you know lose a ring or jewelry inside the house? I can search with specialized equipment to help narrow down the search area.

Did you or someone you know many years ago lose a ring, piece of jewelry or were rumored to have stashed cash or weapons that was never found? Call/Text me to schedule a search.

I’m able to find lost rings, jewelry, buried weapons, money boxes(cache), paper money, property pins by using best equipment and experience available for inside your house, land and water searches.

I’m able help people find their lost jewelry and locate property pins. Finding your lost wedding ring/jewelry and seeing the happiness it brings to you is Priceless!
Can locate all types of metal items, from lost cemetery urns, guns/weapons, earrings to wedding rings to property pins, money boxes(cache).
     *   Are you wanting to install a above or below ground pool?
          I can search the ground for metal debris/objects that could work their way up and poke thru your liner before              you start to dig/level the ground.
  • Need to put up a fence? Have your property pins found to prevent problems later with your neighbor
  • Bought a new home or property? Have your property pins found to know what land is yours
  • Adding/added a building or shed in the back yard? Have your property pins found to verify your distance from the property line to be within code of your local laws and regulations.
  • Have a dispute with your neighbor on the property lines? Have your property pins found to know who’s land boundary is who’s.
Specialize in metal detecting services to accurately locate underground metal objects on your property.
Servicing Southeast Michigan area approx. 70 mile radius from Detroit.
Metal Detecting items include lost cemetery urns, wedding ring, Earrings, bracelet, property pins, estate home searches, estate sale property searches, money boxes (cache), insurance property claims, lost or clearing metal items, water shut off valves, metal detecting ground search for metal items for pool install, ect.
Search Locations can included Beaches, parks, lakes, yards, Fields, woods, snow, water, campgrounds, parking lots, farms, school yards, inside home search.
Looking forward to serving you and bringing your lost item back to you!

Found Car Keys on Cape Cod Saved owner $1000

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)


It was just one of those mornings with a few minutes before having to leave the house so Amy-Rose went to pull a few weeds and toss them into the woods. With birds singing in the background she did not realize that with the weeds so went the 3 car keys and two remotes. It was noon when I started to search for them, in between the shrubs, with very little room to swing a detector’s coil. However with a 3×18 inch search coil I could “jab” into the foliage. About fifteen minutes into the search my ears were rattled with the sound that was either the keys or a large can…Yes it was the ring of keys. The car could now be driven to the dealer and there would be no tow charge or charge for all the keys. I left with one smiling lady in amazement that I had found the keys.