the ring finders of north myrtle beach sc Tag | Page 2 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Man’s Tungsten Wedding Band Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Saturday, June 15th at about 1:45 pm, I received a text message from Haley saying, “Hey I was wondering if you could help me. My husband lost his wedding band at Myrtle Beach while we were there. We know around what place he lost it on the beach, but we don’t have a metal detector and are actually home from vacation now.” I asked her to call me so I could get the details of when, where and how. During the phone call she told me the hotel they were staying at, the day it was lost and that it was lost in the dry sand. She was one of five calls I had for the day, but number two on the list due to the location. After a successful recovery and return in Wrightsville Beach NC I headed 80 plus miles to the address she gave me in Myrtle Beach, SC. She had also sent me a few pictures of the hotel. When I arrived, I started a grid search from the south end of the hotel working my way north. About halfway through the search I called her to verify about where behind the hotel they were sitting. She told me they were closer to the north end, which was good because I hadn’t gotten that far yet. Unfortunately, there was a lot of trash, coins and junk in the dry sand that took up a lot of extra time digging. Finally, I got a solid 10 VDI (visual display indication) on the Nox 800. Lower than what I expected for a tungsten ring but possible depending on the size of the ring. I dug the shallow target and bingo! I checked the engraving, both on the inside and outside and had a match from what Haley had told me. I took a quick picture and text it to her. She responded almost immediately saying “That’s it.” She called me and I got her address and told her I stick it in the mail Monday.

Fast forward to Thursday June 20th and I got notification through tracking that the ring was delivered to the PO Box. I text Haley and she was going to check and see if it showed up. She responded that she had gotten a yellow slip in the box, but she’d have to wait until the next day to pick it up. Today, Friday, she text me saying “I got the ring, and I will get a picture of me and Jake with it whenever he gets home from work.” A few hours later, I got a great picture of the happy couple holding Jacob’s ring.

Haley and Jacob – Thank you for trusting me to help find and return you precious treasure. Take care of each other!



Man’s White Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Surf, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

About 7:30pm on June19th I got a text message from Matt saying “Hi, I saw a post on the internet about finding lost rings on the beach? Not sure if I’m even reaching out to the correct person.” I called the number associated with the text and spoke to Matt. He told me that he was playing in the sand with the kids pretty close to the water line. When they left the beach, he noticed his wedding band was gone. He told me this happened sometime between one and three pm. Low tide for the day was 11:59am, so basically, he was right at low tide. We made arrangements to meet today, June 20th at 11 am. This would give me time to work the outgoing tide that was at 12:45pm.

We met at his resort at 11am and walked out on the beach. He pointed to the suspected area, and wouldn’t you know it, there’s a family of about 6 sitting right on top of where I needed to search. I started my grid search perpendicular to the beach and passed just to the north of the family. On my return line I stopped short of the family and made my turn. I hit an iffy target that I tried digging out of the hole. The signal wasn’t what I expected, and I couldn’t get it out of the hole. So, I left it alone for the time being. I turned around for my next line and noticed the family had moved further up the beach, I figure Matt said something to them, which was nice that they moved. About halfway back, I hit the signal again which wasn’t any better, but I was determined to get it out of the hole. About 3 scoops of wet sand and I had it out of the hole. I dumped the sand out on the beach, ran the coil over it and boom. Got the signal I was looking for. I spread the sand out with my foot and then used my fingers to move the sand. Saw it peeking out and picked it up. I washed it off and handed it to Matt. Matt’s wife Janet had been watching from their spot on the beach and quickly made her way to where we were. Matt and Janet were greatly relieved that Matt’s ring had been found. Vacation Saved!!!

Matt/Janet – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip back home.



Property Markers (4) Found In Cherry Grove, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Wednesday, May 8th I received a voicemail from Anne Marie, in part asking if I could help find property markers. She also said they had purchased a cheap metal detector, and it was going off, but they couldn’t find the markers. She said she had attempted to call the surveyor that had done their original survey but couldn’t get a hold of them. Their intentions are to install a fence. I returned her call and told her I’d be glad to look for the markers and we agreed to meet today, Friday.

Today, as I was getting ready to go, I was checking my equipment, and my pin pointer wasn’t working properly. Not good! I had to stop by my Detector dealer and pick up a new pin pointer and then was on my way. When I got there, I met Anne Marie and her husband Dave, and we got to work. Anybody that’s ever looked for property markers knows there’s always at least 1 that is very elusive, in our case there were 2, both in the front yard. The first one in the front was between the water shut off, the septic overflow, telephone poll and a neighbor’s bush. There were also sheets of tin and some nails around the marker, all fun stuff! The second marker in the front was between the other neighbor’s water meter box, paver patio and a metal fence. Plus, the marker was buried deeper, probably from the added layers of dirt for the patio. Took Dave and I awhile but we found all 4 markers. Dave hammered in yellow markers that are now visible. Now Anne Marie and Dave can get their fence done.

Anne Marie and Dave – Thanks for trusting me to help find your markers. Good luck with your fence.



Man’s Gold Wedding Band Found in his Yard – Conway SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This morning, Apr 20th, I woke up to a text from Scott saying, “Good morning, sir, my name is Scott. I live in Conway. Yesterday I lost my wedding ring I think in my lawn. My issue is we’re leaving to Connecticut for a week on Monday. Are u able to come today or tomorrow to look for it? Thank you.” I called him and got some additional details and told him I’d be there around noon.

I arrived shortly before noon and found Scott and his wife, Kim sitting outside watching over some of their garage sale items for the neighborhood garage sale. We introduced ourselves and I ask Scott to tell and show me what had happened. He said that he had gotten the car washed and was in the process of drying the car down with a towel. There were a few times that he was shaking out the towel in the yard. It wasn’t until he finished that he noticed his ring was gone. He and Kim had looked through the grass the night before with no luck. I turned on my Equinox 800 and started detecting alongside his driveway and out into the grass. After my first grid line, I moved out to the grass area running between the sidewalk and the street. About 3 swings and I got a solid 16 on the VDI. After moving some grass around, I saw Scott’s wedding band laying snugly in its hiding place. I grabbed it and held it up saying “Got it!” Both Scott and Kim were smiling from ear to ear. I asked Kim how they found me, and she said she had posted that Scott had lost his ring on Face Book. She also said that a friend had seen her post and steered her towards The Ring Finders.

Scott and Kim – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure.




`Woman’s Yellow Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Holden Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Thursday, August 24th, I woke up to a text saying, “Good morning. Yesterday I lost my wedding ring at Holden beach to the left of the pier about 100 yards just about the high tide water mark in the soft sand. I posted on Face book, and some posted your contact information. Is this something you are able to help with?” I called the number and talked with Shannon, who had lost the ring. She confirmed that the ring was lost in the soft sand. I got a few more details and we agreed to meet at noon. I got ready to go and invited my wife, Jan to come along. She loves looking for shells and shark’s teeth at Holden Beach.

When we arrived at the pier, Shannon was waiting in the parking lot. As we walked out on the beach, Shannon said that she had been sitting out on the beach the day before and had the ring on. Later that evening, when she was back at the rental, she realized her wedding ring was gone. She was pretty sure her ring came off at the beach where they were sitting. She also mentioned that she did walk the beach for a short distance. Her and her friends set me up in the dry sand where they had been sitting. After I started a grid search, they started wondering if they were a little east or west of the spot in the area I was searching. I asked if they had taken any pictures and thankfully, they had. Shannon showed me one picture that I was able to use to line up directly behind one of the beach houses. I continued my grid search working west in relation to what I saw in the picture. After a few more minutes I hit a solid 15 on the VDI (visual display indicator) but it was showing about 8 inches deep. I had the number I was expecting, but deeper than I was expecting. I took a big scoop of sand and dumped it out on the beach and saw the gold in the sand. I reached down, picked it up and held it up for Shannon to see. She got so excited; she gave me a big hug and big smiles.

Shannon – so glad I could help find your lost treasure and get it back where it belonged. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.



Man’s Platinum Wedding Band Lost in the Sand – Found and Returned Kure (Cure-y) Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Right around 12:30 pm on Friday, August 18th, 2023, I got a call from Adib, saying he had lost his Platinum Wedding Band in the sand. He asked me if I had any advice on how to find it. There really isn’t any, other than getting down on your hands and knees and try sifting through the sand. I’ve had a couple of situations where the individuals tried finding it themselves and ended up moving the item feet from where it was dropped. I asked Adib not to dig, if he was, because he could either move it or bury it. He was also concerned with my travel time and didn’t want to see me drive over 3 hours round trip. I assured him that’s what I do when somebody loses something, and I didn’t have a problem with it. I grabbed my Equinox 800 and started my trip.

When I got there, I met Adib at his rental and we walked out to the beach. As we walked, I found out that he was there from San Francisco, CA. attending one of his buddy’s bachelor party. He said that he had taken his ring off and put it in his lap to apply suntan lotion. At some point, the ring ended up disappearing in the dry sand. He also said that he and his friends had been searching for the ring and when I told him not to dig, they stopped. Everybody had pretty much left the chairs and other items sit where they were so the area was well marked. Once I got a visual on the search area, we moved the chairs, and I started a small grid search in maybe a 10X10 ft square. After just one grid line, I got a strong 15 on the VDI (visual display indicator). The problems I had were the target was reading 8-10 inches deep on the depth meter, which was deep for only being lost for 3 hours. Secondly for a platinum ring, I was expecting a lower number in the teens. So I honestly thought that target was trash. I did take a couple of scoops but left the hole and continued the grid. After finishing the search area with no other targets, I went back to the hole. I took another couple of scoops and had the target out of the hole. I ran the coil over the clump of sand, found the target and scooped it up. I gently shook out the excess sand, and then I heard the sweet sound of metal rattling in the scoop. Looked in the scoop, saw the ring and held the scoop out for Adib to pull his ring out. Adib was thrilled he had his ring back. He ended up taking a selfie of him and I with him holding his ring up to send to his wife. This never gets old!

Adib – thank you for letting me help find your lost treasure.



Platinum Engagement Ring Lost at High Tide, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Ashley about 8:15 pm saying she had lost her engagement ring between 8th Ave and 10th Ave South and wanted to know if I could help. First thing I asked her was if she could narrow the distance down some, 2 blocks is a large search area. She narrowed down to around 9th Ave S. I then asked what time and how deep she was in the water. She said between 5-5:30 and ankle. Perfect, she was right at high tide. I told her I could be there in 15 minutes.

When I got to their rental and got out of the car, she met me in the driveway. She told me that a friend suggested she call Donnie, who he had worked for. I told her that Donnie was my son-in-law and had helped me before. Ashley and her finance, Cole walked me out to the beach and out to where Donnie was detecting. I told Donnie that Ashley had called me, but this was his search. We agreed that we’d split the beach in half and I’d go north and he’d take south. He had already done a north/south grid search down the slope, which cut out a lot of the area. I started an east/west search from his last grid line out to about thigh deep. After just a few minutes, I got a solid 10 VDI on the Equinox 800 which is what a platinum ring would show up as. When I met up with Donnie on the beach, he also had one of my granddaughters, Maris with him. When I started digging the target she came over with a flashlight. I got the target out of the hole and spread the sand out on the beach. I asked her for the flashlight, and then realized it was a pinpointer. I stuck the pinpointer in the sand looking for the target. As I found the target and pushed the ring out of the sand, Maris said “There it is!!”  This was her first ring recovery. She was so excited you’d think it was her ring we found. I gave the ring to Donnie to surprise Ashley when we got back to the rental. He got her, she was very happy. At some point she told me that they were getting married Sept 6th.

Ashley – Thank you for calling me, glad I could help!



Sentimental Sterling Silver Ring with Green Emerald Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned Ocean Isle Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Nancy saying she had lost a very special ring with a green emerald stone in the ocean. She said the emerald had belonged to her grandmother and had been passed down to her. She also stated that she had lost it about 30 minutes prior and she was right at the water line. I knew this was a race against the incoming tide; I got a few more details and told her I’d be there in about 45 minutes.

When I got there, I met Nancy on the beach and she showed me the area. It was maybe 10 feet across and as far out as I could take it. Unfortunately the sea breeze had kicked up and the ocean was hitting the 2nd breaker with a lot of force. I started a grid search going north and south perpendicular to the beach. After, maybe 5 lines, I called it. Between the waves and the current I was having a rough time keeping my grid lines straight and just getting knocked around. I told Nancy I’d be back around 5, thinking once the tide made its turn at 2 pm I’d have 3 hours with an outgoing tide.

I got back about the time I said and Nancy was waiting. I started my grid search and after an hour and a half and covering the suspected area, I was coming up empty. So, the next step was to extend the area north and south and start over. After another forty-five minutes to an hour, I was working my way back up the middle of the search area towards the high tide line. I got a solid 21-22 on the VDI, which is what I was looking for on a Sterling Silver item. I dug the target out of the hole, spread the sand with my foot and there Nancy’s ring sat. After I found it, I tried to figure out how I missed it the first time. Looking at my grid lines, none of them were straight and all curved to the right. There is no other explanation, other than I missed it the first go through. I took a picture and sent it and a text to Nancy saying “BOOM.” She called me a short time later, not believing it was found. I dropped it off at her house on my way home. She was extremely happy and thankful that she got both her ring and her grandmother’s emerald back.

Nancy – thank you for allowing me to help find your precious and sentimental treasure.



Platinum Engagement Ring Lost in LuLu’s Restaurant’s Big Sand Box, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a frantic call from Amanda saying that I had been referred by Joe Denton of Denton’s Detectors in Little River, SC to help find a lost Platinum Engagement Ring. She said she had placed both her wedding band and Engagement ring on top of her phone that was on the arm of her beach chair. Later she told me that her husband had picked up the rings for safe keeping and had dropped them in the soft sand. They had found the wedding ring but the elusive engagement ring was still buried in the sand. I told her I’d be there in 20 minutes and to please excuse my appearance when I showed up because I was a mess from doing yard work. She replied that if I find it I’d get the biggest hug no matter how sweaty I was. So, I grabbed my Equinox and headed out.

When I arrived and met Amanda, she showed me a 5 foot by 5 foot area where the ring should be. I turned on the Equinox and started swinging. There was a lot of interference but when I hit a solid 11 on the VDI (visual display indicator) I knew I had her ring. When I shook the sand out of the scoop and saw the ring, I looked at her with a surprised look on my face and she knew. When I handed her the ring, she couldn’t hold back the tears, and yes, I did get my big hug! She then told me that she had sent her husband to Walmart to get a metal detector and had just text him her ring was found. I’m sure he was happy. She also told me they had a flight to catch in an hour, hope they made it!

Amanda – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure.



Man’s Rose Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned Sunset Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a text message about 7:50 p.m. Wednesday evening saying “Hi Jim, I found your number on-line with ring finders. I noticed my wedding band missing around 4:45pm today while playing football in knee deep water on sunset beach, around high tide. We figured it was a lost cause as we don’t even know the exact spot we lost it and with losing sunlight, but after getting kids settled for the night saw your number and figured I would reach out. Thanks for your consideration, Matt.” I immediately called him, got a few more details and let him know I could be there in about 30-35 mins. He agreed, so I asked him to text me the address, grabbed my Equinox 800 and headed out.

When I arrived, Matt and his wife, Ashley was anxiously waiting in the driveway. We walked down the beach access behind the house and out on the beach. Matt showed me the suspected area, saying that his younger brother thought Matt was straight out from the stairs. He also stated that his mother thought he was farther west of the steps. I turned on my machine and started a little farther west than what his mother thought. Looking for a rose gold wedding band, I was expecting a VDI (visual display indicator) in the high teens (17-19). I started a north/south grid search running from the high tide line out to about knee deep in the outgoing tide. By the time I got started it was dark, and I mean dark. The sky was overcast so no moon or stars. I had a headlamp, but don’t usually use it if I grid in the water for fear of attracting bait fish, which attracts bigger fish. It was also getting harder to see my grid lines. After about an hour and a half, I hit my first target. It was ringing up between 19-21, which is normally in the penny range, but with the different metals used to make rings it’s hard to tell sometimes. When I started digging the target, Matt came over to watch. I told him this sounds like a penny but let’s see what we got. Once I got the target out of the hole, I turned my headlamp on. Matt had a flashlight and he turned it on, and we started moving the sand around. Finally I got a glimpse of the target – Bang!!!! There was Matt’s wedding band. I handed it to him and he said something like, “he wasn’t sure if he was happier about the ring being found or more amazed that it was found.”  We decided we’d surprise Ashley, but I think she was hanging out on the balcony and may have heard our plan. It all worked out in the end and I left a very happy couple able to continue a great vacation.

Matt and Ashley – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation with your family and have a very safe trip back home.
