Toronto, Ontario Canada

Toronto, Ontario Canada
Erin, Ontario, Canada
Received a text message from Ron from Erin that another incredible “The Ring Finders” team Steve Zmd recommended me to assist in finding lost truck & tractor keys in my own town!!
Ron was on his lawn tractor cutting 2 acres of grass. He was rushing to finish the grass before dark. After he finished cutting the grass he reached into his pocket and his truck & tractor keys where gone. He searched his property and could not locate them. Lucky he had a back up set of keys to his truck.
I decided to grid the outer portions of the 2 acres using my Minelab Excalibur 2 on ‘pinpoint/all metal mode’. With-in 40 minutes and many darn mosquito bites….I LOCATED THEM!!
He’s one happy camper as it’s pricey to purchase a new set of keys!! Thank you Steve Zmd for the recommendation AGAIN XO
Here’s a link to the video!!
Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
For the last 11 years I have been a participant in the “Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation Snow Run”. February 4th, 2018 was the 19th Annual Snow Run event. Woman only snowmobiling ride raising much needed donations for this amazing Charity.
Every year I try to think up ways to raise donations to out due my previous years fundraising attempts without asking my dear Friends, Family and Co-Workers every year…
You see…here’s a little bit about the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation….
I try my very best….but in 2017 and 2018 I resorted to my metal detecting skills and decided that through my “The Ring Finders” call outs….I’ll use my PASSION & SKILLS for metal detecting and make my “CLIENTS” …PAY-IT-FORWARD!! I ask for my call-out feed to cover my fuel and a meal…then when I recover the clients lost item…I ask them to “PAY-IT-FORWARD” by making a donation through my fundraising page to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation.
I really was blown away as you see my this video (as I was doing a live broadcast) that I won this incredible “Kelly Shires Award” for the most INNOVATED WAY OF RAISING DONATIONS FOR THIS CHARITY!!! Out of the $3,600 donations (my highest amount fund raising in the last 11 years participation) I RAISED $2,600 DIRECTLY THROUGH MY RING FINDERS CLIENTS!!! S-T-O-K-E-D & HONOURED I WAS!! In 2017 I raised $1,850 dollars metal detecting.
Here is the link to the video for the award! I was truly in shock but very honoured;
So…I am heading into my 11th year in participating at the 20th annual KELLY SHIRES BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION!! and again…will be insisting my RING FINDER CLIENTS to “PAY-IT-FORWARD”!!
2018-02-07 Oakville, Ontario
I received a text message from a fellow sled head Mark B to let me know his neighbour lost his 14k gold wedding band somewhere in the snow and to call him right away.
I call Tony H immediately. He advised that he was shovelling the snow and also walked down the road. He advised that the snow plow had just gone by. It was -7C and within 20 minutes of speaking to Tony H and headed down to Oakville.
As the story goes, Tony took off his gloves and within 5 minutes realized his wedding band came off. I started to grid search the driveway. Tony felt it could have been on the roadway so I continued onto the roadway. After 40 minutes I was drawn back to the driveway as the more questions I asked I felt he lost it when he took off his gloves. Within 5 minutes and 2′ off the driveway in 1′ of snow….BAM! Had a great tone on my Minelab Excalibur 2!! Tony was a great sport and very happy not to sleep outside in the dog house in the frigid temperatures!
Here’s a little video
I have great Friends who notified me that they had sent my ring finder information to a fellow Church member.
Boris T of Mississauga had recently lost weight and decided to participate in a 5km Charity FOAM run at Claireville Conservation Area in Brampton, Ontario.
Met Boris at the location immediately after work. He was AMAZING!! He had spoken to Friends that video taped his participation in the event. They narrowed down the location to the one FOAMED up obstacle. He had is beautiful wedding bank going into, up, over and when he came out…..his precious wedding band was GONE. Boris continued on to finish the race with a very sad heart. His 10th wedding Anniversary was coming up soon…..
I was a bit embarrassed that I had left my Minelab Excalibur2 detector on…the battery was dead. Thank goodness I had a back-up…the newly acquired Garrett AT Pro which I had only played around with. UNDER TWO MINUTES…..I FOUND HIS RING!!! I was amazing…..Boris was overcome with happiness. He was truly so grateful and happy.
Here is a link to the actual ring find https://youtu.be/nZmWX_JIqLA
Here is Boris’s video that made me so very proud at what I do!!!!~ https://www.facebook.com/turner.boris/videos/10211891207689301/
PRICELESS!!! and another donation made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation Snow Run which I will be participating in Feb 2018 my 10th year!! Thank you for your kindness Boris!! xo