Lost Platinum Diamond Set Sandwich Beach Cape Cod, Mass
On Sunday Morning 7/23/2016 I received an E Mail from Beth, She had briefly said that she was at our local beach on Cape Cod and lost her wedding band… She wanted to know if I could help somehow… I called her back and said that time was of the essence. She then proceeded to tell me that actually it was both rings one being her Diamond and the other was her wedding band… I asked the usual questions but one answer I didn’t want to hear was that they had been lost for a few days already and they were leaving in a day or two for Arizona… I jumped into my truck and met them at the beach… It was around 90 degrees and extremely humid… I made a grid pattern as usual but for over an hour nothing… I asked them to re group and give me their best guess as to where they may have thought they were sitting at the time… Five minutes later I had the Platinum Wedding Band in my hand, they couldn’t believe it… I took a few pictures and told them lets get the bigger one now… ten feet away and 15 minutes later there it was on top of the sand… Wow what a beautiful Platinum set of rings… I must say I am happy to have been a part of the Return… Beth and her Husband Thad are going to wright up a little something about how they found me in the Ring Finders Directory… Stay Tuned… Here i.es the follow up from Beth West from Arizona after the ring set return…

found in the sand

found in sand
I had the opportunity to meet Leighton Harrington on July 24, 2016. My husband, son, daughter and I were enjoying a vacation on the east coast, and arrived on Cape Cod on July 21st. We went to the beach the day after we arrived. At some point, I took both my wedding and engagement rings off and set them in my lap as I applied sunscreen. I was having a conversation with my 13-year-old daughter, got distracted, and we both popped up to go walk along the shore. Forgetting my rings were in my lap, they both fell deep into the sand without my knowledge.
It was later that evening that I realized that I didn’t know where my rings were. After 18 years of marriage, it was a really odd sensation to look down at my left hand and not see them there. I still wasn’t 100% sure that I had left them at the beach. I thought perhaps I had lost them in the rental house we were staying at. I searched high and low in the house for two days and couldn’t find them. Finally, I remembered taking them off at the beach and was sure they were probably lost forever.
That night, I Googled “Cape Cod Lost Wedding Ring” and found the http://www.theringfinders.com website. I sent an email to Leighton. I never expected to hear back from him. But lo and behold, he called me early the next morning and asked if my husband and I could meet him at the beach where I lost my rings. After about an hour of searching in the hot sun, I was ready to throw in the towel. But Leighton refused to give up, and eventually he was able to recover both of my rings!
I am so grateful to Leighton for his persistence and positive attitude. He is one of the nicest guys I’ve met in a really long time. And I’m absolutely thrilled to have my rings back. Now every time I look down at my left hand, I’m beyond grateful that we were able to find them. I can’t thank him enough.