Hand Made Ring From Santorini Lost On Honeymoon Island, Florida…Found By Dunedin Ring Finder!!!
Steve Thomas
Dunedin Ring Finder lostringdunedin.com
“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!
Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach including the water or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Don’t waste time and money purchasing or renting your own metal detector to try to find your lost item. Please contact me ASAP at (843) 995-4719 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!
Thank you, Heather for writing this testimonial:
“Laurel – Rhode Island
Beth – Connecticut
Heather and Allison – KY
We are on a girls trip. Laurel and Beth have been best friends for over 50 years. Beth is Allison’s mom and Heather is her best friend for over 10 years.
23 years ago Laurel was in Greece and in the small town of OIA on the island of Santorini They found this ring. The jeweler said he only had one. They told him they would only buy it if he would make them one more and ship it. That is exactly what the jeweler did. She realized that her ring was gone Thursday night and searched the room and house to try to find it. In the morning she let the rest of us know and we did another sweep of the house and the car. Beth and Laurel went to the restaurant we had lunch at and searched. The staff was so kind and searched too. Laurel and a kind teenager went under the deck and searched for the ring. Allison went online to find the number for the restaurant we ate at the night before. Heather found the state parks Facebook page and wrote a comment asking if any found a ring. We went in our boat tour and had lunch. When we got back Heather checked her messages and Steve Thomas had sent me a message. Then the magic happened and throughout many questions, Steve Thomas found the ring!!!”
Laurel, Beth, Heather and Allison, it was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for contacting Steve Thomas, Dunedin Ring Finder to help you find Laurel’s precious ring! And thank you for the generous reward for grandsons Tillman and Anson’s college funds!