Steve Thomas
Dunedin Ring Finder
“It’s Only Lost Until I Find It!
Lost a ring or other metal valuable at the beach including the water or in a grassy or sandy area? Jewelry slip off of you while working outside, playing with the dog or swimming? Don’t waste time and money purchasing your own metal detector to try to find your lost item. Please contact me ASAP at (843) 995-4719 or @dunedinringfinder. I offer a FREE metal detecting service, reward optional but appreciated upon recovery!
Melissa and her family evacuated her home in Seminole. Fl. as powerful Hurricane Milton was threatening the area. Included in their preparations was removing the fish from their aquarium and Melissa had remembered removing her wedding ring and placing it in her jacket pocket to do this. Melissa then made a number of trips to place personal items in their cars before leaving the house. She also walked next door to check with her neighbors to see if they might secure their trash cans. It was dark by that time and as she was walking over she kicked something in the driveway that she thought at the time was a rock. It was sometime after Melissa was at her mother’s home where she had evacuated that she realized that her precious ring was no longer in her jacket pocket! After the threat of the storm was over, Melissa searched her home and yard as well as the edge of her neighbor’s yard for the ring but was unable to locate it. She was also concerned of the possibility that the ring in her pocket got hung up in a tissue also in her pocket that she later threw away.
About three months later, Melissa saw the story of my most recent ring recovery on a local social media page and found out about the metal detecting services I offered. She messaged me and we set up a time for me to search. I met Melissa and after she provided me the details of the loss, I began my search of the yard (which was small with a circular driveway) on the side yard and then moved to the front yard beginning with the strip of grass between the sidewalk and grass. I had only dug a few targets including several pieces of scrap metal and a penny. I did not have the husband’s matching wedding ring to provide me with a good target number to look for on my detector display and the ring was a mixture of platinum and gold so I was going to dig every target close to the surface. As I got close to the driveway I detected a solid surface target that rang up 71-72 on my Minelab Equinox 900 detector. Melissa had just stepped inside her home for a minute and as I probed into the grass with my handheld pinpointer, I spotted Melissa’s beautiful ring nestled well down into the grass and about half buried. I went to Melissa’s door and when she opened it I told her that I think I found what we were looking for! We walked over and I pulled the ring out of the grass where it had laid for over three months and handed it to her and Melissa began crying tears of joy. For me, the first “rush” comes with the find and the second one comes when I give the ring back to its owner. This never gets old!
Melissa, thank you for contacting Steve Thomas, Dunedin Ring Finder and trusting me to find your wedding ring!
In the current news climate mixed in with winter, what a joy it was to come upon the news article about Ms Melissa’s wedding ring; and to boot, all the other success stories you’ve had. This really made my day. Thank you for being such a kind and generous person!