lost wedding ring Narragansett beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Newlywed’s Ring found on Narragansett RI Town Beach

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On Sunday, October 18, 2020, Matt and his wife were married on beautiful Narragansett town beach, followed by a celebration in the North Beach Club House.  At some point after the ceremony, they noticed that Matt’s wedding band had slipped off.  Friends and family  helped  search the beach and the Club House.  Guests even got a rake to search the sand and tried using a metal detector as well.  Unfortunately, these efforts only caused the ring to sink deeper in the sand.  They decided to search the internet for help and found TheRingFinders.com website.  On Monday, Matt sent me a text message asking for my help.  As soon as I got his message, I contacted Matt to let him know that I was on my way to search for his lost wedding band.  That’s when Matt told me that the wedding band had been handed down to him by his late grandfather.  Matt and his wife live in Cambridge, MA, and were unable to meet me at the beach, so they provided photos of the two areas where they thought the ring might be.  I started my search closest to the water, and in ten minutes I found Matt’s ring about 8 inches deep in the sand.  I called him with the good news.  We met that evening, and he was thrilled to have his ring back.