This ring find began when I got a call from Damian who was on vacation with his family from Denver, Colorado. While Damian was wrestling his Father Kiko in the shore break at Kailua Beach Kiko’s two amazing Poker Rings came off and disappeared in the waves and sand. Kiko told me he tried for about three hours to feel for them with his feet but that’s an impossible task. I had just gotten home from work so I told Damian I would pack my gear and could be there in about 45 minutes depending on traffic. When I got in the vicinity he flagged me down and miraculously there was available parking right where they were. When I arrived, Damian took me down to the beach where I met Hector, Fabian, Kiko & Bianca. The whole family was devastated that their Father had lost these special rings. I also saw a metal detectorist in the water hunting and told them I don’t compete. It’s either him or me. Thankfully, the gentleman was a passerby and had just offered his assistance. Having a Garrett MAX I knew that wouldn’t be working in our salt water environment. He graciously bowed out so I could do the hunt with the Manticore. Bianca showed me a video of Kiko & Damian wrestling in thigh deep water so I asked Kiko why was he standing in chest deep water. I decided to do a perpendicular to shore grid and had Kiko stand in the water as my marker. Thankfully, this beach is really clean so some deep grunting targets is all I heard until BOOM! 55-76 VDI on the surface target that my coil I believe actually bumped as I swung. The water was so murky I had to scoop the concrete like sand. I was only thinking big gold band not the monster green gem with diamonds in yellow gold that was in the bottom of my scoop. I grabbed it and said to Kiko, “Look a ring for me.” He exclaimed “No, that’s my favorite of the two rings I lost.” He then told me the other ring was Platinum and had a gold coin in it with diamonds. About 4 feet further another BOOM! This target refused to go in my scoop as I was getting thrown around in the surf. I asked the other detectorist since he was a stout guy to try a real detector and stand his ground and scoop that target up for me. I didn’t want to damage the ring scooping constantly. Sure enough on his second scoop the other magnificent ring was in the scoop and immediately given to Kiko. The entire family was over joyed that their vacation was saved. We had a few laughs and pics and of course all the boys were interested in metal detecting and had a few questions about the hobby which I gladly answered. Several beach goers were yelling congratulations and how awesome to see the recovery. A great big Aloha to Kiko, Bianca, Damian, Fabian & Hector!