lost ring sandpoint Idaho Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Wedding ring lost in CDA Idaho, Was Found!!

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

The same choices made everyday are often the same choices made right before one might lose their ring. Likewise for Jamie, when her husband had come home she brought out her two wound up dogs for their moonlight walk. The air’s cool grip clung on tight that night but never the less when the walk was finished the dogs, Jamie’s husband and Jamie all had fun playing around in the pile of leaves. The playing in the leaves came to a close and the family retired back into the house. Upon a quick glance and with a rapid heart beat “my ring is missing” slipped out of Jamie’s mouth. The search was on. Flashlights and retraced steps left both Jamie and her husband at a loss. The next morning the dogs where lethargic with Jamie’s sadness. The only thing Jamie could possibly do was surfed the web for answers. The Knot, a wedding website, told her to call The Ring Finders. So Jamie sent me a frantic text, “I lost my ring are you still available?” I quickly called her and talked about the unfortunate night she had been through and then made arrangements to meet her after work. I knew that the ring could be anywhere in the leaves, on the path they took, in the yard, or on someone else’s hand. Hopeful I took off on my search. A quick pass in the pile of leaves, a stroll through the yard and back in the pile of leaves lead me straight to her ring. With a bit of confidence I looked over my shoulder at Jamie walking beside me and gave her a smile. ” If this signal isn’t your ring I’ll be surprised,”I said. I bent down and slowly pulled back the pile of leaves and revealed Jamie’s lost ring. The choice to enjoy life and have fun is always best, but when something like a lost ring steals away the joy, make sure to remember A Ring Finder is near and willing to help. Thanks Jamie for trusting The Ring finders.