Call The Ring Finders of North Myrtle Beach SC Tag | The Ring Finders

3 Gold Rings Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Shortly after 7 pm, I got a call from Allison saying she had lost 3 rings (all gold) in the dry sand that was probably under water by now. She told me that one of the rings was her wedding band and the other 2 were 14k. She asked if I could help find the rings. I asked her about what time she lost them, and she replied around 4 pm. I asked her if we could meet at 9:30pm and if she’d send me the address. She agreed to the time and sent the address, The address wasn’t coming up so I asked for the address again. Her phone did an auto correct the first time but got it right the second time. As time passed, I was thinking of the time of loss and low tide and text her asking if we could meet at 8:30 instead. She agreed so we were set.

When we met on the beach, Allison introduced me to her best friend Hannah. The 3 of us walked down the beach to the suspected loss area. On the way, I asked Allison how the rings were lost. She explained she took them off to apply sunscreen and put them in the cup holder of the beach chair. As the tide started coming in they moved their chairs to higher ground. After a short time, they packed up to go to dinner. It was while they were driving to dinner that she realized she forgot to take her rings out of the cup holder. They went back to the condo and went through everything they had on the beach with no luck. Allison said she had called her mother and told her about the loss. She said her mother called her back giving her my information and she called me. We got to the area that both Allison and Hannah agreed was the area they had been sitting. They were basing it off a trash can near the dunes. I turned on my Nox 800 and went to work. I was looking for VDI (visual display indicator) of around 13. I did a north/south grid and came up empty. I went back to Allison and told her I didn’t think we were in the right area because I came up with nothing. She was on the phone and suddenly said “there’s a new development!!” She asked if the trash cans got moved and I told her no, they get emptied in the mornings, but rarely get moved. We walked back down the beach to where we came across the access point and spotted another trash can. Allison and Hannah picked a new spot based off that trash can and I started a new grid line running east/west, perpendicular to the tide line. On my second line I hit 3 separate targets, all registering 11-13. I dug the first target and Bingo; I had the 1st gold ring sticking out of the sand. I held it up and hollered at Allison. Both she and Hannah came flying down the beach. I handed the ring to Allison to identify. One down, two to go. The next target I dug up was the wedding band. As I reached down and picked it up and handed it to Allison, the tears came rushing out. She was overwhelmed, as was I. Back to work, I pulled out the 3rd ring. Mission accomplished, all 3 rings were back where they belong, and Allison couldn’t have been happier.

Allison – Thank your mother for me for sending you, my way. Also, for trusting me to help find your lost treasures. It was my pleasure.  All the best to you in your new profession as a Dentist, everybody loves Dentists!



Lady’s Yellow Gold Wedding Ring Lost in the Ocean, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Thursday, just before 4 pm, I got a text saying, “Is this ring finders? We have a lost wedding ring out there in the ocean today, north myrtle beach. My mother has had it for 44 years 🙁 I called the number attached to the text and spoke with Sara. She told me that her, her mother, Debbie, and her sister, Kadie had arrived about 1 pm for a girl’s week. Her mother had gone out shortly after arrival to about knee deep in the surf. She suddenly got hit by a big wave and got knocked over. Sara also said her mother was tumbling around in the water and when she finally stood up; her wedding ring was gone. I asked Sara about what time this happened, and she told me about 1 pm. This was good news because high tide was right around 1 and it was now shortly before 4 so the tide was receding.  I told Sara I’d be there in 15-20 minutes, grabbed my Equinox 800 and was on my way.

When I arrived at the condo, Sara was waiting for me in the parking lot and gave me a parking pass. On our way out to the beach she reiterated the details and said she was sure of the location. Once on the beach, I met Debbie and Kadie. One thing that was very obvious to me was that these young ladies really love their mother. I could tell Debbie was very upset but held her emotions in check. Both Kadie and Sara showed me the search area and it was maybe 25 yards across. I confirmed that the metal was yellow gold and from the picture they showed me, I was expecting a 12/13 on the VDI (visual display indicator). I noticed Debbie had gone back to their room, while Sara and Kadie found a spot on the beach to watch. I started a perpendicular grid search at the far north boundary line.  Since the loss happened over 3 hours ago by now, I expected the ring to be in the wet sand and not in the ocean. Nonetheless, I ran my grid line out to about thigh deep. I was about 3 lines short of the southern boundary line and in the wet sand when I got a solid 13 on the VDI. I took a scoop of sand and laid it out on the beach. I spread the sand out with my foot and saw a little glimmer of gold and the outline of a ring. BINGO! I reached down and picked up the ring and held it up for Sara and Kadie to see. They both saw me at the same time, I think one of them gave a little scream of excitement, and literally flew down to me. I didn’t want to give it to them until I had washed the sand off in the ocean, they were patient. When they had their hands on it they were so excited. They quickly called Debbie and gave her the good news. I couldn’t see her, but one of the girl’s said Debbie was on the balcony waving her hands. What a feeling it was to hand Debbie back her ring of 44 years. She had called her husband when it happened and gave him the bad news. I got to hear her call him back and give him the good news; he was very excited for her. I love these lost item reunions.

Sara and Kadie – Thank you so much for trusting me to help find your mother’s special wedding ring.

Debbie – I’m so happy to have gotten your ring back to you. You guys enjoy your girl’s week.



Yellow Gold Engagement Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Wrightsville Beach, NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from a very upset Emily saying she had lost her engagement ring and wanted to know if I could help. I asked her what beach she lost it and she replied, “Wrightsville Beach.” I told her it’d take me about an hour and fifteen minutes to get there. I also asked her if she could meet me on the beach and she said she could. I got the beach access number and told her I was on my way.

I got there a little faster than I thought, my heavy foot on the gas helped. I texted her and told her I was there and she immediately texted back, saying we’ll be there in 10 minutes. I asked her which way do I need to go when I get on the beach and she told me to the left and up to 50 yards from the access. When I got to the beach, I cranked up the Equinox 800 and started an east/west grid from the access entrance north. About my 4th grid line, a lady came up to me and said that there had been a young couple who had lost her engagement ring earlier in the day. I explained that the young lady had called me and I was there to help find the ring. I asked if she knew about where the couple had been, and she pointed up in the dry sand about another 10 yards from where we were standing. As I’m heading up to the new spot, Emily came running out on the beach. We introduced ourselves and I asked the description of the ring and where she thought she had lost it. She said the ring was a yellow gold engagement ring with a diamond and had fallen out of a shirt pocket. She then pointed to the same area the lady had shown me. I walked up and swung the coil, and immediately hit a target showing a solid 14. Yellow gold is going to show a VDI (visual display indicator) in the low to mid teens. Unfortunately, a pull tab shows a solid 14, so I wasn’t sure if I had a pull tab or her ring. One scoop of sand and there was her beautiful engagement ring. Emily had made her way down towards the water trying to eyeball her ring lying in the sand. Mike, her fiancé, was standing there and I showed him the ring asking if it’s the one. When he said yes, I held the ring up and yelled at Emily, “Is this what your ring looks like?” She came running!!! She was so excited, with tears rolling down her cheeks she said, “`She had been crying all day.” I replied but now they’re tears of joy.

Emily – Thank you for trusting me and The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure, its back where it belongs.



Lost College Ring on Crescent Beach in North Myrtle Beach, SC, Found and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)


It was 4pm on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at Crescent Beach in North Myrtle Beach, SC. Our family had spent an overcast day on the beach together and had begun discussing dinner plans for the evening. The sun began to peek from the clouds, so my brother-in-law and his girlfriend decided to throw a football before we packed up for the day, so I joined.  They went out in the surf at least waist deep, and I stayed ankle-shin deep to throw back out to them. Never had an issue with my college ring coming off my hand, but after a few throws, using my right hand, the water had helped to loosen the ring. That’s when it happened, I threw the ball out, and as my arm came down from the throw, I felt the ring come off. I didn’t see or hear where it hit the water. That’s when instant panic set in. However, I stopped and looked at where I was in relation to stationary objects on the beach, anchored boats in front of us and storm water markers nearby. I yelled for help from my brother-in-law and then called my wife down from the umbrella. Four of us frantically searched in the shallow surf for at least 15 minutes, until I realized that the ring would have burrowed in the sand by now and it would be hopeless to keep searching. That is when my wife and I both felt “shell shocked” at the loss. Mainly because the ring was custom made, almost a decade after graduating college, and it was very pricey. I had only had it for a little over a month — hence the rookie mistake of forgetting to take it off in the first place.

By this time, it was 4:15pm, I stepped back up on the beach and thought to myself, check the tide chart. It was almost at peak high tide, and low tide would be after 11pm that night, in which I knew the area the ring was in, would be completely uncovered with water at that time. Do we come back then and dig around? That’s when I thought to search online for “professional metal detecting service, north myrtle beach”. The first result I clicked on took me to a “TheRingFinders” webpage with the first article showing a recovery of a woman’s wedding band set in North Myrtle Beach almost a year ago by a gentleman. I skimmed the article and realized that this was no novice just messing around, this guy must be a true professional given the circumstances of that recovery. That’s when I located his number and dialed it. On the third ring, I was greeted by Jim. Confirming he was in fact the “the ring finder man.” He proceeded to ask where I was, and I gave him details of what had just happened. It was 4:20pm, and he said stay put, I will be there in 20 minutes. He dropped his plans with his wife and immediately came to us to help.

Exactly 20 minutes later, Jim called me, and I watched as he walked out on the beach – “to the rescue.” He came up introduced himself and immediately my wife and I felt a sense of calm. He was super friendly, lighthearted about the situation so that we were able to laugh about it and at the same time. He obtained details and immediately set forth on his mission. Starting from a point we indicated, he worked in and out south. His grid patterning from the boundaries that we provided was evident that this was “not his first rodeo!” We anxiously watched and waited.

After close to a dozen in-and-out passes, from the beach to waist deep, out past where we told him I would have been standing. He came ashore, asked more questions from myself and my brother-in-law, and redirected his search north from where he started. On the second pass headed out, he stopped, right about where I would have been standing, now knee-deep. His waving motion of his detector had stopped. He was holding it still on something. Moving the detector aside, he took his scoop and made one dip into the water and up came a “scoop full of sand.”  He carefully washed away the sand from the scoop and reached inside it. Turning around to walk ashore, he looked at us and “did a little dance!” That’s when we knew, bingo!

Jim came ashore, walked up to me and held out his fisted hand, and dropped my ring in my hand. Mission accomplished recovery complete. Everyone seemed shocked that he found it, myself included – however, I really and truly had faith in Jim from the time I talked with him on the phone. I would have been more shocked if he wasn’t able to recover it, that’s how much I trusted his skill. I had not read his biography at this point, nothing other than the skimming of that one story online. Later, we learned that Jim served our wonderful country for many years in the United States Coast Guard and also working in the federal government.  He has continued his selfless service to people along the Grand Strand area for many years in his retirement – what a kind gesture to put his skills to work in such a way to help those in a panicked time of need.

“Thank you” was simply not enough to express my gratitude for his help. I went to shake his hand, and instead he leaned in and we exchanged a “bear hug!” A friendship was sparked. I gave Jim some cash that I hoped would be enough monetary compensation for his time, effort and ultimate success. He didn’t count it, but instead held it up and said “whatever this is, just know that ten percent of it will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in honor of you and your wife!” Such a kind gesture, once again.

In less than an hour and a half, a ring was “lost” by me and then recovered by a true professional and class act, Mr. Jim Wren. A one-of-a-kind college ring now really is a conversation piece, with a story to tell! Something that I will be able to pass down.

God Bless You Mr. Jim, you deserve all the best my friend!

