help me find my keys Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost keys in the grass, Orlando, Florida…Found with a metal detector!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service for you if you lost a ring or something precious to you. Please don’t wait until tomorrow, time will work against you! Call AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, CALL NOW! 321-363-6029

Randy called me about a set of keys that had been run over by a commercial lawn mower and the most important key was nowhere to be found. He and his son had walked the area numerous times hoping to find the keys but all they could see were bits and pieces of his truck fob/key. The lost keys were very important as they were the only keys he had that opened his storage shed/office and a master key to the apartment building that he owned and managed!

After a thorough search on the internet he finally came across website and gave me a call. Upon hearing Randy’s story I figured the keys were there hiding in the grass and they may be whole or in pieces as the mower all but destroyed the fob and one key there were able to find. So later that afternoon I met Randy and he showed me the area and as I grid searched back and forth I realized the ground was loaded with trashy signals of all kinds so I concentrated on the strongest and most shallow signals and that helped me locate–first two bent up keys and the metal ring and then just a few steps away, the most important key! Randy was thrilled and relieved to have his keys back and could not stop saying thank you!

Lost something recently? How can I help? Call me ASAP at 321-363-6029!

Mike McInroe…Blessed by God to be a member of

Lost Audi car key/fob, Orlando, Florida….found by metal detector specialist!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

A young lady called me to see if I could help her find a lost Audi car fob/key and I could tell by the tone of her voice she was in a desperate way. (To replace certain types of car keys it can be very expensive and one has to also pay additional fees for towing and reprogramming a new key to your specific vehicle.).

I always ask allot of questions to find out how, when, where and who all was involved to help me sort through the possibilities and likelihood of even being able to locate their lost item. The young lady informed me that they were very sure of the location which was covered with manicured bushes, mulched areas and a large paved parking lot. And come to find out the fob/key was not dropped but it was actually thrown…and not by an upset sister but by a strong, angry boyfriend! The first 40 minutes I looked through the bushes and through the mulch and in the gutters and any where within a 20 to 30 yard distance but once I heard that a young man had thrown the fob I figured it could be allot further. So I expanded my search area to include further away hedges, mulched areas and parking spaces. As Chris Turner would say, “You need to think out of the box sometimes!” I was beginning to think that someone else must have picked up the lost Audi fob and as I walked the far side of the parking lot I noticed a small black plastic object laying along side of the cement curb and as I got closer I could see it was exactly what I was looking for! After pacing off the distance from where it was thrown it turned out to be all of 55 yards! So it truly pays to think outside the box!

How I thank God for leading me to where that fob was just sitting there in that parking lot, waiting for me to come along to find it and return it to it’s rightful owner!

Lost something valuable and need help? Call or text ASAP…321-363-6029

Mike McInroe….forever grateful to be a member of

Lost pocket knife and key in grass, Central Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Two weeks ago my good friend Mr. Jack lost a pocket knife and single key while playing with our neighbors young dog. Mr. Jack and his dear wife are winter volunteers here at our retirement center and willingly work daily to help out on the grounds maintenance and cleaning. Mr. Jack has years of experience mowing lawns, trimming trees and taking care of plants in general. And he has a habit of always carrying two pocket knives in his pockets and his trailer key and when he lost those two items he was a bit concerned.

So many times people loose something in the grass, in their garden, in the water or at the park and after looking for awhile they give up hope of ever finding it and they walk away thinking they will never see it again. Thankfully is here to give these people hope and help in these types of situations.

Like last Thursday while I was using a metal detector to locate a buried manhole cover when Mr. Jack told me about his lost pocket knife and key. And he was curious to know if I could find them for him and I assured him that the chances were very good if….he could put me in close proximity to where he lost them. He showed me the thick grassy area and I took three swings with my metal detector and got a really good signal and BOOM…there was his trailer key! Three more swings and BEEP, BEEP…up came his favorite pocket knife!

Lost something and need help? Call, text or e-mail me anytime!

Mike McInroe…grateful member of

Car & House Keys Lost & Found At Branksome Beach

  • from Bournemouth (England, United Kingdom)

David & family were on holiday in Bournemouth having driven down from their home in Swindon. One evening David visited Branksome beach & buried his car keys in the sand for safe keeping whilst he took a swim. After his swim & returning to his car it was there he remembered where he’d left the keys. Trouble was… he couldn’t remember the spot. Fortunately he had some spares sent to him so that he wasn’t without transport.

When I received Davids call he explained he was there for only another day or two. We met the very next morning before I went to work & after half an hour searching, things were looking ‘concerning’. However just outside the proposed area the jagged signal of keys were heard & up they come!

David was very relieved to get the keys back. Anyone who has lost house & car keys before know the extortionate cost & aggravation to replace them! He has made a kind donation to the Margret Green Animal Sanctuary.