The Ring Finders Blog | Page 929 of 987

Lost Ring in Arbutus Ridge Victoria Found and Returned

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)


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I received a phone call Saturday from Mark, telling me the story of how he lost his matching wedding ring while feeding the horses. After getting a tour of the farm and all the possible places it could be, I arranged to return for the hunt.

Monday morning I loaded up my equipment and headed to Arbutus Ridge arriving at 10:00 a.m.
I hunted for four hours and no luck, so expanding the search I entered a corral and searched the area and the feed trough. Bingo the tone of Silver.

Mark and Sherry were so excited to get this matching wedding ring back

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Lost 18K Gold & Platinum Wedding Ring Recovered In Walnut Cove 6/13/2013

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)

Hello , I recieved a call from a gentleman by the name of ( Mr. David P. ). who explained that he lost a 18K gold & platinum ring while working in his yard a week earlier.. After speakin with him I agreed to come out and help him locate his lost ring. I arrived on the morning of 6/13/2013. When I got there we spoke alittle more about it and Mr. David P. , walked me through everything he had done from the time he first started and the time he noticed his ring was missing. he showed me all the areas he thought in might be lost in as well. I searched for about 4-5 hours very long hours and then i finally found it. As you can see from the smile on his face he was very happy to have his ring back and it was a pleasure to help him find it.. 0613131223 0613131221

Lost Gold Wedding Ring..Laguna Beach, CA… Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

The day before finishing their beach vacation, Taylor lost his gold wedding ring.

This morning about 9:00am, I received a call from Taylor asking me if I could help him find his wedding ring he lost yesterday on the beach. He was searching the internet for a metal detector when he found The RingFinders and my phone number. I was able to meet him about an hour later.

He and his family had been vacationing in South Laguna Beach and had spent the day on the beach. He had taken his ring off and put it into the cup holder of his folding beach chair. When they got ready to leave he picked up his chair and walked to the parking area.  (about 200 ft.)  That was when he realized that he had lost his ring.  Taylor was able to give me very good idea of where they were sitting and that made it very easy to find his ring. He and his wife were very happy and by now they are back home in Utah. I’ve found a lot of rings for people and I still get excited when I can help people like Taylor and his wife find their ring. Their little daughter is still trying to figure out what was the big deal.

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Metal Detecting for a lost gold wedding band on a soccer field in Vancouver, BC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Last night I received a call around 9:30 pm from a young  lady who’s husband (Jose) had lost his gold wedding band at a Vancouver Park while playing soccer.Jose and 10 others searched for the ring of well over an hour in the dark with a flashlight but to no avail.  His wife googled and found The Ring Finders online and we discussed the search and I met her husband at 7:30 am the next morning for him to show me the area.Fortunately he had a very good idea that the ring had come off in the goal area… if he was right that would cut my search time considerably and that being said it only took me 10 minutes!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Only married 3 years this young man’s ring will now continue to tell a story of love.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe smile tells the story! I truly love my job! I get to make people Smile! Lost something…Call ASAP! You can watch the video of the search on the link below…

Lost Ring Victoria B.C. Found

  • from Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)

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Lost Ring at Woody’s Lagoon Victoria, B.C. Found

Dave called me this morning and asked can I Please find his ring. While running at Woody’s Lagoon in Victoria, B.C. Dave stopped to rest and took off his backpack, then felt and heard his ring come off, Gone from sight into the sand. He searched for hours and had a sleepless night. And after googling found Ring Finders.

I met with Dave and walked down the beach and started the search, after 10 minutes a strong tone and there it was, Success, a returned ring.

Metal Detecting For a Lost Diamond Ring at a Vancouver Beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Its been a very hard week due to the loss of my wife’s father, we’ll miss him very much!I was away for the past week dealing with the preparations of the service and I had 3 calls and 2 that I passed on to others Ring Finders, after I arrived home late last night I was able to do a search for a diamond wedding ring that was lost on Spanish Banks Beach here in Vancouver.

I was extremely exhausted but looking very forward to getting away to the beach and and helping someone find their lost smile as this is more like relaxation for me.I met with Mary at 11pm and she showed me where her wife lost her ring and it took me a little over an hour to find it.



It would have been a quicker search but due to the fact that it was late and dark it took a while for Mary to put me in the correct area but when she did it only took minutes and we found the ring and I got to see her big smile!

Thank you very much for the generous reward Mary it helps me with my gas money and equipment and 15 % of the reward money goes to charity… Children’s Hospital




I love my job!

Lost something…Call ASAP!You can watch the video of the recovery on the link below…

Lost Platinum Wedding Band Richmond, Texas (Recovered)

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

June 2013

Lost Men’s Platinum Wedding Ring in Richmond, Texas.

The caller Mr. King reported he had lost his wedding ring in his backyard while battling a swarm of honey bees. Mr. King reported a swarm of honey bees had been trying to set-up their new home at his new home, and while trying to evict them things went bad. Apparently the bees were not planning on cooperating and became aggressive and assaulted Mr. King. In the battle for his turf, Mr King managed to lose his ring while in the midst of the fight. The suspects (bees) were later taken into custody by a pest control specialist without further incident. No other injuries were reported.

Mr. King reported his new homes backyard was not sodded and it was extremely muddy due to recent rains, he suggested wearing boots due to the yards current condition.

With a new Minelab CTX 3030 in hand, I wadded through Mr. King’s backyard and found his ring buried in about 1″ of mud. The new CTX 3030 is off to a good start.

CTX 3030Mr. King

Mother’s 18K gold ring lost in back yard in Bothell, WA – Now Found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Juli called me today about her mother’s 18k gold wedding band that was lost while playing with a ball  in 2011.

Julie’s mother was catching the ball thrown by her grandson when her ring flew off her finger into the yard.  After 20 minutes of searching, we found the ring buried two inches in the ground about 4 feet away from the deck.

There were lots of tears and hugs.  Julie was so excited to give the ring back to her mother and let her son know that the ring had been found!



3rd time is a charm in Fremont, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Dan R. was trimming some trees off his property and clearing some of his land and forgot he was wearing a gold bracelet until walking in the house and noticed it gone.

He went back out to where he thought he might have lost it and could not find it. He got on the computer and found and located me through

the directory. I came out the next day with a friend, Dave, and attempted to look for it unsuccessfully in the rain. Dan paid for my gas to make the 82 mile round trip

and I told him “I will be back but this time on my dime”. A week later I came out with another detector friend, Larry, and with better weather was still unsuccessful

so I didn’t want to fail Dan and his wife so I told him I was coming back. The third time I came back with my brother Doug, we have been a very successful team

in hunting down these lost items. After about 30 minutes Doug came up with the gold bracelet just on the edge of the flower bed and the grass.

Another happy couple and in the words of our director, Chris Turner, “I love my job”.


Park Search

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

20130531_123218 20130531_123226May 2013

A few service calls,

1. Lost men’s Platinum wedding band in Houston, believed to have possibly been lost at a soccer field/baseball field. Searched the area for several hours confirming for the owner this was not the location of his lost ring.

2. Lost Gold Tennis Bracelet with 52 (1/4) diamonds, in College Station. The caller report the bracelet had been lost in either a horse stall or horse arena. The caller later reported while waiting for my available response, he rented a metal detector and tried finding the bracelet himself. He said they were having a lot of difficulty figuring out the metal detector and placed a gold ring in the horse stall for testing purposes. They lost the ring, and started a search on their hands and knees to find the ring, while searching for the ring, they accidentally found the bracelet. The also later found the ring in the stall as well.

3. Lost Men’s Citadel Class Ring in Galveston, the caller reported he had accidental dropped his ring over the edge of a pier while assisting a friend with his boat. The caller reported he believed the water was approximately 15 feet deep and felt pretty sure of its location. As, I was preparing gear for a water recovery, the caller contacted me and reported he had found his ring on the deck of the boat under some debris.

4. Training in a local park, keeping the dust off both the equipment and operator. (see pictures) a couple of nice sterling silver pieces, clad coin (modern day), and several pieces of trash.