I don’t usually write about an unsuccessful ring search, but this one I had to share, because it was 3 very special rings that were lost. Any unsuccessful search is very hard for me, because all lost rings are very important and sentimental. I take all searches to heart and try my hardest on every one. I hate to walk away and leave someone feeling sad. Luckily, most of my searches have had happy endings with the rings back where they belong. I love the happy tears, the hugs, the happy dances and the huge smiles when I find their lost rings!
About a week ago I got a call from a young woman from Montreal. She had been working in the kitchen of a youth Summer camp here in Vermont. About a week earlier her 3 rings became lost. She had put them in her apron pocket while making bread. These rings were extremely special to her, all were gifts from family members and her husband. One was from her grandmother, another was given to her by her mother while she was in her last days, and the third one was her wedding ring with her husbands name engraved inside.
She was devastated and broken-hearted. All the workers at the camp and even all the kids that were there helped her search for hours and days. No luck. Someone then told her about my listing on The Ring Finders website and figured the service was worth a try.
We made arrangements to go to the camp and search last Saturday. She got permission from the camp’s owner for me to detect there. My fiancee went along to help, knowing how important it was and how hard the search might be. The woman also brought her husband and a friend to help. I got detailed descriptions of all 3 rings and began the search. She showed us all the places where they might have fallen out of the apron. Unfortunately, most of the places were either on wooden floors or hard-packed dirt with little or no grass….places where the rings could have easily been spotted and picked up by someone. We searched hard for a couple hours and then sat down to eat an awesome lunch she had brought for us all. We had a nice visit and got to know them all a little. After lunch we all searched again for a couple more hours. I have a lot of confidence in my detectors and felt like our chances of getting a signal with 3 rings out there should be even greater than looking for just 1 lost ring. We had no luck except for finding a nice old horseshoe which I gave her.
I hated to quit and and I hated to tell her that I was 99% sure that someone had already picked them up. I suggested that she give a very detailed description and her contact info to the camp’s owner to keep. I also said that if one of the kids had taken it home, that it might eventually get returned to the camp. Or possibly, someone’s conscience might get the best of them. It was tough leaving them, but I promised to get back there and try again someday. The owner of the camp was totally okay with me trying it again.
Last night I got an email from her. She forwarded an email from the camp owner that her rings had been found!! There was also a picture showing the 3 rings. Someone had picked them up, brought them to the office and gave them to a woman working there. Unfortunately, it was the woman’s last day working at the camp. She put them in her desk and never told anyone about it.
Luckily the right person had picked them up. We were so happy for her, 3 very important rings were back where they belonged. The lucky horseshoe and my fiancees prayers worked!
Please click on my name above for more about this service, my contact information and other success stories.