Earring Found In Middlebury Vermont
I got an email a few days ago from a young man going to Middlebury College. His girlfriend, also a student there, was out running on a path and lost one of her pearl stud earrings. These earrings had been given to her many years ago by her mother, so they meant a lot to her. She didn’t need any more stress at this time, because she is graduating in a few days and had lots of papers to write and finals to take. They both looked hard for the earring, but because of all the crushed white stones on the running path, it was nearly impossible to find.
I went down early this morning, met him there, and he showed me where the path was. He was so thoughtful, willing to stay and help and even got me some coffee. She was working hard on homework and couldn’t be there for the search. I knew he had some papers to write, so I went to work and told him I’d call when I found it.
The odds were against me. Finding a stud/post style earring is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, partly because of their shape and partly because there’s so little metal in them. They give off very faint signals. We were lucky she lost them in an area that wasn’t deep grass or brush. It started raining pretty hard, and after about an hour and many junk signals, I got a signal that was from an earring backer. The problem was it was the wrong backer. But shortly after I got another signal that gave the right numbers on the ID display. I bent down close and there was the pearl! I was so glad to find it. I emailed him a picture and told him I’d continue to look for the correct backer. Soon they both showed up, she was so excited. She also told me that the backer I found was the one that she had been using, probably why the earring fell out.
We had a nice visit after.
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