West Dennis Beach Holds Lost Platinum Ring
Got a call from Rick Browne another Ring Finder Saturday evening. He asked me to join in a hunt for a lost Platinum Wedding band from the day before. I said of course I’ll join in. We met the next morning at his place, then met up with the owner (Alex) at the West Dennis beach. As usual, Rick & I took our approach and went at it. I had asked Alex to go into the water, and stand in the spot he believed it to have come off of his finger while playing football. He was trying to remember, but seemed as though things looked different to him today. Rick & I had grid an area about about 100 x 100 square foot = 10,000 square feet.
We were running out of area to search. I turned to see Rick looking at his machine, I said whats up? He replied with great sorrow, he replied my battery is dead. I said no worry I’ll keep looking for it. I broadened the search area, Alex called in a lifeline to his brother. He helped in this recovery as best as he could. I kept searching, and in the process, I found two sterling rings that had been lost many moons ago. We were running out of more area now, It had been almost 3 hours of searching, and yet no Platinum Wedding band.
As I got closer to Alex I told him I think that’s about it buddy. He said he had waved the white flag and chocked it up as gone forever. All three of us were walking out of the water, I got a signal that I was sure it was it…. NO…. it was a Quarter this time. Something told me to turn right just a little and yes another signal… could it be? sounds good…I dug down one scoop and finally the Platinum wedding band was in my scoop. I looked up and said you are a very lucky man today. Alex was running over to me, he couldn’t believe I got it after so long. He teared up, and said Thank You so much. Rick & I congratulated him, out of the water we went, mission completed. Lot’s of joyous comments on the way back to the truck. Alex was was so happy we didn’t give up easily… Persistence did pay off. Congratulations Alex… Glad we found it.