The Ring Finders North Myrtle Beach SC Tag | The Ring Finders

Condo Key Lost on the Beach Access Path, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Evan called me asking if I could help find a condo key that was lost along the beach access path from the condo to the beach. I got the address and was on my way. I arrived about 20 minutes later and met Evan, his wife Taryn and their son Jagger. The story goes that Jagger was walking along the path with the ‘only’ Condo key on top of a towel, a dog barked, Jagger twisted around, and the key went flying. I had my Nox 800 and knew the VDI (visual display indicator) would ring up around a 19-21. I searched down the path, then both sides with heavy undergrowth with no luck. After roughly 45 minutes I called it. I was exhausted from another ocean search and had no energy.

This morning, I text Evan saying I was coming back to give the key another shot. I also said that he didn’t have to be out there, that I’d let him know either way. When I got there, I concentrated my search on the right side of the path and further out in the undergrowth. After Taryn telling me what happened and running the scenario through my head all night, it only made sense the key would be on the right side. Things are never as they seem! After a bit of searching on the right, I moved to the left side. After about 5 minutes, I hit the 19 VDI I was looking for. Used my pin pointer and nailed the key buried along the edge of the path in the sand. I had noticed that Taryn was sitting on the balcony and pointed up at her. She yelled down, “Did you find it?” I held the key up and she disappeared into the house on her way down. A great day, Jagger was out of the doghouse, Evan or Taryn didn’t have to stay in the condo while the rest of the family went to the beach or out for the day.

Evan and Taryn – Thank you for trusting me to help find your key. Have a great rest of your vacation and a safe journey back home.



Yellow Gold Wedding Band and Engagement Ring Lost on the Beach, Found and Returned Carolina Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started out with a text message at 10:28 am on Saturday, August 19th. The text read, “Hi! My name is Samantha. I saw you on ring finders and was wondering if you’d be interested in a hunt on Carolina Beach? Or could you put me in touch with someone if I’m out of your range? I lost my wedding rings sitting on the beach yesterday. I would appreciate any help or advice!” The text included her number, so I called for more details. When we talked, we agreed we’d meet in a particular parking lot at 3 pm. I had already made arrangements to meet another lady on a different beach for a separate search at 12:30. I was finished with that search in time to drive the hour plus to Carolina Beach and meet Samantha on time.

As we’re walking the block to the beach, I learned there were actually 3 rings missing. She had lost her wedding band, her engagement ring, and a gold ring her parents had given her. Samantha said that she was in town to attend a bachelorette party. She had come a day early to enjoy a peaceful day on the beach reading her book. Once she had her chair in place, she took her 3 rings off and put in the cup holder to apply sunscreen. She had moved her chair once during the day. When she was ready to go, she folded the chair up and walked to the water’s edge to rinse the sand off the chair legs. When she got back to the car and looked at her hand, the shock set in. She immediately returned to where she was sitting and did a visual search and then did a pin drop on her phone for the location. When we got to the beach she walked us through the Saturday afternoon crowd to the spot of the pin drop. Surprisingly, there was only one guy sitting in the way. I turned my Equinox 800 on and started a perpendicular grid search from the dry sand to the incoming tide line. Within a grid line or two, I hit a 10 on the VDI (visual display indicator), a great number for a small yellow gold ring. I dug a scoop of sand out, checked the hole and had the target in the scoop. I dumped the sand on the beach and ran the coil over it and hit the target. I got down on my hands and knees and spread the sand out until I saw the ring. When I first showed it to Samantha, she didn’t think it was hers until she got a closer look and exclaimed (loudly) “that’s my wedding band.” She was so excited; I almost saw a tear, but she held it back. Ok, 1 ring down 2 to go. I showed her the hole and asked her if that was where she had been sitting. She replied that’s about where she was when she washed the chair legs off. I started the grid again from the hole, which had now filled in from the incoming tide. A few more steps and about ankle deep in water, I got another hit showing 10 on the VDI. I dug the target out and carefully washed the excess sand out at the water’s edge. I saw the engagement ring in the bottom of the scoop and walked over to Samantha and let her reach in the scoop and pull her ring out. That put her over the top with excitement, still no tears through, she was really trying hard not to cry. I continued the search for the 3rd ring for another 20 minutes or so and Samantha said she had to go. I told her when I found it I’ll call her and we’d work something out to get it back to her. I searched for another 30 minutes doing a complete search then did a cross grid and wasn’t able to find her 3rd ring. By this time the tide had come in enough that the water was covering my tracks. Although disappointed I couldn’t find the 3rd ring, Samantha was overjoyed she had her wedding and engagement rings back.

Samantha – Thank you for letting me help find your lost rings. So excited you got them back.



Gold Chain with 2 Gold Crosses lost in the dry sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, June 25th, I woke up to an early morning text from Aly saying “Hi There, I lost my daughters necklace with 2 crosses on it yesterday in the sand by my Condo. How much do you charge to look for it?! It was a present from her grandmother and she has since passed away.”I responded asking her to call me. I explained the details of me looking for lost items and she agreed to have me come and see what I could do. I told her there might be a parking issue, since this was Sunday and all the tourist are in town. She told me I could use an extra parking pass she had for the condo so I was on my way.

When I got to the condo, and Aly and I walked out on the beach, it was packed with tourist. She showed me the likely area of the loss and there was no way I could do a complete search at that time. Weaving in and around people, I was able to do maybe 10% of what needed to be done. I did what I could and told her that more than likely, somebody was sitting on the chain and crosses and I’d be back between 4 and 4:30. So I went back home to wait. In the meantime, I received 2 other calls which turned out to be 2 more stories. But back to Aly’s chain and crosses. I was back on the beach at Aly’s Condo about 4 and there were still 3 groups of tourist sitting exactly where I needed to search. I was able to eliminate a few more areas but not what I knew I needed to do. Aly had shared a couple of selfies she had taken with her daughter, Alexa. In the pictures, it gave me a pretty good angle of where they were sitting in relation to the life guard stand, which proved to be perfect. I texted Aly and told her the people were still sitting in the area and I’d be back in about an hour. When I got back about 6, the area was clear. I text Aly saying “I’m back” and started my grid search. Patience paid off, although I’m not a patient person. Within about 30 minutes, I got a solid signal and an 8 on the VDI (visual display indicator), which indicates Gold! I dug a scoop of sand, shook it out of the scoop and saw the first cross, then saw the chain hanging out of the bottom of the scoop. I gently pulled the entire chain and both crosses out of the scoop. I took a quick picture, wrote “BA Bam!”, and sent her a text. She responded almost immediately with “Omg!!” She showed up a short time later with Alexa, who took possession of her special treasure.

Aly – Thank you for allowing me to help find Alexa’s lost treasure.



Man’s Platinum Wedding Band Lost, Found, and Returned White Lake, NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Shortly after starting the lawn mower to get the grass cut, I got a call from William asking if I could help find his lost wedding band. I asked the normal questions and learned he had lost the ring the day before in White Lake. I don’t scuba dive, but have a son-in-law that’s helped me before and does, so I asked him how deep. He explained that he was sitting on the pier/boat dock fiddling with his ring when his son jumped on him. That action sent the ring flying, hitting the dock and disappearing into the water. He told me the water around the dock was about two feet deep, and the clearance under the dock was about an 8-10 inches. I asked a few more questions and asked him to send me the address. I plugged the address in my phone and told him I’d be there about 1 pm (just about an hour and a half drive). I grabbed my detector and headed out.

When I arrived at his house, he was outside waiting and we drove down to the dock. Conditions were as near perfect as they could be, with the exception of the water being a little cold. I made my way out in the water and along the side of the pier. When I got to the suspected area, I started swinging my detector. Being a Man’s Platinum wedding band, I was expecting a 12 on the machine’s VDI (visual display indicator). My first target rang up as an 18, so I made another swing and hit a solid 12. Bingo! I used my beach sand scoop and pulled his ring out of the sandy bottom. I laid the scoop on the dock and asked if it that was his ring inside. When his face lit up, I knew we had it. The responses from returning a lost ring are priceless!

William – Thank you for trusting me and The Ring Finders to help find your lost treasure.
