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August 2022: Found and returned two phones lost kayaking in Occoquan River.

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

I’m a Search and Recovery expert with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Click Here for the Video Link!

Patrick and Kelly were regular renters of kayaks from Penguin Paddling, in Occoquan Virginia. Even though they were familiar with the river, disaster struck when there was an unexpected current. The kayak flipped and their phones sank. Patrick called and told me how one of the phones contained

The Dive Site

their wedding planning information. The wedding was only weeks away, and the information was irreplaceable.

Dive 1: Mrs. Ellis (my safety diver) and I met Patrick and as there was no shore entry, we canoed to the area where the phones were lost. Visibility in the water was about four feet, and the depth was about ten feet. There were large boulders and that meant I had to slowly search in every crevice. Fortunately, I only needed a light, and not my metal detector. There were eels, crawdads, fishing lures, and boat anchors wedged between the boulders. When you watch the video, you can see a barbell someone used as an anchor.


Entry Area




First Phone

I searched the drop area and found Patrick’s phone in about twenty minutes. Kelly’s phone had the wedding information. We spent the rest of the afternoon searching for her phone, but to no avail.




Ring Finder Ray Jones

Dive 2: Two days later, Patrick again met to continue the search and help with all the equipment and the canoe. I expanded the search area but did not locate the phone.

Dives 3 & 4: It wasn’t until five days later that I was able to make another search. This time my friend and fellow Ring Finder Ray Jones came to help. Ray also searched the area and did not find the phone. I modified my search with ropes using a modified jackstay to search further downriver. I finally found Kelly’s phone about 130 feet from the initial drop area.

Kelly’s Phone Found!



I removed the SIM card and put the phone into a bag of rice. The happy couple met with me the next day so I could return the phone. Despite being underwater for nine days, Kelly’s iPhone was able to charge her phone and she retrieved their wedding plans!

Happy Wedding Day!

My thanks to Mike from Penguin Paddling (Home Page Penguin Paddling LLC), who referred me to Patrick and Kelly. Patrick was a great beach watch and provided an excellent account of the incident which greatly aided in the search. Most of all thank you to my wife for her safety and Dive Master support and expert bubble watching for many hours.


Rob Ellis: Search and Recovery Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435


(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook


Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

iPhone 13 Lost and Found Under Water, Occoquan River, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

August 7th: Found and returned an iPhone 13 Pro Max lost from a dock.

I’m a Search and Recovery expert with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Ash was working hard at his job with the Carefree Boat Club when his phone slipped out of his pocket and fell into the water. His brother, Time, met me in Woodbridge after I’d recovered a ring and asked me for a business card. Ash called me using Times phone and asked for my help. I agreed to meet Ash at the dock the next morning.

Search Area

Mrs. Ellis (my safety diver) and I arrived around 11am. As always, we checked the conditions before unpacking the equipment. While on the dock, we met Time who showed us where the phone was lost. When Ash arrived, he provided a detailed description of the incident and location. Visibility in the water was about two feet, and the water was about nine feet deep.

Water View

When the phone landed in the water, it planed, much like a paper airplane does when it’s thrown. It ended up under the dock. Nevertheless, I recovered the phone in a record breaking 6 minutes! As I touched the phone, I was surprised to see the screen light up. However, I should not have been surprised, as the newer iPhones are quite water resistant.

Ash, Rob, and Time

Ash’s iPhone 13




Thank you to Mike from Penguin Paddling (Home Page Penguin Paddling LLC), who rearranged the Kayak rental fleet for our dive! And thanks to Ash’s brother Time, who remembered me from a previous ring search!

Rob Ellis: Search and Recovery Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435





Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

Rob Ellis: Search and Recovery Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435    (20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook

Gold Ring, Lost and Found Under Water, Woodbridge, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

June 28th: Underwater Metal Detecting, Ring Returned.

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

EZ Cruz Marina

John was enjoying an afternoon of boating with his father and rest of the family on Father’s Day. They stopped at EZ Cruz Marina to fuel up, and John jumped into the water. His beautiful ring decorated with diamonds and Claddagh symbols slipped off his finger. John called and we arranged to meet at the marina.

Search Area






Mrs. Ellis (my safety diver) and I arrived around 10am, we introduced ourselves to the EZ Cruz staff, and started to prepare. We evaluated the conditions. Water visibility was poor, and the water was about seven feet deep. When John arrived, he showed us exactly where and how he jumped in.


Ladder Entry

Circular Search Device


I decided to use my circular search pattern device I made just for these types of situations. Entering the water around noon, I worked through various trash targets including weights, glasses, and fishing rods. After about an hour I was able to find John’s beautiful ring!





For my detecting friends, my Equinox 800 with a Coiltek 10×5 had a VDI of 22-24 for ring of un-known gold content.

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.




(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook



Lost and Found Tungsten Ring, Stafford, Virginia

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

June 8th: Found and returned a Tungsten-Carbide ring lost in the snow five months ago.

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

On January 3rd, Stafford, Virginia experienced a big snowstorm. Jeremy’s backyard had so much snow, it broke a large cherry tree. Despite the obstructions from the tree, Jeremy and his three sons broke out the sleds and put the snow to good use! While sledding down the hill, Jeremy raised his arms to shield his face from tree branches. That’s when his wedding ring came off. He searched for several hours, to no avail. Months later, Jeremy heard about “The Ring Finders” and contacted me.

Anyone living in this area can describe how going south on I95 on an afternoon is a sure bet for slow traffic. I correctly gambled that the express lanes toll fee of $15 would save me time. That and the $15 for my gas is why many Ring Finders have a call out fee.

Arrow Pointing to the Ring

A couple of years ago, my friend Brian Rudolph shared the Equinox Visual Display Indicator (VDI) range for Tungsten-Carbide rings.  Using his numbers and my own experience, I set a reasonable range for targets with the accept/reject option before beginning my search.

Jeremy showed me the area where he felt the ring fall off. With Jeremy, his wife, and three sons watching, I assembled my equipment and began a methodical sweep of the area. I picked up a couple of trash targets (common in all lawns), making sure they would not interfere with the ring’s signal. About thirty minutes later, I received a strong steady signal. I looked down and saw Jeremy’s ring partially covered by debris. Despite being a heavy ring, it was not more deeply buried after four months! It was such a pleasure to find and return Jeremy’s ring.


Jeremy’s Ring


For my detecting friends, the Tungsten-Carbide ring had a 20-21 VDI on my Equinox with a stock coil.

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435

Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.

(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook


Lost and Found Ring, Underwater, Port Royal, Va

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

June 2nd, 2022: Rob and Ray Recovered a Tantalum Wedding Ring lost in the Rappahannock River

I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703)-598-1435


Ray with stick showing depth

On the last day of April, Scotty was fishing off the end of a pier when his new wedding band slipped into the water. He quickly noted where the ring had dropped in relation to the wooden structure. Because I was not available to search, I asked my friend Ray Jones to help. The depth off the fishing platform is about neck deep, depending on the tide. In spite of a current and low visibility, Ray was able to remove many misleading targets consisting of lead weights, fishing lures, coins, and other items. Even though he was wearing a wetsuit, Ray was unable to remain in the cold water and called off the search for that day.





I joined Ray for the next search. Because of conflicting schedules and storms, we were not able

Rob and Ray

to meet until June 2nd. I was the lucky one to find the ring, but it was truly a team effort.




Scotty Smile

Scotty’s Tantalum Ring


Ring Underwater

Crawdad Helping Me Search











For my detecting friends, the Tantalum ring had a 23 VDI on my Equinox with a Coiltek 10X5.



Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help

Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703) 598-1435

(20+) Robert Ellis | Facebook