metal detector rental Ottawa Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost and found Rolex watch in Rideau river Ottawa

  • from Cobourg (Ontario, Canada)

Today was a very special recovery and a four weeks in the making. Chris was swimming in the Rideau river. As he slowly let himself go from the ladder off the back deck, the clasp of his heirloom Rolex watch came undone and watched in horror as the watch slip off his hand and sank into the water. This special watch was purchased by his mom, and given to his dad to celebrate his retirement after 33 years of loyal service with the Canadian Navy. It was given to Chris when his father passed. After having Scuba divers try to find the watch, on three separate occasions and some with underwater metal detectors, he started to loose hope of ever seing his watch again. Fortunately, he was able to put me within a twenty foot radius of where he believed the watch had fallen into the water. Unfortunately, had to deal with about five inches of silt which brings visibility to zero once you start swinging your coil. But, after finding multiple various metal items, I was finally able to feel the watch with my fingers under the coil of my detector. After surfacing, I was able to give Chris his father’s watch and get it back on his wrist. He was extremely happy and emotional and was a great moment for all. Another happy and special recovery. Life is good!