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Texas A&M Aggie Gold Ring Lost on a Southern California Beach .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




















Stan the Metal Detector Man Mobile Search Service Available to Help You Now … Call or Text 949-500-2136  

… JONES called me after losing his Texas A&M Gold Ring in the sand at a Southern California beach.. He said he didn’t feel it come off.  It was going to be dark by the time he could meet me on the beach. JONES said he believed the ring came off when he rinsed his hands off in the cold water. 

We met on the beach as the tide starting to come up. After looking at all the possibilities to where the ring could be lost. I elected to search the towel line because that’s where he spent most of his time on the beach. Also the tide had already advanced high enough that tomorrow’s low tide would be best time to go for the ring. He hadn’t spend much time at the water’s edge and did not feel the ring come off his finger.

From my experience the ring had a better possibility of being in the area he spent most the day. Tomorrow the city beach cleaning machines will be sifting the sands and the usually hit the towel line thoroughly.

After about 20 minutes the big heavy gold Texas A&M Aggie ring was recovered. Jones was a happy guy. These rings are very coveted by graduates of Texas A&M. I was also happy that I guessed the ring was in the dry sand and I hadn’t wasted time trying to find it in the crashing surf.

I can search cars, homes and water where metal detectors can’t be used. I you need advice or assistance looking for a lost or misplaced valuable please feel free to call or text. 

Stan .. 949-500-2136   “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE

Big Diamond Ring … Recovered from Sand at Southern California Beach by member of TheRingFinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













.. Britney believed that her very sentimental and very expensive 7 ct. diamond ring was lost at a Southern California beach. The loss happened three days before contacting me. She didn’t feel the ring fall off her finger, only realizing the missing ring while driving home.  Her insurance company recommended that she contact a member of TheRingFinders. When I replied to her text, she told me that she just a few minutes to talk before leaving to pick up her daughter from school.

It was late in the afternoon and I thought I might have to set up this search for the next morning. I did have time to find out Britney would not be able to meet me at the location. In my opinion, I believed I should make the hour drive attempting a preliminary search with the sketchy directions she gave me.  Part of the area is a play area that gets a lot of attention from hobby detectorists. The other possible location was a large section of main beach which is sometimes known as “no man’s land”, the area of sand between parking lot and the towel line.

I made the drive and was able to talk with Britney one more time after I arrived. She couldn’t add much to the directions given to me on our first phone call. I made sure to thoroughly grid search the play area first. Then proceeded to grid search half a football field zone that she had set up their beach blanket. 

There was 30-35mph winds blowing sand that evening as the sun beat an to set. It was looking like I might have to return the next morning. This area might be larger that Britney described, she said it was about 100 -150ft out. ( some people are good about judging distance?) I started in the middle going north. Then I came back to go south. The second 150 ft pass I got a great signal just where I was doing the turn around. Boom !! Big 7 ct. diamond in a white gold setting. Successfull recovery just before thinking this was going to be a two day search.. This was an awesome search because I had very few details to work with and three days had passed. Sometimes you just have to try.

Britney and her husband met me near where I live to pick up their very sentimental ring. Ending several days of frustration and sleepless nights upset with herself and believing the ring was lost forever.

If you need help finding your sentimental keepsake .. Call or Text  Stan the Metal Detector Man.., 949-500-2136 .. Available Now to help you , I WILL TRY ANYWHERE

Lost iPhone in Sand at Venice Beach, CA. .. Recovered using Find My iPhone App and Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
























Mobile Metal Detecting Service … Stan ..The Metal Detector Man .. Available Now  … 949-500-2136

Rene’ called me requesting help to find her friend Chris’ iPhone lost the night before in the sand at Venice Beach, CA. 

These cellphones can be hard to find at the beach as they are often picked up by people walking the beach. After hearing that the loss occurred in very soft sand and the Find My iPhone app indicated it was still at the location, I told them I would be there within an hour.

We met on the beach where I was glad to see that the beach rake had not passed over the possible area of the loss. I set up my detector beginning a search grid approximately 20ft. by 30ft around the gps app location. From my experience the Find My iPhone App can be off as much as 30 ft. This find also occurred more than 35 ft. outside the gps ping location. After about 20 minutes I got a clear #30 tid reading from my metal detector.

I used my hands feel through the sand because it’s very easy to damage a cellphone with my metal sand scoop. 

Both Rene’ and Chris were very relieved and grateful to have the phone back saving them all the trouble of having to replace the expensive item,  irreplaceable photos and information.

Another successful search and happy smiles from Rene’ and Chris


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “   Call ASAP   .. Stan   949-500-2136

Sentimental Tiffany Ring Lost in Backyard .Santa Ana , CA. .. Found by Metal Detector Expert

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Mobile metal detecting service available now to help you find your sentimental keepsake ..

Stan the Metal Detector Man    949-500-2136

….. Patty called me late in the afternoon from her home in Santa Ana, California. Her daughter had lost a Tiffany ring in the backyard while throwing toys for her dogs.  After a couple hours of searching they could not locate the ring in the small grassy backyard. They were at their wits end when a neighbor suggested they contact a metal detecting service.

Patty located me through TheRingFinders directory. We discussed the circumstances of the loss, after hearing that it was a recent loss and her daughter felt the ring come off her finger, I was confident that this was going to be an easy search. These rings usually get stepped on which puts them out of site.

We had less than an hour before sunset when I arrived to meet the family. The back yard was small, maybe 20ft by 35ft of grass with a small 30” wide raised planter next to a 6ft wall. The planter only had a few large palm plants with a lot of recently tilled exposed soil. 

Several cross grids scans with my metal detector over the grass were unsuccessful. I was getting frustrated because they insisted that the ring went straight ahead into the grass. It was already dark after an hour, so as a last resort, I took my pinpointer (handheld detector) to check the planter. BOOM!! .. the ring was located with just an edge of the ring exposed. There was not any  other places to search. 

Everybody was excited essentially Patty’s daughter who had received this ring as a gift for he fifteenth birthday,  a very important day of her life.

After talking to Patty about who recommended me, we discovered that I had found a ring for neighbor last year. That ring was found at 2 am after being lost in the surf for 4 days. It is a small world that brings people’s experiences together to help others with their problems. I’m getting more input from people that are hearing about TheRingFinders directory. It’s awesome to be a part of this service that has evolved with the help of the internet.


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”  call or text as soon as possible especially if lost in a public area.

Stan  .. THE METAL DETECTOR MAN… 949-500-2136