Lost Rose Gold, Tungsten and DIAMONDS Wedding Band at Pililaau Army Beach…FOUND!!!
This ring find began when I got a call this evening from Chief Warrant Officer Dustin who was having a vacay with his family at Pililaau Army Recreation Center. While enjoying time at the beach at some point his Rose Gold & Tungsten Diamond encrusted Wedding Ring went missing. He was sure it was in the dry sand but he had also gone in the water briefly. I told Dustin I would get there as quickly as I could but Google Maps was saying an hour. It was late so I brought my headlamp and a backup flashlight. When I arrived Dustin met me at the gate and then brought me down to the beach where his lovely wife Sarah and the kids were still looking in the sand for the ring. I asked Dustin to draw me a box where he thought I’d find the ring. After starting my grid search the first target of course was a pulltab. Continuing on the third leg of the grid gave a booming #57 solid on the Manticore and after two scoops there was Dustin’s amazing ring in the scoop. I yelled “BINGO” and Sarah and Dustin came running over as I pulled the ring from my scoop. OMG! A few hugs and well wishes and then I headed home as it was now dark. So happy I didn’t have to go in the water. Aloha to Dustin & Sarah!