Lost Man’s Gold Wedding Ring in Powell, OH “FOUND”.

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Powell, OH “FOUND”.
I received an email from a guy that lost his gold wedding ring while helping with his young daughters softball game. He played pitcher, catcher and second baseman. Between each inning he took off is baseball mitt. After the game while at dinner, he noticed that his gold wedding ring was no longer on his finger.
He went back to the baseball diamond to look for his ring but no luck. After he got home and read the Columbus Dispatch, he saw my news article. Then he emailed me about his lost ring at about 10 pm at night.
By the next morning I was heading to meet him to look for the ring. I had a two hour window to find the ring before he had to leave for a couple of days. Since other games would have been played there before he would return someone else could have found it. Looking for an hour and a half and asking many questions as to where he was during the game the ring was found covered up by the dirt.
He was very glad to have his ring back since he just celebrated his 10 year wedding anniversary.