lost and found Tag | Page 11 of 11 | The Ring Finders

Lost Bracelet Found! Brewster, Cape Cod, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Sara had lost a very sentimental bracelet that she was given when a child. Sara had spent many hours looking for the piece of shiny gold and pearls with no luck. Later that night she found TheRingFinders on-line and contacted me.

Sara made my search very easy as she had written down her exact steps while cleaning wind driven debris from her yard. A two hour search with two different detectors yielded a pen, wire loop, and some usual trash. Within minutes of calling the search off for the day I went back to a pachysandra patch, turned my coil 90 degrees to the ground and heard a target. The bracelet was “hanging” from a leaf. This turned out to be the second time the bracelet had slipped form Sara’s wrist and had been found in two days; but not the last time to be “lost”.

I wanted to get a picture of the “hanging bracelet” but I had to go to my van to get my camera. Sara placed the bracelet back on the leaf and went to get her camera. We could not believe the fact we could see the hanging the bracelet. We both visually searched to no avail. I went back to the van, picked up my detector and headed back for another search. The first swing revealed the bracelet’s location. We both took pictures were taken and I was given a promise Sara would not wear the bracelet while doing yard work again.

Many moments of despair, joy, and laughter filled my two hours of being with Sara and searching for a precious piece of her life. The best for me was bringing smiles to Sara and receiving a Thank You from a wonderful lady.


Lost my Ring in Vancouver BC…Platinum Wedding Band Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call the other day while I was at work in regards to a lost platinum wedding band, lost while the man was cleaning out his SUV on the side of the road by his house. We discussed the search and I was able to get to his place before dark at around 8 pm to start the search.

I was feeling confident that this would be a quick search and I’d be on my way home within 30 minutes or less…Not…It was almost midnight and I had to pack it up and head home without finding the ring. Sometimes this happens and I knew the ring had to be there some where so I told the young man and his wife that I’d be back on the weekend to continue my search for his platinum wedding band. I could tell they were both disappointed but I assured them that if it was there I would find it.

The only place that I could think it would be was in the very large and thick hedge along side their property, I did spend some time searching under the hedge but mostly I concentrated in the areas that someone could come along the next day and find it. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t miss the most obvious place and I searched them over and over, I did have some problems with power lines just above me but I was able to stabilize my metal detector.

Saturday came and I was off to search for this young man’s ring,  I brought a rake and I was ready to shake the hedge and rack everything under the hedge to the front and detect.  I started at the most likely spot under the hedge on my stomach and slowly worked inch by inch with my hand held pin pointer (detector)  after about an hour and half way up the hedge I got a nice loud signal and I moved the branches and leaves near the root and there I saw his beautiful platinum wedding band!



I think it might have gotten caught up in the branches and when I shook the hedge it fell to the ground, I was so happy to see that ring and to give it back to the young mans wife as he wasn’t home at the time. When I knocked on the door and she saw the ring I could tell how relieved she was! I have the greatest job in the world…I get to make people smile!


Thank you for the very kind reward Darren! I’m so glad your ring is back where it belongs!

I love my Job!

Lost your Ring? Call me ASAP!

You can watch the video below of the search…