On September 28th, 2018 Dee was in the backyard with her grandchildren when they were attacked by wasps. As she was escaping, Dee accidently knocked off her diamond stud earring. She contacted the other local Ringfinder, and Earl was able to search right away. Incredibly, Earl found the back of the earring! He knew I would be searching and left a marker showing where he found the back. Thank you Earl!
Using Dee’s other earring, I calibrated my detector’s digital read-out and began where Earl found the earring back. I looked carefully through the yard. In every lawn, there are many bits of small metal trash, and this was no exception. After several hours and many false hits, I was forced to stop looking. I regretted telling Dee I couldn’t find the earring, showed her where I searched, and pile of small metal I collected from the lawn. I also asked her if I could stop by and search again in the future. Even though she was disappointed, Dee thanked me for searching, and even gave me a bonus above my call out fee.
August 31st, 2019 UPDATE: FOUND! Dee didn’t realize it, but her case started me on a mission to find a metal detector that is more sensitive to small diamond stud earrings. Almost a year later I called Dee to ask if I could search again. This time I was armed with a new specialized detector. Luckily, my son was in town and offered to help. After a couple of hours of very, very small metal targets, he suggested an area to try based on the direction Dee was running. On the third target, he caught a glimpse of sparkle and pulled the earring out of the dirt!
If I can be of service, the fastest way to get me is to text or call 703-598-1435.

Look carefully…

It’s right there…

Dee is Suprised and Elated!

Diamon Earring Found!

Dee’s Husband When Showed the Found Earring