Dan Beale ring finder Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Ring Found in Park Northville MI

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

It was late in the day when Ron called me to tell me that his wife Chris lost her wedding ring in the park near their Northville home.  I met Ron and Chris the following evening to hear the sad tale.   The very special ring that was her mother’s, had been lost while playing Frisbee in the park.  The whole family had spent many hours looking; but the ring was not found.  Fortunately, they consulted The Ring Finder web site.

When we arrived at the spot the ring was lost I produced my lucky simulated ring with streamer and Chris did her best to throw it as she had tossed the Frisbee when the ring was lost.  Using the landing spot as a starting point, I quickly found a penny that a family member had tossed out and also lost in the grass, while hunting for the ring.  I knew I was close.


This simulated ring does the job again.

Using a standard grid I went back and forth across the park.   I enlarged the search area  until I found the ring.   It was getting dark and I was soaked as it never stopped raining  the entire time I searched.    The ring was hiding at the far edge of the search area in line with the path of our simulated ring.

Hiding in the grass.




Here is a Utube video of the park and the search:








Ron called me earlier in the day, as rain was forecasted and indeed it had been raining.   “Will it be ok if it rains?” he asked me and I told him we would dry the ring off when we found it.  Sure enough, I did dry the ring off before I presented it with the entire family present.

Priceless generational ring is back on her finger.

A very special family treasure.

Lost ring found at Independence Park in Canton, Michigan

  • from Wixom (Michigan, United States)

Travis called me with the classic needle and the haystack problem.  He lost his platinum wedding ring while coaching his daughter’s soccer team the evening before.  He had already looked hard for it and welcomed my help.  Travis borrowed a very neat, army surplus, mine detector which was fairly powerful, and because the field was fairly clean, he would have probably found the ring himself, given a few more hours of diligent searching.  Fortunately, I was able to find his ring in front of the goal ending our search in about thirty minutes.

I made a short YouTube video of the recovery and the happy reunion.  https://youtu.be/Js1_LuKRhXc

This ring was hard to see in the grass.

A little dirty but unharmed.