Lost and found gold diamond wedding band in Cobourg Ontario

Received a text from Amir yesterday about his wife having lost her diamond wedding band while at the beach in Cobourg Ontario. She had taken her ring off to apply sun tan lotion and placed it on their beach blanket. Seeing friends down the beach, they quickly picked up their belongings and relocated. A short while later, she realized that her ring was gone. They all tried to find the ring in the sand but were not successful. Normally, this would be a quick and fairly easy recovery. However, Amir did not find my information/services until a week had gone by since she’d lost her ring. My biggest fear was that there are a lot of metal detectorists that searches this beach every single day and the ring might of been picked up. Still, we had to try. After exchanging information and details via Google Earth, I headed out last evening to find it. Although the beach was still fairly busy with people and after careful gridding for two and a half hour, I was able to locate her ring. Thank god it was still there. Amir has requested not to have their picture posted due to privacy.  Beautiful evening, did not have to get wet Scuba diving and another happy ending. Life is good.

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One Reply to “Lost and found gold diamond wedding band in Cobourg Ontario”

  1. Ghadah says:

    So grateful for Stephane for going and making the effort to find my wedding band even after a week had gone by. I honestly didn’t think I’d get it back after losing it that day. I’m still amazed at how it was found and how quick Stephane was in having it returned to me. Life is indeed good. It was nothing short of a miracle for Amir and I! Thanks again!

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