• from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP  Anytime 24/7   918-313-2202

I received a call from Lexi, upset that she had lost an almost 100 yr old heirloom in the lake. After making arrangements to meet up with her and go over the area, I went to work looking for her priceless ring. The story goes it has been in her family for almost 100 yrs and her late mother passed it down to her and it was the only thing she had left of her moms. It was very precious and important to her. After almost 2 hours of walking back and forth in the area she thought it was, I decided to expand my search area and after about 10 mins, 2-3 targets I got a gold signal and scooped up the signal and peered into the scoop to see a 14k white gold ring. I yelled out to her on the pier, ” I GOT IT IN THE SCOOP!” She said, ‘REALLY?”. I made my way to the ladder and climbed out to show her and hand it back to her. She was so happy and gave me a great big hug, despite me being soaked. It was good to see her smile back on her face. I love what I do, it never gets old!









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1 Comment »


  1. Lexi says:

    Shawn was the biggest blessing I have ever received. Despite me being extremely discouraged, He was so reassuring that if it was out there, he was determined to find it. And that he did! It was one of the coolest experiences I have ever witnessed. I’ll never forget that “Ah Hah” when he pulled it out of the water. A dream come true! Thank you so much Shawn! You gave me back something money can not buy!

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