Furthest & Fastest Recovery! Lost Silver & Diamonds Ring at Keawaula Beach...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a call from Ryan who was on vacation with his girlfriend Kat both from Albany, New York.  While enjoying the day at Keawaula Beach which happens to be the furthest beach from my home, Kat had taken her Silver & Diamonds ring off and placed it in the cup holder of her beach chair.  When they were getting ready to leave Ryan picked up the beach chair, not realizing the ring was in the holder, shook the sand off the chair and the ring disappeared into the soft white sand.  I was at the Animal Hospital, picking up our dog and I told him it might be a bit but I would grab my gear when I got home and would get there as fast as I could.  Ryan said to call when I was near and he’d come out to the road to flag me down.  Traffic was awesome and I got there in about an hour.  Ryan walked me down and Kat was seated next to the area on the beach.  Ryan had the area marked with sticks but I asked him to draw a box in the sand where he thought the ring would be.  As Ryan was dragging my scoop through the sand along with one of his steps the ring exposed itself and glistened in the sun.  I said look there is the ring as I reached down to retrieve it.  Kat and Ryan were in total amazement.  Either Ryan’s foot or the scoop moved just enough sand to expose the ring.  I guess I can call this my furthest & fastest ring recovery ever.  Aloha to Kat & Ryan!

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