Sand Key Tag | Page 4 of 4 | The Ring Finders

Lost Engagement Ring at Clearwater Beach, Florida

Emily was at the beach last Saturday when a wave in shallow water knocked her engagement ring off her finger. She and her spouse had been married just this past March on this very beach.

She contacted us to help look. We organized our team (we have a volunteer ring finder group in our club ( The three of us (Tom Jones, Howard Metts and myself, Stan Flack) hunted for 45 minutes with no luck.

Then Tom started to hunt the wet sand in case it was now on shore from the low tide. When he looked down, there it was looking back at him! Yep, an eyeball find… You just never know!


Lost Wedding Ring recovered Lutz, Fl

When Mike Ruelf set his 22k gold wedding band down on his dock on Wednesday night, the story begins.  After hearing a plop, he realized his band was now at the bottom of the lake.  What to do…..what to do.  Surely his wife of eight months would understand……right???  He could call the jeweler and get another ring…….plead ignorance.  At least his wife was up in Virginia and not in the house.  A quick internet search for metal detectors for rental was commenced, but somehow the world wide web led Mike to the ring Finders web site.  Suncoast Resaerch and Recovery Club president Tom Jones took the call and immediately contacted Mark Prue in North Tampa.  Mark only lives about three miles from Mike and arranged to meet him Thursday afternoon.  After introductions, Mark donned his water gear and slogged his way beneath the dock.  Hampered by 8 to 10 inches of muck and weeds, up came a nail…another nail….a quarter…..a fourth nail…and finally…..BINGO!!  Mike let off an unrestrained “YYYEEEESSSSS” and high fives were shared all around.  Mike’s final words before Mark departed after a large helping of “thank-yous” was “I can’t believe there are people who actually do this!”   At least the story has a happy ending and Mike avoids the doghouse!

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Diamond Pendant lost on Clearwater Beach, FL

Patti and her boyfriend Mark had come to Florida from New Jersey to attend a wedding in Orlando. They came to Clearwater to visit with family and had spent the morning sailing. After sailing they came to the Palm Pavilion for lunch and were just walking out toward the water when Patti realized it was a little warm to be wearing a scarf around her neck. She reached up to her neck to pull the scarf loose and felt her necklace break. She recovered her chain, but her diamond pendant was gone. Patti and her family searched in vain for about an hour and then a restaurant patron suggested she contact us through The Ringfinders web site. We sent someone right away and the search began. After several return trips we finally found it. As you can see she was one happy lady. Mark was pretty happy also. He had just given her the pendant in March and it was a one of a kind that he would not be able to replace.

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Lost Diamond Wedding Ring on Maderia Beach, FL

Dale’s wife had just left town to attend her class reunion so he decided to go for his weekly swim down at Maderia Beach. As he dove down to swim under water he felt his wedding ring slip off. He stopped right then and called someone over to stand in the place while he walked down the beach looking for a dive mask. He returned and hunted the bottom for over and hour but had no luck. He didn’t want to have to tell his wife about losing his wedding ring just when she left town so he contacted us and we did a hunt the next day. We were not successful the first time and he ended up telling his wife when she returned from her trip. As you can imagine she was not to happy with him. I scheduled another hunt at the next good tide and within an hour we had his ring. He was one happy man and I bet his wife was too.
