#Portland Maine Metal Detector Service Tag | Page 2 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Two Gold and One Silver Ring Lost In The Old Orchard Beach, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Saturday July 27, my wife Cheryl and I were attending a family event, in Limington, Maine. We were there for approximately 35-40 minutes, when my phone rang at 4:02pm. I answered and a a young lady asked for The Ring Finder. I told her that I was The Ring Finders of Maine. She then told me that she had just lost 2 Gold Rings and a Silver Ring. When I asked where she had lost the rings, she said Old Orchard Beach, Maine. She then wanted to know how much my service charge was. I told her that I don’t charge for my Emergency Metal Detecting Service or for my time. I told her that all I required was a $10.00 fee to cover my gas, tolls and wear and tear, to Old Orchard Beach. She then told me that her father wanted to talk to me. I told him the same thing, about my transportation fee and told him, “$10.00 and that’s it”. He agreed and told me his name was Bill. I then told Bill that I would be there in 45 minutes, as I was driving from Limington and not from my home, in Saco.

I already had 2 metal detectors loaded up, in my vehicle , in the event, of being called out. I immediately left Limington and drove the 45 minutes, to OOB, arriving at 4:53. I met Bill and his daughter, Julia. Julia was visiting her father, who lives in the area and Julia lives in the Montreal, Quebec area. They were staying in Old Orchard Beach, Maine and were enjoying their family vacation.

Once I arrived, I parked the vehicle at the Sir Charles Motel, where the family was staying. Julia then explained to me that she had lost the 3 rings, on the beach and knew the area. They were sitting directly in front of Abellona Inn & Suites. Julia told me that 2 of the rings were Gold and had belonged to her late Grandmother. One of the rings was a Silver Pandora Ring, given to her, by her boyfriend. Julia explained that she had taken the rings off and had placed them in the cup holder, of her chair, because she didn’t want to lose them, in the water. She then went swimming, in the ocean and totally forgot about the rings in the cup holder. A few hours later, when it was time to leave, her brother folded the chairs up, and the entire family returned to their motel room. Once back in the room, Julia remembered the rings and when she checked her chair, they were missing. Julia and her family, retraced their steps, down the street, to the beach but after searching the area, couldn’t find them. It was then that someone sitting, in the area, told Julia to call me, The Ring Finders of Maine.

Bill and Julia then walked me down to the beach. We visually searched the sidewalk and road, in the case the rings had fallen out of the cup holder, while they were walking, along the pavement. No luck. The rings were not on the pavement. When Julia and I arrived at the beach access path, I asked Julia to walk to the location, they had been in, using the same route, that they had left the beach. I would follow Julia and search their exit route. I found a nickel and a few small pieces of foil, but no rings. When I arrived at the location they had been sitting in, I could see where they had disturbed the sand, looking for the rings. I told Julia, I would start at the high tide line and grid back and forth, towards the Abellona Inn & Suites, in which they were sitting, in front of. I searched for about 10-15 feet and I received the tone, I was hoping for, a nice solid low tone. I stuck my pinpointer, into the sand, found my target and pulled out a Gold Ring. Julia yelled out, “Thats my Grandmother’s ring”. I gave Julia the ring and continued my search, but only for 2 steps, as I received another low tone, stuck the pinpointer, into the sand and pulled out Gold Ring # 2. Julia was now extremely happy, getting both of her grandmothers rings back. Now, the silver ring needs to be found. I started my search again, I almost immediately received a nice higher pitched tone, pinpointer in, silver ring out. I had recovered all three of Julia’s rings. She was so happy and I could see the emotions, in her eyes. She kept thanking me and was just so appreciative.
I then drove straight back to Limington, to enjoy the remainder of our family event. Total time I left Limington Maine, parked in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, walked to the beach, searched for the rings, left Old Orchard Beach Maine and arrived back in Limington, was just under 2 hours. There were people, at our family event that didn’t even realize that I ever left.
There is no better feeling, than to be able to return such sentimental items to someone. Every ring has a story and Julia’s rings now have another story, to be told.

Two Gold Necklaces Lost In The Beach Sand, In Saco, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday Morning, July 21st, I once again, was being tagged and PM’s were being sent to me, at The Ring Finders of Maine, Facebook Page.

A local Facebook site had a post about 2 lost Gold Necklaces, one with a Diamond.
This is the Facebook post, below

“This may be a stretch, but it’s worth a try. My daughter, lost her gold necklaces at Ferty Beach today. One has a diamond, the other a rectangular charm. We were at the main entrance you may call it where there are 2 parking lots below and 1 closest to the beach entrance. We parked in the lower lot directly across from upper lot.
We were to the right on the beach when you enter. Towards the back fairly close to a landing/deck with many white chairs, I assume for Airbnb customers possibly. We left today around 2:30. They were left in the mesh cup holder of her beach chair. 😞
I suppose there could be a chance of it falling on the ground in the parking lot too. She is really bummed and we have returned home to VT now.
If someone happens to find, we would be forever grateful! Please DM me.”

At this point, I saw another PM, come in. It was from Arla, the originator of the Facebook post and it was her daughter that had lost the two gold necklaces. The PM said

“I would appreciate your help!”
My daughter, Kaitlyn, is on the right wearing the necklaces
I parked here and my daughter loaded the beach chair. It is possible it dropped out of the mesh pocket of the chair at this time. Who knows”

I immediately replied, telling Arla

“Ok, I can go now. Hopefully not to many people there yet. Also hope no one detected the area, last night”. It was determined that Arla was at Bayview beach, Saco, ME and not at Ferry Beach State Park.

I then left and headed to Bay View Beach. Once I arrived, I walked over to where Arla and Kaitlyn, had parked. I just wanted to perform a visual search, of the asphalt, from where they parked, to the beach. I didn’t see the necklaces. Once I arrived, at at beach, I started searching, as I made my way, to where their chairs had been. Nothing found. Once I arrived at their location, from yesterday, Arla and I communicated, via FaceTime, to be certain I was in the correct location. Since Arla and Kaitlyn had already returned home, to Vermont, this was the best way to verify, I was where I needed to be.

I performed a vertical grid of the area, with no luck. I decided to continue with the grid search and work my way towards, the Lifeguard Stand and beach access path. This would have been the path they took, as they left the beach. The beach was starting to fill up and a few beach goers, were now in the area. I did the best I could, to go around them, but potentially missing the necklaces, because of their blankets and chairs. After going around, one such beach set up, I suddenly received a nice loud signal, through my headphones. I looked down at my coil and I couldn’t believe it. I could actually see part of the necklace and the rectangular pendant, still partially, on top of the sand. I reached down and picked it up. When I pulled the rectangular pendant out of the sand, the other necklace, with the diamond, came out with it. I had both necklaces. The necklaces were all tangled up , with each other.

I immediately took a photo of the entangled necklaces and sent the photo, to Arla. She immediately replied


Arla then confirmed those are the necklaces, that belongs to Kaitlyn. The necklaces were a match, to the ones, in the photo, that Arla had sent me. We made plans to communicate, once I got home and Arla had left church.

Later in the day, I received the shipping address, so I could mail the necklaces back to her. Arla and Kaitlyn are extremely happy and grateful, to be getting the necklaces back. The necklaces are very sentimental. Arla told me

“The diamond was given to Kaitlyn, by me years ago and the charm was given to her by her best friend who got it from Spain”.

Just so thankful that I was able to help Arla and Kaitlyn , in their time of need.

Sentimental, Inherited Gold Wedding Ring Lost, In The Water, At Sebago Lake State Park, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Friday, July 19th, I started getting some Facebook Messages and I was also being tagged m in a post, about a lost ring, at Sebago Lake State Park, in Casco, Maine. I replied to my followers, on the lost ring post, that I would try and contact her, to see if she needed The Ring Finders of Maine help. A few hours, after I had left her a message, I received a message back, from her.

“Hi this is Mary D****👋🏻
I don’t have a picture of the ring. I know where ish in the water where we were. I believe it got covered in sand. Are you familiar with Sebago Lake Park?
My dad would always bring us to the East area beach”.

Mary and I started texting each other and she was definitely interested in getting her ring back. She asked me how The Ringfinders of Maine thing worked. I told her that I do not charge for my time or service, but do require a transportation fee, thats it. This is to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear, etc.. Mary then agreed to use my services.

Mary also told me that the lost ring, was actually her Father’s Wedding Ring and really wanted to find it. Mary’s father had passed, fairly recently and in fact, she had just received his ashes, a few weeks prior. Mary then explained that she had inherited her father’s wedding ring and wore it, sort of as a fidget ring,always touching and turning it around her finger. Mary had always taken the ring off, prior to entering the water, because it is to big for her. However, this time she forgot and while in the water, she felt it come off, dropping into the sand below. Mary, and a few others spent an hour, with snorkeling masks, looking and searching the sandy bottom, but no luck.

I then sent Mary an aerial view of the beach area and asked her what section she thinks she lost the ring in. Her reply, Section 5, was the section she was in. We then made plans to meet at 8:50am, near the entrance to the park. I would make the, just over an hour drive, from my home in Saco, Maine. The park opened at 9:00am and we wanted to be there, for the opening, of the park. We met at the prescribed time and I followed Mary, into the park and down to the parking area, next to the beach. I got my equipment and followed Mary, to the beach. Mary showed me the approximate area of where she thinks the ring, fell off her finger. It was approximately a 100’ X 100’ foot area and the bottom of the lake was nice and sandy. No vegetation or muck, just the way I like it.

I told Mary that I would go out, into the water, about mid stomach deep and perform a grid search, horizontal to the shore. I would complete the approximate 100’ length, take a 1/2 step over and search, going back towards the area, I had started in. I would continue searching this way, while working my way towards the shore. I had made 5 or 6 such passes, thinking to myself that this beach was extremely clean. I hadn’t had any targets of either Ferrous or Non Ferrous, other than a few, barely audible ferrous items, I didn’t bother digging. About 15 minutes, into the search, I finally received a very loud, low tone and it was a repeatable target. A very solid low tone. I immediately smiled, plunged my pinpointer into the water and sand and found the target. I scooped up a handful of sand, but nothing appeared. I grabbed another handful of sand and this time, I spotted Mary’s ring. Mary was in the water, with her Father’s sister, her Aunt. They were approximately 10 feet, further out in the water, from me, watching intently. As I brought my hand out of the water, I held the ring up and said, “I have found your ring “. Both Mary and her Aunt, rushed right over and I received a big hug from both of them and a high five, from Mary. They were both in a mild shock, that I had found the ring. Mary’s Aunt is her Father’s sister and she was very happy and may I say, a little emotional, that I had found her brothers ring. Mary was also very emotional, as I could see it, in her eyes and on her face.

Rings like these are worth so much more than money. These rings are family and blood. Nothing can replace these very sentimental items and now Mary can continue fidgeting with her father’s wedding ring, once she gets it resized. The ring was made, for her father, by someone that he knew. Mary said she would take it to that person and see about getting the ring resized.

I am also on cloud nine. There is no greater feeling, than to return a lost item, seeing the emotional reaction and the smiles. As we say, “Every Ring Has A Story “. Now Mary’s ring has just had another chapter, added to the story.


  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Sunday July 7th, I was in Dover, New Hampshire, searching for a lost Engagement Ring. I checked my phone and saw, I had a text message, from 3:09pm. It was now 4:01pm. The message read as follows,

“Hello ring finders,

Hello, my husband just lost his wedding band at Scarborough, Maine beach this afternoon. I know what area of the beach we were swimming in, it was high tide and I’m thinking at low tide there will be a chance of finding it. Is this something you can help with?”

I replied

“So sorry to hear this. I am actually searching for a ring in Dover l, NH, at the moment. May I call you when I finish here and on my way home?”

The message came back as yes and I continued searching, in Dover, NH for another 1+ hours. During that time we messaged each other back and forth, as I had a few questions. I found out that the ring belonged to Riley and his wife Marybeth, had found out about my Emergency Metal Detecting Service and contacted me.

Marybeth and Riley had gone to Scarborough Beach State Park, for the day, to enjoy the beautiful weather and were surfing from approximately 11:30am to 1:15pm, when Riley noticed he was no longer wearing his wedding ring. They then got out of the water and searched the area, as best the could, but the tide was now, at high tide.
Once I got home from Dover, we started communicating again. Marybeth told me that she and Riley, were returning back to Scarborough Beach State Park and were performing a visual search, in the hopes they would find the ring. They were not able to find the ring and it was now, that Marybeth took a video of the area, they were surfing in and sent it to me. It was an extremely large area, perhaps 500-600 feet long and the width was approximately 150 feet. I sent her some aerial shots of the area asking her which area were they in, so I could better understand where they were. Marybeth also told me the following

“We were Past section 4 on your map, the surf section .
It’s a gold men’s wedding band that has a unique ridge/twist on it
We just got married a few weeks ago. We did a private ceremony and our reception party is coming up in August so we are really hoping we’ll have the ring back for that 🤞🏼
Thank you so much for your help!
1) the deepest we went out was 6 feet deep. I know that for sure because that’s how tall my husband is and the deepest we went was him just barely being able to touch the bottom

2) we know for sure it came off in the water. We went out surfing at 11:30 am and he was wearing it. We noticed at 1:15 it was missing and so we stopped surfing then

3) yes section 5

WHAT? NEWLYWEDS!!! Only married a few weeks and they have their upcoming reception party. I really need to find this ring, for them.

With the video to watch and the map now confirmed as Section 5, The surfing section, I told Marybeth I would arrive at SBSP, around 5:45am, to take advantage of the low tide.
I did arrive at the location, parked my car and walked down to the surfing section, a walk of almost 1/2 mile. Once I arrived at the Surfing section, I saw just how large of an area it was and came to the realization, I was going to be here, for a while. I decided the area was too big, to do all at once. I would cut the area, in 1/2 and start searching, mid beach, where the tide was now lapping over. I would perform a horizontal grid search, to the shore and search as much area as possible, just knowing, I could come back the next day and finish, if necessary.

Once I started my search, I dug a small hole and threw the sand up, into a pile. This would be my starting point and a marker for me. I always dig a small hole and make a small pile of sand, at the end of each grid line, turn around there, take a 1/2 over and go back towards the previous pile of dug sand, dig hole, turn around again and continue repeating this method, so as not to miss any area. It has worked well for me, in the past.

I had now searched approximately 50-75 feet, of my 1st grid line, when I received my 1st signal. It was a little scratchy , in sound, but the VDI was a decent 12-24, on the VDI Screen. Definitely in the gold range. I dug into the sand, with my scoop and threw it up, into a pile of sand. I couldn’t see any target, so I pushed some of the sand, out of the way, with my foot. I then saw a very small piece of something gold, in color. I reached down and it was a 14k Gold Ring and it looked just like the one, in the photos, that Marybeth had sent me. I absolutely couldn’t believe it. Not even two minutes and I had found the wedding ring. I just need to have Marybeth, to verify this was Riley’s Ring. So I made a video and even though it only 5:56am, I didn’t think anyone would mind, if I sent them a text, of the video. I then sent the video and 5 minutes later received a reply, from Marybeth

“No way! That is amazing!!! 😭♥️
Can you send another picture to confirm that’s it? It appears to be!”

After sending 4 photos and asking her if there was an inscription (There Wasn’t), I received another reply

“Yes that’s it! The only engraving would just be the 14k stamp. I am so grateful! ♥️ I will coordinate with my husband on when works best for him to pick it up from you in Saco.”

Thank God! Riley would be getting his wedding ring back, in time for his August reception. I can’t tell you how good this makes me feel, to be able to help people out, in their time of need.

Plans were made to return the ring to Riley, on Tuesday, July 9th, once he got out of work. When Riley arrived, he was just so happy, that he was getting his ring back. A ring, he put on his finger, for the first time, on May 8th, his wedding day. He told me that he thought he would never see that ring again.

Marybeth, texted me and told me

“Again, we are so grateful for you and all of your help! When we give a speech at our reception party in August, I am going to share this story and how grateful we are for you 🥰”

Tungsten Wedding Ring Lost In A Maine Lake, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Monday, July 15th, I received a phone call from Dan. Dan told me he had lost his Tungsten Wedding Ring, 2 days prior, on Saturday. His in-laws had rented a house, on Little Ossipee Lake, in North Waterboro, Maine. They had also rented a pontoon boat for the week. On Saturday, they decided to take the pontoon boat, to a very small island, approximately 1 mile, straight across the lake. The water around the island had very clean and clear water. The sandy and rocky bottom, ideal for swimming, for the kids. As the pontoon boat, pulled up to the island, Dan’s 3 year old son was trying to get out of the boat and into the water. Since the water was still too deep for the children, Dan struggled to get his three year old, away from the side of the boat. Once he had that situation under control, Dan jumped into the lake, to pull the pontoon boat, closer to the island and the shallow water, so he could anchor the boat, to the sand and rock bottom. Dan said the struggling with his son, made his ring move about on his finger and as he was swimming, to the shallow water, he could feel the ring, sliding down his finger. He reached down with his left hand and was able to touch the bottom, but it was to late, the ring was gone. Dan had his father in-law throw him a pair of goggles and Dan scoured the bottom, for his ring, to no avail.

After having no luck, others tried find his wedding ring over the next few days. Snorkeling, moving rocks and sand, all proved to be fruitless. It was at this point, Dan found me online and called me. Since it was Monday, mid morning and I was on the road, we made plans to meet up, the next day, at 11:00am, at the lake house. We would take the pontoon boat, over to the island and search for his ring, with my waterproof Minelab Excalibur ll metal detector. His in-laws only had access to the lake house and pontoon boat, until Thursday morning. We had to find the ring today!!!

Cheryl and I arrived early at 10:30am and Dan a few minutes later. Dan’s father in-law, immediately started up the boat and we headed to the island. It only took about 10-12 minutes to arrive, at the island and Dan, like he did on Saturday, jumped out of the boat and secured the anchor. I then jumped in and Cheryl passed me my metal detector and scoop. As Dan walked me towards the area, he thought his ring would be in, I was swinging and searching, with the detector. No targets on the walk over. Once at the spot, I almost immediately received a signal, but it did not sound, like tungsten. I need to check it out anyways, just to be sure. It turned out to be a beer bottle cap. I resumed swinging and two steps later, a nice loud low tone, the sound I was hoping for. Looking down, into the very clear water, provided no visual indication as what it may be. I then bent over, as far as I could and my face, ended up in the lake. I brought the hand held scoop up and no ring, but lots of small rocks. I then took out my pinpointer and located the target. I held the pinpointer on the target and had Dan check the target out, with his goggles. He couldn’t see the ring but he then scooped up the area, where I held the pinpointer. Nothing but more rocks. I tried relocating the target, but it had moved, on Dan’s last attempt, to scoop it up. Once, relocated, we both attempted to scoop it up and nothing but rocks. I relocated it once again and this time, Dan disappeared below the surface, with the scoop and came up with a good size scoop of rocks. Would the ring be in there? I could no longer find the target, on the bottom of the lake. Whatever it is, it’s in the scoop. As Dan was removing the rocks, I saw a very big smile, come across his face. I looked into the scoop and Dan was pulling out his ring. We had found it, in about 2 minutes but it took us another 7-8 minutes to get it off the bottom of the lake.
After loading all the detecting equipment, back up on the boat, Dan told us he hadn’t bought a new ring yet and was extremely happy to be able to tell his wife, that he wouldn’t need a new ring after all. It was a great ride back to the lake house. The entire trip, from leaving the dock, searching and recovering the ring and docking, at the lake house took a total of, 36:44. Less than 40 minutes, really surprised me. A beautiful day for a boat ride, in Maine and it ended with another client, in my “Book of Smiles”.

Later, in the afternoon, I received the following text, from Dan,

“Dennis, I am truly the thankful one! Honestly I couldn’t have imagined a better experience or outcome for my lost ring resolution. Would easily and without a doubt recommend your expertise to others. Appreciative is an understatement and I cannot thank you enough”.

I absolutely love being able to help people out, like Dan, in their time of need. It’s the best feeling in the world ❤️🙏

Gold and Diamond Ring Lost in Bridgton, Maine Lake, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and Return #46

As I raced, from the kitchen, to my living room, to answer my phone, it stopped ringing. I then saw a voicemail had just been left. The transcription read, as follows

“Yes, hi Dennis, my name is Judith H***. I live on Highland Lake in Bridgton, Maine and a friend of mine was visiting and she lost her ring. She was in the water at my property and its waist deep. It’s about a 12 x 12 area and we are calling you to see if you might be able to come and rescue her wedding ring. It’s a very sentimental ring. It was her mothers. My number is 9 0 4- ***-****, again Dennis this is Judith H*** and I’m hoping to hear back from you with a return call thank you bye…”

I immediately called back and Judith answered. She explained that her lifelong friends Anna and Maureen, have been visiting her, at her lakeside home. Anna had lost her very sentimental ring, when she jumped, into the lake, from the wharf. Anna could see the ring, in the very clear water and reached down to grab it, but it disappeared, into the sand and rocks. Judith and Maureen then joined Anna, searching for the ring, that was no longer visible. Then neighbors from surrounding homes, joined in. Still no one could find the ring. It is my experience that once many people start searching for a ring, in the water or sand, there is a good chance of moving, said ring, outside the search area or deeper into the sandy bottom. When I mentioned this, to Judith, she told the searchers, to stop searching, so they wouldn’t move the ring any further. Even though Anna had gone into panic mode, over her mother’s wedding ring, it was the right thing to do. No need to possibly make the ring, much more difficult to find, by moving it around or sending it deeper, into the sand.

Since it was now going on 8:00pm, I told Judith, I would leave my home, in Saco, around 7:00am and make the nearly 1 1/2 hour drive, to her home on Highland Lake, hoping to arrive at approximately 8:30am. This would allow me to get my Minelab Excalibur ll onto the charger and get a full charge, for this water search. I also would get the rest of my equipment, towel,change of clothing, etc., and load the vehicle up tonight and leave, 1st thing, in the morning, right after loading the Excalibur ll, into the vehicle.

Cheryl and I left the house as planned and arrived right at 8:30am. It was explained to us, by the three friends, that yesterday they were very hot and decided to jump into the lake. They had put lotion on and jumped. When in the water, Anna actually saw her ring, come off and down, down, down to the bottom it went. Once it landed, on the bottom, of the lake, she could still see it. When attempting to retrieve the ring, it moved deeper into the sand and rocks, out of sight. The resulting search was fruitless. They were certain, the ring was in a 12’ X 12’ foot area.

I entered the water, approximately where they thought the outside limit would be of about 12’. I decided to start there and grid my way, towards the wharf. After about 7-8 minutes, still no ring. I had found and scooped up a brass shell casing, a small lead fishing sinker and a penny.
As I got closer to the wharf, while facing the shore, I got the unmistakable low tone, that I thought could be gold and the ring. My waterproof Excalibur ll does not have a VDI screen, to give me any type of a reading. It is all by tone and sound. This tone got me excited and I told the three friends that if this is the ring, it is not silver, but gold. Silver is a much, much higher sounding tone.
I pressed the scoop, into the sand and rocks, checked the scoop and saw nothing. I checked the target again, lined up my foot with the target, scooped more sand and rocks and started shaking the sand out of the scoop. It was then I saw Anna’s ring, in the scoop. Once Anna realized I had found her ring, she became extremely emotional, to the point, she was visibly shaking. She was so emotional because her ring, is actually 3 rings, put together, to make one ring. The rings consisted of her own engagement and wedding ring, along with her mother’s wedding ring, which was passed down to Anna, after her mother’s death. Anna was just so distraught, that she no longer had possession of her mother’s wedding ring that she was visibly shaking, during and after the search. WOW, I am just so fortunate to be able to help people, like Anna, not only get their rings back, but the memories that come with those rings. Every ring has a story and Anna now has her story back. ❤️🙏

Gold Wedding Ring, With Diamonds, Lost In The Sand, At Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and Return #43

I saw a missed call and voicemail, on my phone, from 11:42am. It was now 12:11pm and 29 minutes had passed, since the missed call. I immediately checked the voicemail and this was the message,

“Hi good morning my name is Chris M***** and I was on Goose Rocks Beach yesterday. I took my wedding ring off and put sunscreen on and I never put the ring back on . I realized, when we got back to the hotel, that it was gone. We went back to look for it , but I’m sure it kind of fell off my lap and chair and went down into the sand . I kinda know exactly where I was when I was sitting. The trouble is where we have to be on the road at 2: 30 PM today to head towards the Portland airport to go home , we live in Ontario, California . A couple of people suggested I give you guys a call and see if maybe we could find my wedding band. My number is 9 0 9- ***-**** and my name is Chris Thank you…”

WOW! Chris had to be on the road, in just over two hours, to catch his flight, to California. This was going to be a challenging search. I need to drive, from my house, to Goose Rocks Beach, in Kennebunkport, meet up with Chris, to find out where he was on the beach and I still needed to contact Chris. I immediately called Chris back, but the call went straight to voicemail. The pressure was on to get this ring, in 2 hours and I don’t know where it was lost.

I decided to just start driving to Goose Rocks Beach and I would continue attempting , to contact Chris. As my wife and I pulled out of the driveway, I called again, straight to voicemail. It was now, 12:23pm. Another call, about 5 minutes later, straight to voicemail. I was now approximately 10 minutes from GRB , when my phone rang. It was Chris. Chris asked me how this works and I told him that I was already on my way to GRB and would be arriving in 10 minutes. Chris was ecstatic knowing, I was already on my way. Chris told me he and his wife would leave their Hotel, immediately and be there in 20 minutes. He and his wife would meet us, in front of The Tides Club, a Restaurant and Beachfront Hotel.

My wife and I arrived and parking, as usual, was a nightmare. I decided to ask Goose Rocks Beach General store, if it would be alright to park, in their lot. I told them the circumstances and they were totally on board, for me to find the ring, and fast. THANK YOU! The store was a 1/3 of a mile from The Tides Club and I had to move fast to get there. Chris called me and told me they were there. I told Chris, I was walking there at the moment and would see him shortly. I saw Chris standing at the beach access entrance and we started towards the area he had lost the ring in. It was now 1:05pm and less than 1 1/2 hours before he had to leave and catch his plane. I started my Minelab CTX-3030 metal detector up, as Chris showed me the general area. I started performing a grid of the area and then a heard a nice low tone signal. I tried checking my VDI Screen but couldn’t see it in the extremely bright sun. I ran my coil over the area, once again and a nice signal was still there. At that point, my coil had moved the sand, just enough, for me to see a small piece of a silver colored ring. I turned around, and asked Chris to come over. When he arrived, I pointed the the shiny object and Chris reached down and pulled out his stunning White Gold Wedding Ring with Diamonds. I had found Chris’s ring. Chris clenched the ring in his had and threw his fist, into the air. YES, YES, he said out loudly. He couldn’t believe it. It was now 1:08pm. It took just 3 minutes, to find his ring, with 1 hour and 22 minutes to spare. PHEW! Chris felt so out of place, without his wedding ring, he actually had purchased a ring, the night before, just so he would not feel naked, without his wedding ring. Chris was extremely happy and was in disbelief that the ring was found and found that fast. He continued to express his gratitude to my wife and I, as we walked off the beach. I felt so relieved to have found it, before his flight. The stars were aligned!
A lot of things came together, to make this happen. Being retired, gives me the ability to just up and leave, whenever I get a callout. GRB General Store allowing me to park there, to help Chris. Chris telling me that multiple people told him about me and to call me. Chris had no idea that such a service existed. So, a big shoutout to Retirement, GRB General Store and to all the people, who referred me and encouraged Chris to call me.
At 2:18pm, I received a text from Chris. It said

“Thank you again Dennis for today. I went back into town and told several shopkeepers about the good news. I’m still stunned we found it.
Chris and Julie M*****”

I just absolutely love being able to help people, like Chris. Have a safe flight home.

This was my 2nd recovery today. I will have the details of the 1st recovery, this morning, at 6:00am, as soon as I return the ring to the owner. We are in the process of setting up the time.

14K Gold Pendants, Gifted By Great Grandmother Lost In Tall Grass, in Westbrook, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and Return’s #38 & 39

On Friday Night, June 14th, I received a text at approximately 7:40pm. It said

“My daughter was playing outside and lost her gold cross and a small gold basketball off her necklace I’m located in Westbrook, Maine what do you charge thanks Jon”

I replied,

“Hi Jon, sorry to hear this.

“I do not charge for my time or for my service. I do require a $25.00 Transportation Fee, to cover my gas, tolls, wear and tear, etc.

Where did she lose it? Your property? Private property? Public property?”

Jon then proceeded to tell me

“Yes my property we have a picture of her with it on 5 mins before she went inside changed her shirt and the pendants are gone. She said-early in the day chain got caught on her bike and didn’t think anything of it. The chain and cross were given to her when her great grandmother died.”

With it now being almost 8:00pm and raining slightly, I told Jon I could be there 1st thing in the morning, after charging my detectors, overnight. Jon and I agreed to meet in the morning and start searching.

I arrived at Jon’s home, in Westbrook, Maine at 7:15am and was promptly met by Jon and his daughter, Jaelyn. Jaelyn told me that she was next to the house, next door and ran home and went in the front door. A total distance of approximately 75+- feet. Jon and Jaelyn had performed a visual search but it was useless. The grass was fairly tall and something as small as the pendants would easily fall out of sight, into the tall grass. I asked Jaelyn where the picture of her, with the pendants, still on the necklace was taken. Jaelyn took me to the spot and told me that as soon as the picture was taken, she ran home. I decided to start the search there and asked Jaelyn to walk the same path, as she had run the previous night and I would follow her, very slowly, with my Minelab CTX-3030, with a very small 6 inch sniper coil.
About 10 minutes into the search, I received a very, very, very, low sounding chirping noise. I looked into the deep grass, but couldn’t see anything. I removed my handheld pinpointer and stuck it into the deep grass and received a nice loud signal. Pushing the grass aside, I saw the top of the 14K Gold Cross, Thank God! Jon and Jaelyn couldn’t believe it and Jon said that the cross, is the more important pendant. The cross had been given to her, after her Great Grandmother had passed away.

Now, to find the very small 14K Gold Basketball Pendant. I finished searching the path that Jaelyn had taken and no basketball pendant. We all talked about the possibility of the pendant, flying off her, as she ran and into the hedges, in the front of the house. I was also thinking the basketball pendant was smaller than the cross and decided to search the path again. This time, I would search with only the hand held pinpointer, by bending over for the length of the search. Still no basketball pendant. Did it bounce, into the hedges? Out towards the street? Don’t know, so I decided to grid search the entire lawn. I started at the lawn, near the front door she had gone in. No luck. I then moved to the lawn in front of the house and started searching there. As I came up to the light post, I received a nice strong signal, about 2-4 inches, from the light post. Could I be picking up some metal associated, with the post and wires below? I looked closely, into the grass but still didn’t see anything. As I put my pinpointer, into the grass, it received a signal and as I moved the grass with the pinpointer, I could barely make out something, gold in color. As I reached down and grabbed the item, I could see a very small Gold Basketball. I finally found it, after just under 2 hours of searching. The pendant was just a few feet, off of the path that Jaelyn had run , the previous night.

I then texted Jon and told him I had found the pendant. A few minutes later, Jon and Jaelyn came outside and I asked them if they could see the pendant, in the grass. They could not see it and I passed my coil over the pendant and showed them where it was. The pendant would never have been found, with a visual search.

Jaelyn and Jon told me they didn’t think I would find either pendant , but now they were both smiling ear to ear. Jon had told me that the previous night, Jaelyn was inconsolable and just crying and crying, because she had lost her Great Grandmother’s Gold Cross. Jaelyn is now feeling much better, knowing she has both pendants again. I am so grateful that I am able to reunite people with their extremely sentimental items.

Tungsten Ring Lost In The Old Orchard Beach, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I was upstairs, putting my PJ’s on, after getting out of the shower. As I was getting dressed, I could hear my phone, ringing downstairs. When I retrieved my phone from the charger, I saw a voicemail had been left, a few minutes earlier, at 7:04pm. The voicemail message said,

“Hi there, I was told to call you. I lost my ring and I’m hoping you can help me. Eric said to call you. I’m right on Old Orchard Beach. If you get this message through just call me or my fiancé at 9 7 8- ***-**** please thank you…”

Now, Eric is the owner of The Waverly Store, a beachfront store, at The Waverly Condo Rentals and right next to The Brunswick Bar – The Largest Patio On The Beach, beachfront bar and nightclub and very close to Palace Playland Amusement Park and The Pier at Old Orchard Beach Maine. Eric is a big booster and a Facebook follower, of The Ring Finders of Maine and he personally has referred me 3-4 times, in the last year, with three recoveries made, because of his support and referral. A great guy and if you are in OOB, stop in his store and get some nice cold drinks, sunblock, umbrella or any of your day at the beach needs.

I immediately called Eric back and he told me there was a gentleman that had just lost his ring on the beach and had come in, looking to see if The Waverly Store, had a metal detector. Eric told him he didn’t but to call me instead. As Eric and I were talking, the gentleman that lost the ring, came back in the store and Eric hand him the phone. The gentleman’s name is Kaymel and he told me he knew the area the ring was in and had placed his large cooler, next to where he thought the ring had come off. A very, very, smart move by Kaymel. I told Kaymel, I could be there in 20 minutes at the most. I told my wife that I had just received a callout and would get changed, get my equipment, in the vehicle and be off. Since a steady rain was coming down, I decided to take my Minelab Excalibur II, a totally waterproof, diving detector, good for 200 feet under the water. Not knowing how long that I would be in the rain, this was my best bet and is a great beach detector.

My wife and I arrived at The Waverly Store at about 7:25pm and I saw someone, on the beach, watching the street, next to Eric’s, Waverly Store. I yell up, “Are you the one that lost a ring”. He replied yes and came down to meet me. Kaymel walked with me, to where he had placed his cooler. I asked him where he thought he lost the ring and he told me in “this area”, as he waved his finger in a circular motion. I turned on the Excalibur and started walking on the right edge of the area and about 5-6 feet, from the cooler. Not even 30 seconds into the search, I received a great, loud, low tone signal. I grabbed my pinpointer, placed it in the sand, found the target, put my hand, into the sand and pulled out Kaymel’s beautiful Tungsten Ring. Doesn’t get much easier than that and all because Kaymel had the foresight, to place his cooler, where he thought the ring had come off. I cannot tell you how important little things like this, help in recovering lost items. The smiles, on our faces, were ear to ear.
Kaymel told me that he and his girlfriend were packing up, when it started raining. As he was taking the tent down his ring flew off his finger , due to the rain, making his hands all wet and cold. As I was giving Kaymel, a ride to his vehicle, with his cooler and tent, he thanked me over and over. It’s so great, to be able to help people, like Kaymel, when, they feel helpless, not knowing if they will ever get their lost ring back. Kaymel not only has his ring back but will also be in my “Book of Smiles”.

Gifted 14K Gold Wedding Ring, Lost In The Ocean, in Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and return #35, in the past year. Should you ever lose a ring, keys, phone, jewelry or anything metallic, contact The Ring Finders of Maine, for a chance to get your item back, that you thought was lost forever.

On Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, I found a Men’s Wedding Ring and posted it to Facebook, in the hopes, the owner would recognize it and I would be able to return it. One of the comments, on my post was from Samantha. She commented, “My son lost a Gold Wedding Ring, at Crescent Beach, last weekend, if you ever find anything there”.
I replied that I was sorry to hear this and could she send me a Facebook private message, which she did. I replied with an aerial view of Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, ME, in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I marked off 5 sections of the large beach area and asked Samantha if her son had lost the ring in one of the 5 sections. She sent back my photo, with an area, circled in yellow and told me it was lost in that area. She then sent another PM and stated

“ He lost it in the water, a little bit, but the tides were in between. He’s only 9 and it was my Dad’s ring, that he gave to him. He was super sad, when it fell off”.

I replied with,
“So not to deep. I am not familiar with this beach but I can certainly give it a try. I do have waterproof detectors. You say the tides were in between, so he wasn’t way out there”.

Samatha replied, “He wasn’t way out! Dry sand was a very short distance behind me. The beach that day was pretty clear as well, so we could see the bottom. Just couldn’t find the ring”.

I then told her that I had a previous commitment, the next morning, Thursday, was going to be out of state, on Friday and if Crescent Beach State Park, would grant me permission, I would search on Saturday, when the tide was advantageous. I told her if I could make it Thursday, I would, but it would be tight, with the tide coming in. With the ring, already lost for 5 days, in the water m I really didn’t want to wait until Saturday.
Samantha replied, “Aww ok! No pressure at all! Thank you”!
I knew there was pressure because when something is lost in the water or, the tides and waves could potentially make it lost forever. I had to get there asap.

The next morning, I finished up with my commitment and it was 10:30am. Low tide was at 11:09am. If I left right then and drive the approximate 25 30 minutes, to the State Park, I could get 2-3 hours of searching completed, before the incoming tide would overtake the search area.

I arrived at Crescent Beach State Park and started searching at 11:10am, low tide. The tide was now coming in. I started searching about a 1/3 of the way down, to the water and performed a grid search, horizontally to the beach and the ocean. Back and forth, searching approximately 100 to 125 feet and then turning around heading back to the starting point. I had made 4 such passes, digging the occasional non-ferrous target. At approximately 35 – 40 minutes, into the search, I received a mixed signal, on my VDI screen, that would not repeat. I would sometimes get a ferrous signal and sometimes a nonferrous signal. It could be two different metals, next to each other, throwing the detector off. I had enough of a good nonferrous signal, that I couldn’t, not dig it. The detector was telling me it was 3 inches under the sand and I slid the scoop, into the hard packed sand. Ran my coil, over the pile of sand and the target, was in the pile of sand that I had just dug out of the beach. I pulled my pin pointer out and stuck it in the pile, I had just dug. The pin pointer located the target and as I removed the sand, around the target, I saw the unmistakable color of GOLD. I removed a little more sand and saw the complete ring. I had found the ring.

I then sent a photo of the ring, on my scoops handle, to Samantha and she replied, “OMG, That’s right in the area we were in. You are so amazing. I’m sending the photo, to my Dad, real quick, to confirm. I believe it is”. A couple of minutes later, “Yes it is!!!”

I then told Samantha to give me a call at 1:00pm, when I arrived home, so we could make plans to return the ring.
Samantha the sent another PM, “My son is going to be so happy. He cried and cried and said he would give anything, to have the ring back. You are quite possibly, the best person on earth.” Well, her son will be getting the ring back soon.

When she called, Samantha told me she lived in Gorham, Maine and was getting out of work at 3:30pm. We would meet at the Hannaford Supermarkets, on Rt 1, in Saco Maine, at 4:00pm.

We met at 4:00pm and Samantha brought her son Jacob, with her. It is Jacob’s ring and it fell off, of his finger, in the cold North Atlantic waters, 5 days earlier. Jacob was extremely happy to have his ring back. His ring, is actually his grandfather’s ring, that was gifted to Jacob and his mother told me that Jacob had to tell his grandfather that he had lost the ring, which was very hard for Jacob to do. Now Jacob gets to tell his grandfather, that he now has it back. Jacob also will NEVER EVER wear his ring to the beach again. I just love seeing people happy and smiling, like Jacob is now.


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