Wedding Ring Lost In The Water, While Tossing A Football, In Ocean Park, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

I received a phone call at approximately 1:20pm, on Thursday August 7th. The woman calling told me a Wedding Ring had been lost at Ocean Park, Maine, approximately 15 minutes earlier. After asking a few questions, that she was relaying to someone else, she put Tom on the phone. Tom had been tossing a football with a friend, about 40 minutes prior to the 2:00pm high tide. Tom told me he was in the water and when they stopped tossing the football around, Tom noticed he was no longer wearing his Black Tungsten Wedding Ring.

Since the tide was still incoming, I agreed to meet him, in Ocean Park, at 4:00pm. This would be a full two hours, after high tide and hopefully the tide would be out far enough to search for Tom’s wedding ring.
Then at 2:03pm, I received another call. Someone has lost a Gold Signet Ring, 10 minutes earlier, in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. I told her, that I could come search for the signet ring, once I finished my search in Ocean Park Beach. Thankfully, the Ocean Park location and the Old Orchard Beach, Maine location were only 2 miles apart. I then texted Tom and asked him if I brought a backup metal detector, would he be willing to help search for his ring. This would speed up the whole process and with two searches lined up, Tom enthusiastically agreed.
Cheryl and I met Tom at 4:00pm and was surprised to find the tide was still very high. I set up both detectors and showed Tom the basics and even brought a Tungsten test ring, to show Tom the readings, on the detector and the sound.
Tom and I searched the slope of the beach but the waves were still very very rough and strong. After searching , for a hour, it looked like we wouldn’t be able to get to the bottom of the slope, for another hour or so, as the waves rushed up the slope, I asked Tom if he wouldn’t mind if I drove down to the next search, a few miles away. This would allow the Ocean Park tide to recede further out and hopefully, when I returned to Ocean Park, we could continue to search, further Dow the slope and onto the flat area of the beach. I also told Tom that he looked trustworthy and that I would trust him with my backup detector, so he could continue to search for his ring, as the tide slowly receded.
Cheryl and I then left for search #2. We arrived at the Old Orchard Beach location at approximately 5:25pm and Lissa met us. We parked the car and all walked down to the location of where Kaitlin, Lissa’s daughter had lost her Gold Signet Ring, in the water. The rest of this search, will be in my next story.
Cheryl and I got back in the car and headed back to Ocean Park. I saw a text come in from Tom and it said

“Found it! If you let me know where you are I can bring you your equipment”.

I replied, “That’s awesome. On my way”.

Cheryl and I arrived a few minutes later and met Tom. Tom told us that he did find the ring, on the bottom section of the slope and not the flat section. He also estimated the ring had already sunk, close to 9 inches, in the very soft, soupy sand. WOW! What a great recovery. Congratulations Tom!

Our goal at The Ring Finders is to get the clients lost item, back to the client. If that means bringing an extra detector or two, so be it. I find that when the client gets involved, they really enjoy the experience and when they end up finding their own ring, they are simply ecstatic. I am also ecstatic to be able to add to my book of smiles.


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