Metal detector expert Louisiana Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Engagement Ring in Kenner, Louisiana – FOUND

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Joseph called and asked for help in finding his fiancé’s, Ingrid, lost engagement ring. They were having an argument, and she threw her diamond engagement ring across the street into his neighbor’s driveway or yard. Carrie and I loaded up our equipment the next morning for the 3-hour drive to the site. When we got to the house, we were early, and Ingrid had not arrived yet. We started a hunt in Joseph’s yard while waiting. We met the neighbor and received permission to hunt their yard. Ingrid arrived soon after. We talked to her some and then had her throw an assortment of rings and washers tied with plastic flagging tape. When I collected the flagged items, I saw the ring in plain view on the driveway. We reunited Ingrid with her ring, took pictures and headed home.

Thank you for your generous reward.