Lost gold ring Buffler’s beach Ontario Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost and found diamond engagement and wedding rings at Buffler’s beach Ontario

Received a text bright and early this morning about a young lady having lost both her rings yesterday. Oli and his wife Selam were at Buffler’s beach yesterday, enjoying a beautiful day until disaster struck. While playing volleyball in the water, Selam felt both her diamond engagement ring and wedding band fly off her finger, when hitting the ball while being about knee deep in the water. This happened at noon. They frantically searched till 7PM with no luck. After a few of my usual questions, I headed to the beach and met with them. With Selam standing where she thought the rings came off, I started gridding the area and within 40 minutes or so, was able to locate both rings for her. The rings were actually about 25 feet away due to the swinging motion while hitting the ball and only about 1 foot apart laying in the sand. She was so genuinely happy and very emotional and, after some tears, asked for a hug which I gladly shared with her. Lovely young couple and so happy I was able to reunite them with their lost rings. Life is great!!!